10 best remedies for bloating (flatulence)

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The process of digestion is inevitably accompanied by the release of gases, and a healthy adult releases them about a liter every day, in small, periodic portions. Typically, a medium serving size is about 100 milliliters. But in some cases, this volume increases significantly, and begins to bother a person, up to the development of pain syndrome.

There is a misconception that intestinal gas consists entirely of hydrogen sulfide, but this is not entirely true. Indeed, the smell of rotten eggs is sometimes inherent in intestinal gas, but the human sense of smell is able to pick up hydrogen sulfide even in very small concentrations. The main components are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and oxygen. Mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide are also present in small amounts.

Gases in the intestine are not at all in a free state, and do not overflow with bubbles in different parts of it. Usually, gas bubbles are in the form of foam, which is located along the intestinal walls, and they rarely penetrate into the intestinal contents. This is important, since the physical effect is based on the work of some drugs to combat excess gas formation, which are called defoamers.

The reasons why flatulence occurs are varied. In adults, this is most often the result of an improper diet, swallowing air. This happens while smoking, chewing gum, and also if a person has a bad habit of eating on the go. Excessive consumption of beer, kvass and carbonated water leads to increased gas formation. Legumes, and especially peas, cause bloating in foods.

In some cases, hereditary factors, such as congenital lactase deficiency, are the cause of flatulence. If a person eats a lot of sweet dishes, then they begin to ferment in the intestines, and during fermentation, as you know, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released.

By itself, excessive gas formation is unpleasant, but does not cause much discomfort. But quite often, bloating leads to discomfort and pain in the abdomen, and therefore significantly impairs the quality of life. This rating includes modern and safe drugs that are able to successfully fight excess gas formation. These are enterosorbents that work as gas absorbers, defoamers that change the physical properties of bubbles, enzyme preparations that help to process the substrate as best as possible, depriving microorganisms of a nutrient medium for gas formation. Also, the drugs included in the rating include eubiotics, or bacterial agents. Let's consider them in more detail.

Rating of the best remedies for bloating (flatulence)

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best Enterosorbents 1 Polysorb MP 398 RUB
2 Enterosgel 376 r
3 White coal 269 ​​r
BEST Antifoaming and Enzymes 1 Simethicone (Espumisan, Bobotik, Sub-Simplex, Disflatil) 403 RUB
2 Meteospazmil (simethicone + alverina citrate) 444 r
3 Pancreoflat (dimethicone + pancreatin)
4 Creon 309 r
BEST Probiotics, eubiotics 1 Hilak forte 450 RUB
2 Linex Forte RUB 520
3 Bifiform 435 r

The best enterosorbents

The mechanism of action of enterosorbents is physical. All of these products have a very large surface area with a small volume, since they have a porous structure. Excess intestinal gas is absorbed by these pores, binds and excreted from the body. Sorbents are usually used in the form of a short course, since together with gases they can draw in nutrients, microorganisms and other beneficial components.

It is very important to remember that all sorbents must be taken separately from meals and from other medications so that they are not inactivated and do not reduce the medicinal benefit. Therefore, the ideal option is to take sorbents 2 hours after a meal or 2-3 hours before a meal, in a state of the most empty stomach. Consider the most popular representatives of enterosorbents included in the rating of means to combat flatulence and bloating.

Polysorb MP

Rating: 4.9


Polysorb MP is a very light, weightless snow-white powder, which consists entirely of silicon oxide, of high dispersion. Its particle size does not exceed 0.01 mm, and its adsorption capacity is very high. 1 gram of silica can absorb 300 mg of other substances, that is, take on and remove one third of its own weight from the body. This allows it to be used as an intoxicating agent and a drug to improve immunity. In addition to flatulence, Polysorb MP is indicated for intestinal infections in the recovery stage, for intoxication, for food and drug allergies, and for poisoning, including alcohol. Polysorb is used in the presence of jaundice, as a means of prophylaxis in people living in ecologically unfavorable areas, in persons exposed to periodic exposure to various doses of radioactive radiation. Polysorb MP is used to improve adaptation in people with increased physical and mental stress and sports practice.

