10 best vitamins for bones and joints

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

All mammals, including humans, have an internal skeleton, not an external one. But there are many perfectly arranged multicellular organisms, such as beetles, spiders and dragonflies, and their skeleton is external. The internal skeleton allows you to interact with the external environment as actively as possible, and to have such a full range of motion of the limbs in all planes as possible. If man did not have an internal skeleton, he would not be able to create a civilization.

What substances must be used in childhood and adults for the development of the skeleton to proceed correctly and to keep bones and joints in good physical shape for many years? This requires both vitamins and minerals. The composition of bone tissue contains compounds of calcium and magnesium, but the absorption of calcium is impossible without vitamin D3. In addition to inorganic substances, connective tissue or collagen fibers are necessarily present in the structure of bone tissue, which are then mineralized. Ligaments are composed of collagen fibers; it is part of the cartilage that covers the articular surfaces of the bones.

In turn, collagen synthesis is possible only in the presence of fat-soluble vitamins such as alpha-tocopherol, or vitamin E, as well as D3 – cholecalciferol. However, the main material for building the skeleton is calcium. In the event that there is a deficiency in the blood, then active calcium from the bones is washed out into the bloodstream, which leads to osteoporosis in adulthood. But little depends on calcium if the human body has few elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, and the above vitamins.

Therefore, in the event that a person has health problems, for example, pathological fractures or osteoporosis, then in no case should one start taking vitamin and mineral complexes immediately, without a doctor's recommendation. It is necessary to make a diagnosis and then prescribe treatment.

But in any case, and even without a doctor's appointment, you can improve the condition of your bones and joints. To do this, it is enough to normalize body weight, quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Sweets are the biggest enemies of healthy bones and joints, as they are high in fast carbs. Carbohydrates remove calcium from the body, much like a strict vegetarian or vegan diet. If you decide to strengthen your bone tissue, then you should limit your diet to the use of black coffee, various fizzy and carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones.

In addition to the above ingredients, vitamins C and B6 are necessary for bones, which help to synthesize collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine – the structural components of collagen. Microelements such as sulfur, indispensable for cartilage, manganese and selenium, are very important for the development of a normal skeleton. Do not forget about higher fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic).

This rating of useful OTC vitamin and mineral complexes for bones and joints includes three sections. The first contains funds aimed mainly at improving nutrition and regenerating cartilage tissue – the so-called chondroprotectors: chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. The second group includes vitamin and mineral complexes, the intake of which is aimed at normalizing the balance of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements in the body of adults, but do not contain chondroprotectors. Finally, the third group includes vitamins for bones and joints, used in childhood. All prices are given at the end of February 2019 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in major cities of the Russian Federation.

Ranking of the best vitamins for bones

Nomination a place Name of product price
Popular chondroprotectors for bones and joints 1 Doppelherz Active Glucosamine + Chondroitin 551 r
2 Don RUB 1 155
3 Artra RUB 1,485
4 Inoltra RUB 5,069
The best vitamin and mineral complexes for bones 1 Kalcemin Advance 399 RUB
2 Calcium D3 Nycomed (Natekal, Natemille) 330 RUB
3 Complivit calcium D3 gold 942 RUB
Best Children's Vitamins for Bones 1 Aquadetrim 188 r
2 Multi-Tabs Baby (vitamins A, C, E) RUB 400
3 Alphabet 'Kindergarten' 285 r

This group of drugs includes, first of all, those that are aimed at normalizing the structure and function of the organic matter of our skeleton. It is known that if a human bone is placed in an acid that dissolves all minerals, then only collagen will remain in it, and it can be tied in a knot. Regular intake of chondroprotectors is aimed at restoring the damaged structure of collagen, which is the main tissue of tendons, ligaments, meniscus of the knee joints, intervertebral discs and cartilage.