The drug is used only when mixed in water, It is necessary to prepare the suspension before each intake. Adults need to take from 6 to 12 grams per day in 3 doses, for example, 3 grams per dose. The official instructions for the drug contain a dosage table, and according to these tables, depending on the patient's body weight, you need to calculate how many spoons you need to take for dilution with water. The duration of the course is, on average, 2 weeks. Polysorb MP is produced by a domestic enterprise of the same name, and the cost of a package weighing 50 g is 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of Polysorb MP is its inert chemical composition, the drug is well tolerated, and practically does not cause any side effects. The tool is widely used for the prevention of atherosclerosis, in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndromes, in dermatology it helps with eczema and psoriasis. Polysorb has a long shelf life, since the chemical composition of such finely dispersed silica does not differ in any way from ordinary sand or glass, but unlike them, it is able to significantly improve well-being in many chronic diseases. The only thing to remember is that if you use it too long and too much, it can cause constipation, as well as malabsorption and hypovitaminosis, because instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream in the intestines, vitamins, calcium and potassium will bind to the sorbent and be removed from organism. Therefore, after a long course, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral preparations.


Rating: 4.8


Another representative of enterosorbents made from silicon compounds is Enterosgel. It contains an organic silicon polymer, namely polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. The indications for its use are also extremely wide, and this is not only flatulence, bloating and discomfort in the abdomen. It is used for acute intestinal infections, viral hepatitis, intestinal functional disorders and dysbiosis, chronic renal failure, acute poisoning, including alcohol, oil products and organic solvents. Enterosgel is used in the complex treatment of acute and chronic industrial intoxication with mercury, arsenic, lead, carbon monoxide, allergies and many more pathological conditions.

Enterosgel is produced in the form of a soft and white paste, and it is able to bind many different compounds in the intestinal lumen, with a molecular weight of 70 to 1000 daltons. It is necessary to use this remedy in adults one tablespoon 3 times a day, stirring in a triple volume of water at room temperature. The course of admission lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. Enterosgel is produced by the domestic production company LLC Silma, and the cost of one large tube of paste weighing 225 grams is 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus from the use of Enterosgel is the fact that it does not reduce the amount of vitamins and trace elements, does not affect intestinal motility, and takes good care of normal microflora, since the pore size of this organosilicon matrix is ​​quite small. The drug is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and is excreted unchanged. For children, a special form is produced – a paste for ingestion of a sweet taste, since children perceive the tasteless texture very badly. Enterosgel is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, which occurs very rarely, as well as with low bowel tone, and with atonic constipation.

White coal

Rating: 4.7


This rating of sorbents includes exactly white coal, and not the usual black activated one. White coal is much more active, since, in fact, it is not coal at all. This is a mixture of silicon dioxide, the very one of which Polysorb consists, and microcrystalline cellulose. Due to the well-chosen balance of ingredients, it has a significantly higher sorption capacity than activated carbon, and it can be used, therefore, in small dosages: no more than 4 g per day.

White coal is prescribed in adults three to four tablets 3-4 times a day according to the usual scheme, in the intervals between meals, it must be washed down with the usual amount of drinking water. White coal is available in 700 mg tablets, and one pack of 30 of these tablets will cost 360 rubles. White coal is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Vneshtorgfarm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of white coal will be its high sorption capacity, and a low tendency to constipation. Cellulose, which is part of the drug, on the contrary, stimulates peristalsis in the intestines. Due to peristalsis, the body quickly gets rid of intestinal gas in a natural way, and this is an additional factor. Charcoal is used as a food additive, as a means before X-ray examination and before endoscopic procedures, since it significantly reduces gas production in the intestine. Of course, there are also contraindications. It is not used in pregnant and lactating mothers, with an active stage of peptic ulcer disease, with intestinal bleeding and obstruction.

Best Antifoams & Enzymes

The name itself – defoamers – speaks of the way in which medicines fight flatulence. They simply reduce the foam bubbles, and after the peristaltic wave passes through the intestine, the mixture of these bubbles decreases, whereas under normal conditions it whips up more, fills the intestinal lumen, inflates and pulls the mesentery on which the intestine is attached. This usually leads to the development of pain syndrome with bloating. When the foam is eliminated and does not interfere with the passage of intestinal contents, then there is no longer any pain syndrome, no excessive gas formation. There are few drugs of this class. All of them contain either simethicone or dimethicone, as well as additional ingredients. Enzymes facilitate digestion, improve absorption and deprive pathogenic microorganisms of the food substrate. Consider the most popular and effective defoamers used in the treatment of flatulence and excess gas, bloating in adults and children, as well as enzymes.

Simethicone (Espumisan, Bobotik, Sub-Simplex, Disflatil)

Rating: 4.9


The most popular simethicone-containing drug is Espumisan, produced by the German pharmaceutical company Catalent. Espumisan is simethicone in its pure form, and its task is to reduce the surface tension at the phase section of the foam / air medium. By reducing the surface tension, the bubbles lose the ability to split, increase and merge with each other. On the contrary, they are destroyed, being small, and the gas comes out in small volumes and in natural portions.

Shown Espumisan in a variety of conditions, accompanied by bloating and flatulence. These are functional gastrointestinal disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, dyspepsia. Espumisan is also used if the patient is to undergo an examination, for example, an ultrasound scan. It is known that gas bubbles greatly impede the construction of an image, and Espumisan eliminates these defects. Espumisan is used orally during meals or after meals, and if necessary, at night. With bloating and flatulence, with a feeling of overflow, one to two capsules are indicated up to 5 times a day for adults and for children over 14 years old. The product is produced in capsules, and the average cost of a package of 50 40 mg capsules is 440 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since Espumisan acts physically, is not absorbed in the intestinal lumen, and comes out unchanged, it can be used in pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding. You can use Espumisan for people with diabetes mellitus and various digestive disorders. Perhaps Espumisan is contraindicated only in case of intestinal obstruction, but in this condition, surgical intervention is most often indicated.

Meteospazmil (simethicone + alverina citrate)

Rating: 4.8


In the fight against bloating, complex drugs are also effective in which simethicone, acting physically, acts together with other components, in this case – with alverin. Alverin in the form of citrate exhibits antispasmodic properties, it relaxes the intestinal muscles, reduces pain sensitivity to autonomic impulses, and contributes to breaking the negative feedback 'pain – intestinal spasm'. This antispasmodic acts mildly and functionally, and reduces the muscle tone of the intestines. Alverin does not lead to an excessive decrease in it, therefore hypotension does not develop. Simethicone, on the other hand, acts physically, It destroys and precipitates foam. This leads to the fact that the gas is absorbed and released physiologically. Simethicone remains in the form of a protective membrane on the intestinal mucosa, and protects the intestinal wall from various physical and chemical damage.

The indications of this drug for use are exactly the same as in the previous case. Mostly – this is bloating and flatulence in adults and children, various dyspeptic disorders: nausea, constipation, belching. The second indication is the preparation of the patient for an endoscopic or ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. Meteospazmil is produced by the French company Laboratoires Mayoly-Spindler (France). The average cost of one package of 30 capsules is 440 rubles. Adults need to use the drug one capsule 3 times a day before meals, a course of one week with moderate flatulence and bloating.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since in this drug simethicone is combined with an antispasmodic, it can be safely used in patients with bloating on the background of intestinal hypertonicity, for example, suffering from spastic constipation. The drug will alleviate the condition, and improve well-being in such cases. Adverse allergic reactions are possible, but they occur only in rare cases. Meteospazmil is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, but this is due to insufficient research.

Pancreoflat (dimethicone + pancreatin)

Rating: 4.7


If in the previous drug there was a combination of simethicone and an antispasmodic, then an equally valuable combination of dimethicone and pancreatin, that is, an enzymatic group, was created in the Pancreoflat drug. Why do you need a compound in which the destruction of foam is combined with high enzymatic activity in relation to all groups of nutrients? This is necessary in order to reduce the lack of secretion of the pancreas. It is known that in clinical practice, bloating, or flatulence is quite often a manifestation of chronic pancreatitis, when a lack of its own enzymes, combined with an error in the diet, leads to the fact that undigested proteins, fats and carbohydrates begin to ferment and rot in the intestinal lumen, and this causes excessive gas formation. Therefore, this drug implements two mechanisms of action on pathogenesis at once.