Doppelherz Active Glucosamine + Chondroitin

Rating: 4.9

Doppelherz Active Glucosamine + Chondroitin

This vitamin and mineral complex is produced by the German company Kweisser Pharma, and is a combination of two active ingredients that help to normalize the metabolism of connective tissue – collagen. Each capsule contains 750 mg of glucosamine in the sulfate form, and chondroitin in the same form, in the amount of 100 milligrams. These capsules are considered a dietary supplement since no vitamins exist in them. This drug is indicated for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, of which osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis are considered the main ones. Convenient administration: one capsule once a day with meals. The course of admission is 2 months. A package of 30 capsules costs, on average, 489 rubles in retail, and it lasts for one month.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many complexes containing glucosamine and chondroitin, both together and separately. But the convenience of the Doppelherz asset is that there are no vitamins in it. This means that this supplement can be taken in combination with any mineral and vitamin complexes, and there will be no risk of an overdose of vitamins. In addition, the drug is distinguished by German quality, as well as good compliance, or patient adherence to an intake that does not depend on food, only one capsule a day is required. If you try, you can find the drug in the pharmacy for 405 rubles. When calculated per month, this is not too high a cost.


Rating: 4.8


Unlike the previous drug, Dona contains only glucosamine sulfate, 750 mg per tablet. By itself, this substance stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans, which then form collagen, and affect the metabolism of the articular cartilage. The drug in complex application is able to reduce joint pain, reduce inflammation, and is also able to increase the amount of secreted joint fluid, which is called synovial fluid. It normalizes the processes of physiological destruction and growth of cartilage tissue. It was noted that the regular use of Don's tablets contributed to the elimination of calcification of cartilaginous tissue, which indirectly indicates a positive effect on calcium metabolism.

The indications for the use of this drug are the same, that is, osteochondrosis and various forms of osteoarthritis. Don should take one tablet twice a day with meals. The first effect is noticeable after two weeks of admission, and consists in improving the range of motion and reducing pain and crunching in the joints. The manufacturer recommended a course of treatment for one – one and a half months. This drug is produced by the German company Madaus, and it cannot be considered too cheap: one package of 60 tablets, designed for a month of use, costs 1,360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dona's only significant drawback is the fact that it contains only one component, unlike the previous supplement, but it costs almost twice as much, despite the fact that both drugs are of German quality. Dona, unfortunately, is contraindicated in severe renal failure, pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age. The drug is well tolerated, but in some cases, there may be stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and various allergic skin reactions. It is recommended to use this agent in combination therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as glucocorticosteroid hormones, if necessary. It is important to remember that the source of glucosamine for this remedy is seafood. Therefore, individuals with allergies to shrimp and other sea creatures may have an increased risk of allergy to this drug as well.


Rating: 4.7


Artra is another high-quality combination drug, which is classified as a second generation chondroprotector. As well as Doppelhertz-active, it contains highly purified glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which are related to stimulants of cartilage tissue regeneration. Unlike its competitors in the group, both glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are contained in it in equal proportions: 500 mg each in one yellowish tablet.

The action of this substance is the same. The active ingredients improve the production of connective tissue and synovial fluid, reduce the destruction of cartilage, joint soreness, thus improving the quality of life in patients. Shown Artra supplement for osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, with pain in the joints. Adults need to take it one tablet twice a day in the first three weeks, and then one tablet once a day. The manufacturer warns that such a course (one tablet at a time) can last up to six months, and it is this period that is considered the shortest to achieve a stable therapeutic effect.

Arthra costs a lot: a package of 120 capsules – on average, 2200 rubles. But if you count, then 42 tablets will be used in the first three weeks, and there will be even more than seventy, which is quite enough for 11 weeks of taking, or almost 3 months at the rate of one tablet a day. Therefore, such a large package, distributed over 4 months of admission, will already cost 550 rubles a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Arthra is the combined composition, characteristic of second generation chondroprotectors, the ability to purchase, as it were, 'in a small wholesale' the maximum package of 120 tablets. But this drug also has contraindications. As in the past, these are serious renal dysfunctions, bleeding, pregnancy, and the period of breastfeeding.


Rating: 4.6


And here is the most expensive drug from the group of chondroprotectors. This is Inoltra, which is produced by the American company Irwin Naturals. So, one pack of 180 tablets, on average, will cost 5300 rubles. In other words, almost 30 rubles per tablet. What does the patient get in return? First of all, Inoltra is not only glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. It is a complex of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids that are essential for the synthesis of bone matrix and collagen, it is gamma-linolenic acid, three essential vitamins for bones and joints. These are vitamin K, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), and ascorbic acid. Additionally, manganese aspartate is added as a trace element.