Pancreatin contains pig enzymes, namely lipase, trypsin amylase, and helps break down food and absorb it. Therefore, the indications of Pancreoflat are narrower, it should be used in patients with pathology of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract, with bloating after various operations on the organs of the gastroduodenal zone with insufficient digestion. It is imperative to use the drug during meals so that the enzymes show their activity. One-time intake – from 1 to 2 capsules.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the event that a patient has abdominal distension combined with a periodic violation of pancreatic secretion, then Pancreoflat will be an ideal remedy, since it will reduce the amount of enzymes in replacement therapy and will not require additional costs for a separate simethicone drug, for example Espumisan under conditions of excessive gas formation. Pancreoflat is well tolerated, no overdose has been identified. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating mothers, and Pancreoflat cannot be used together with antacid drugs: Gastal, Fosfalugel, which contain magnesium carbonate and aluminum hydroxide, otherwise the activity of the drug may decrease.


Rating: 4.6


Above, little has been said about the role of pancreatic enzymes, as well as gastric juice in the prevention of bloating. In the event that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down by enzymes to the necessary substrates and absorbed, then intermediate digestive products, which can be a food source for microbes, will not accumulate in the intestine. In the event that patients have gastritis with low acidity, they are diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis or cholecystopancreatitis, and they cannot find Pancreoflat in the pharmacy, they can be prescribed enzymes for the purpose of replacement therapy. One of the most active enzyme preparations that prevent bloating and flatulence with pain is Creon.

Creon also contains high activity Pancreatin, amylase, lipase and protease. All of these pancreatic enzymes improve the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the small intestine, and help eliminate the symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia in chronic pancreatitis and gastritis with low acidity, and the main symptom of intestinal dyspepsia is bloating and flatulence. Creon is used for pancreatic neoplasms, to facilitate digestion in old and senile age, as well as after operations on the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to use the drug at the beginning of a meal, according to the testimony of a doctor, Creon of a different dosage can be prescribed. In addition to Creon 10,000 units, you can purchase a drug labeled 25,000 units and 40,000 units, in terms of lipase units. But usually, in mild cases, a drug of 10,000 units is sufficient. Creon is produced by the German company Ratiopharm, and the most affordable price offer is a package of 20 capsules of Creon 10000, which will cost about 300 rubles. The most expensive proposal for the price is Creon of the highest concentration, 40,000 units, which is used for severe disorders of pancreatic secretion. One package of capsules of this drug in the amount of 50 pieces will cost 1600 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Creon is the release of several dosage forms that differ in enzyme activity. Usually, with functional bloating, Creon 10,000 is quite enough, which can be used both in long courses for maintenance therapy and in short ones. In some cases, with an overdose of Creon, hyperuricemia may occur, that is, an increase in uric acid in the blood plasma, and if the patient is sick with gout, then it is necessary to either cancel this drug, or reduce its dosage. But in general, Creon is very well tolerated, and is able to completely remove the symptoms of flatulence and bloating in adults in a short time. The main thing to remember is that this drug must be taken with meals, and, of course, you should definitely follow the diet recommended for diseases of the pancreas. Do not rely on enzyme preparations and lean on prohibited foods: the result will be unpredictable.

The best probiotics, eubiotics

Finally, there is a group of biologics that fight gas and bloating in a special way. They simply compete for the food environment with pathological microorganisms, which stimulate excessive gas production. If a person has a normal microflora in the intestine, and there are no signs of pronounced dysbiosis, then it will very quickly cope with gas formation.

The use of these funds has a positive effect not only in the presence of any disease, but also in the case of prophylactic use as food additives. They increase immunity, stimulate the body's nonspecific resistance to bacterial and viral infections, and even promote active antitumor activity. In the event that a person switches to a different diet, then the appointment of probiotics and eubiotics allows him to painlessly, without consequences, make this transition. What is the difference between prebiotics and eubiotics? Probiotics are substances that do not contain beneficial microorganisms, they only contain traces of their vital activity and a nutrient medium. They facilitate colonization by normal microflora. Such drugs include Hilak forte. After it has been taken for some time, eubiotics can be prescribed, that is, directly living 'embryos' of beneficial microbes. What microbial drugs can effectively fight bloating? Here are some of them.