The distinctive quality of Inoltra will be anti-inflammatory activity. In addition to the regeneration of cartilage tissue, it improves regeneration and relieves inflammation. It is necessary to use this drug 2 capsules 2 times a day, and the average course duration is 3 months. Accordingly, the course of administration will require 360 ​​capsules, or two large packages. Thus, the use of Inoltra within a month will cost 3500 rubles. This is a really expensive drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite all the advantages, and the American quality, the price of Inoltra is definitely overpriced. It is quite possible to replace it with the same Doppelhertz asset, which was the first number in the list. Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from fish oil, while vitamin E and manganese can be obtained from any inexpensive vitamin complex. As a result, you can just as well use this set of three drugs, and its total cost will be much cheaper than 1,000 rubles a month. The only drawback will be not a very convenient reception, since you have to dose three different dietary supplements at once.

But in the case of Inoltra, too, it does not do with the ideal ratio – 'one day-one capsule'. The instructions even indicate that the patient can take three capsules 3 times a day. This means that 180 capsules will run out in 3 weeks, and the course of administration will be even more expensive. Of the advantages, it can be noted that with respect to this drug, randomized controlled trials were conducted on the basis of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and it was proved that this supplement is comparable in its effect to the drug, and leads to an improvement in joint mobility, and a decrease in pain. But it's better to find a decent medicine that is guaranteed to help than a very expensive dietary supplement.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for bones

This section of the best vitamins for bones and joints includes vitamins and minerals that do not contain cartilage regenerators. They act mainly on mineral metabolism and metabolism of trace elements in bone tissue and in blood plasma. The classical representatives are Calcemin Advance and Calcium D3 Nycomed, with which the review of this group begins.

Kalcemin Advance

Rating: 4.9

Kalcemin Advance

Calcemin Advance is a wonderful complex vitamin and mineral preparation, which is a full-fledged regulator of phosphorus and calcium metabolism, and in combination with vitamin D, which is especially valuable. This fact allows it to be used in case of deficiency of vitamins and mineral components, in case of disease of hard dental tissues, in osteoporosis in the adult population, including after removal of the ovaries in women, with poor healing of fractures, with various disorders of bone tissue. The preparation contains calcium in the form of citrate, vitamin D3, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and boron. Calcemin Advance are pink biconvex tablets. It is necessary to use Calcemin Advance in adults and children over 12 years old – one tablet, 2 times a day for 2 months. The average cost of one package of 60 tablets, calculated for a month of admission, is 657 rubles. Calcemin Advance is produced by the German concern Bayer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Calcemin Advance is a combined vitamin and mineral preparation, a real treasure for improving bones and joints. It contains all the necessary substances, vitamin D3 in active form, the supplement has a low cost and good quality. In this case, the minimum price may even be 570 rubles. A great advantage is the possibility of using this drug in pregnant women, good tolerance. But it is advisable not to combine Calcemin with antibiotics, thyroxin in the treatment of thyroid disease, with phosphates, and cardiac glycosides. It must be remembered that dietary fiber – sorbents, fiber and bran can slow down the absorption of calcium in the intestine, so it is advisable not to combine the intake of these vitamin supplements and ballast substances.

Calcium D3 Nycomed (Natekal, Natemille)

Rating: 4.8

Calcium D3 Nycomed (Natekal, Natemille)

The complex preparation Calcium D3 Nycomed, which is the necessary minimum of substances useful for bones and joints, and taking part in the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, has earned truly nationwide love in Russia. These are vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, and calcium carbonate. One tablet contains the equivalent of 500 mg of elemental calcium, and 200 IU of cholecalciferol. The manufacturer is Nycomed (now Takeda), and this supplement is available in the form of chewable tablets with mint, orange and strawberry-watermelon flavors. The tool remarkably compensates for the deficiency of elemental calcium and vitamin D3. For the prevention of adults and children over 12 years old, 2 tablets per day are enough. Children from 5 years old – one tablet, and the pediatrician prescribes the dosage for babies. Based on these data, a package of 60 tablets on sale will be enough for an adult for a month, and its average cost does not exceed 300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

We can say that dignity is at the same time a disadvantage. Calcium D3 Nycomed contains the minimum of high-quality ingredients that regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, including vitamin D3. Therefore, it has few contraindications and side effects, like all complex products with a small number of components. But on the other hand, it lacks trace elements, such as in Calcemin Advance, other vitamins. This supplement is contraindicated in individuals with severe liver and kidney disorders and in very elderly patients. If you take these conditions into account, and take it according to the instructions, then Calcium D3 Nycomed has high efficiency and decent tolerance.

Complivit calcium D3 gold

Rating: 4.7

Complivit calcium D3 gold

This highly effective drug can also be taken by women who are in menopause. Indeed, the drug contains fat-soluble vitamin K, phytoestrogens, which reduce the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and irritability. The role of such an anti-climacteric agent is played by the isoflavone genistein, which belongs to plant phytoestrogens. Additionally, this complex includes vitamin C, retinol acetate, vitamin E, B vitamins, rutin, folic and pantothenic acids, compounds of iron, copper and calcium, manganese, zinc and even cobalt in the form of sulfate salts. This drug is widely used in gynecology and endocrinology, and in addition to these indications, it can also be used in ordinary groups of the population, and even in children.

The main indication is the prevention of vitamin deficiency in winter and spring, then this remedy must be used one tablet once a day. But in women in menopause, the existing dosage is doubled. The cost of one package of 60 tablets, designed for a monthly intake in the complex therapy of climacteric disorders, is 860 rubles. It is enough for 2 months of admission for adults and children to prevent seasonal hypovitaminosis and improve the function of bones and joints.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this vitamin-mineral complex is the skillful introduction of phytoestrogen, which, on the one hand, has a mild effect and helps in the complex therapy of climacteric disorders. On the other hand, in men and children, this remedy practically does not have the effect that it produces on the female body when there are receptors for estrogen, but there is little estrogen itself. Therefore, the main indication for this complex can be considered the prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But it should be remembered that allergic reactions can occur to this drug, and it should not be used in pregnant and lactating women.

Best Children's Vitamins for Bones

Mineral complexes for children, aimed at the harmonious development of bones and joints, are sometimes needed to a much greater extent than for an adult. Parents and grandparents should remember that from birth to the age of five, the baby's skeleton is actively developing, and calcium and phosphorus, assimilated from the blood, are deposited in the form of minerals in the bone tissue. In adults, this process is much less active. But it should be warned that you should not immediately, without a doctor's prescription, prescribe such drugs, even those sold without a prescription, because sometimes they can do more harm than good. The main indication for the use of complexes in babies is the prevention of rickets. A classic example of such a remedy for children is Aquadetrim.


Rating: 4.9


Aquadetrim are delicious droplets that taste sweet and smell like anise. They contain only cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, from which the vitamin has such a name. Vitamin D3 is a universal regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, and is indicated not only for prophylaxis, but also for the treatment of pathology of bones and joints. In adults, it can be used with reduced function of the parathyroid glands, osteoporosis, softening of the bones. And in children, the main indications are the prevention of vitamin deficiency and the treatment of rickets.

It is recommended to use this remedy in newborns from the first month of life to 3 years, while one drop on the tongue per day is quite enough. This drop contains 500 IU of vitamin D3. This is a prophylactic dose that is prescribed to children with adequate nutrition. As for premature babies, according to the testimony of a pediatrician, the dose can be up to 3 drops, while in the summer, with proper care and nutrition, the dosage is reduced.

If the child's skeleton is developing well, then at the age of 3 years, the prophylactic administration of Aquadetrim can be stopped. As for adults, with vitamin deficiency, for example, in winter, one drop per day is also indicated, as well as in pregnant women. In women after menopause, the dosage can be increased to 2 drops per day. Treatment of rickets is carried out according to indications and under the supervision of a pediatrician. In this case, Aquadetrim is prescribed in much higher doses, up to 10 drops per day, but only under the supervision of a physician. These drops are produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company Medana Pharma, and a 10 ml bottle will cost about 185 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of this drug may be aniseed taste and smell, not all children love aniseed drops. In addition, you need to be very careful about the possibility of inadvertently causing overdose symptoms. This is a headache, loss of appetite, vomiting, thirst, symptoms of intestinal colic. It is better not to give too much than to give too much, because vitamin D3 can lead to excess calcium extraction from the blood. As a result, ingestion can even cause corneal opacity and the deposition of kidney stones. But in the event that the drug is used according to indications, under medical supervision and in minimal dosages, then it is very well tolerated. Aquadetrim is contraindicated in high blood and urine calcium levels, in sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and chronic renal failure. In pediatrics, you should definitely consult a pediatrician before using Aquadetrim and other similar drugs if there is a risk of early overgrowth of fontanelles, that is, an excessive process of ossification and ossification.

Multi-Tabs Baby (vitamins A, C, E)

Rating: 4.8

Multi-Tabs Baby (vitamins A, C, E)

One of the complex remedies specially designed for the prevention of bone and joint diseases in children are Multi-Tabs Baby drops. They are used from infancy. Indications for use are vitamin A, C and D deficiency and prevention. Therefore, unlike Aquadetrim, Multi-Tabs Baby drops can also be used to prevent scurvy, and to improve vision, that is, to prevent deficiency of retinol, or vitamin A.

The action of Multi-Tabs Baby in relation to the bones of the skeleton differs little from the previous remedy, therefore, these drops can even be considered Aquadetrim, but at the same time enriched with vitamins A and C. However, since the active ingredients are contained in a different proportion, these drops are prescribed to babies under the age of one year 1 ml or 0.5 ml. The Ferrosan company produces Multi-Tabs Baby, and the average cost of one bottle of 30 ml is 415 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of this drug will be a convenient release, it can be taken both with meals and before feeding the baby. The tolerance of these drops is good, and the only thing that can limit the use is the ethyl alcohol content, but its not higher than 7.68%, and when dosed in drops, this is not at all scary. However, this can serve as an obstacle if the child has congenital liver and biliary tract diseases, convulsive syndrome. Also, this remedy should not be taken by babies with a high calcium content in the blood, since it contains vitamin D3.

Alphabet 'Kindergarten'

Rating: 4.7

Alphabet 'Kindergarten'

This complex multivitamin preparation was created not only for the prevention of avitaminosis of bones and joints, but also for the prevention of deficiency of many vitamins and microelements. The set includes three multi-colored tablets. Yellow – green tastes like apple, pink – strawberry, orange – orange flavor. Each of them contains different ingredients. So, the first tablet contains 6, the second – 5, and the third 11 different components. The result is a full-fledged mineral and vitamin complex, which is indicated for babies aged 3 years and up to school age, up to seven years. Since the composition contains various vitamins and minerals, including calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and iron, vitamin C and thiamine, it must be taken three times a day.

This technique is designed so that only those ingredients that do not have antagonism are taken and absorbed in each of the tablets. It is known that calcium should be used separately from iron, since they negatively affect each other. It is this division that is the 'highlight' of the Alphabet 'Kindergarten' drug. To comply with this regime, it is enough to eat a pill of different colors for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The usual course of admission is 1 month, if you take the Alphabet prophylactically. This complex is produced by the domestic production association Vneshtorgfarma, and the cost of one package, designed for 3 weeks (60 tablets), is 296 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this vitamin – mineral complex can be considered a good selection and exceptional richness of vitamins and minerals, which are shown not only for bones and joints, but in general for the full development of the child's body. The use of three separate doses for vitamins and minerals – antagonists minimizes the decrease in action and drug antagonism. Therefore, only individual intolerance and allergic reactions, which are infrequent, may appear to the Alphabet 'Kindergarten'. But before the first use, you should make sure that the child does not have a hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, as well as an increased content of calcium in the blood, since the complex contains calcium and vitamin D3. But otherwise, this remedy is useful for the child's body, and not only for normalizing the nutrition of bones and joints.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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