Hilak forte

Rating: 4.9


Hilak forte, which is available in drops, contains metabolic products of the normal intestinal microflora. This is a special environment that produces E. coli, fecal streptococci, and some types of lactobacilli. As a result, this environment has protective properties against normal microflora, and is an aggressive environment against pathogenic microorganisms. Against the background of taking Khilak forte, the normal microflora is restored much faster after taking antibiotics, various acute intestinal infections and violations of the water-salt balance in the intestine. In addition to bloating and intestinal motility disorders, the drug is indicated as a remedy for the correction of dysbiosis, with diarrhea and functional constipation, with gastritis with decreased secretion, as well as with various allergic skin lesions. It is necessary to take Hilak forte 50 drops per dose, 3 times a day with meals. It is important not to dilute the drug with milk. The course of treatment is 1 month. Hilak forte is produced by the German company Ratiopharm, and the cost of one bottle of 100 milliliters, on average, is 450 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hilak Forte finely regulates the intestinal environment, so it can be used if flatulence and bloating are of minor concern. But if flatulence is serious, if bloating is accompanied by pain, belching, if this condition arose after an acute intestinal infection and massive intake of antibiotics, when the intestinal microflora is completely suppressed, then Hilak Forte will be, only the first, initial stage in the formation of a normal intestinal biocenosis. A few days after taking it, it is necessary to start using eubiotics, which will now be discussed.

Linex Forte

Rating: 4.8


One of these highly active bacterial preparations is Linex forte, which is produced by the Swiss company Sandoz. It contains 2 active normal microorganisms: lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This drug is a classic eubiotic, and is designed to normalize the intestinal microflora. Linex Forte is highly active: each capsule contains more than a hundred colony-forming living units. As a result of the multiplication of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, they begin to synthesize substances that protect the intestines from infection by pathogenic microorganisms, produce enzymes that destroy fiber, fats and starch. This additionally deprives the microorganisms accidentally trapped in the intestine of the nutrient medium, and gas formation is rapidly reduced.

Prescribe Linex Forte for bloating and flatulence in the same way as for other indications, it is necessary to take one capsule 3 times a day. It is imperative to remember that Linex Forte should not be washed down with too hot drinks, so as not to destroy microorganisms. For the same reason, this remedy cannot be taken together with alcoholic beverages. The average cost of one pack of Linex Forte in 14 capsules, designed for 4-5 days of use, is 500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Linex Forte can be considered its too high price, otherwise it is a highly active and high-quality drug that can be used not only in adults and children, but even in newborns. He has no side effects, and no interaction with other drugs has been identified either. The only thing to remember is that antibiotics and live microorganisms are incompatible, and if it is necessary to prevent dysbiosis, it is advisable to first take a course of antibiotic treatment, and only then start taking Linex Forte or its analogues.


Rating: 4.7


Bifiform is a modern eubiotic, which, unlike Linex Forte, does not contain lactobacilli, and a live culture of fecal enterococcus has been added to bifidobacteria. Bifiform comes in several convenient dosage forms: enteric capsules, orange-flavored powder, and chewable tablets that kids love. Bifiform is able to reduce the signs of dysbiosis, fight bloating, flatulence, both in adults and in children over 2 years old. The usual regimen for taking Bifiform in adults is 3 capsules a day, regardless of food intake. Bifiform is produced by the Danish company Ferrosan, and the price of a package of 30 capsules, the intake of which is quite enough for the treatment of uncomplicated bloating, is 460 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since Bifiform is a typical eubiotic, its advantages and disadvantages are characteristic of the entire group. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that taking antibiotics together with Bifiform reduces or completely deactivates the benefits of this drug. Also, the disadvantage is the inability of this remedy to cope alone with severe flatulence, which occurs, for example, against the background of a sharp decrease in the secretion of gastric juice or hypofunction of the pancreas. In this case, it is necessary to intensify the treatment and apply other schemes. But if bloating is of an episodic nature, if it was associated with a change in the diet or errors in the diet, if bloating is due to an intestinal infection or food intoxication, then Bifiform will quickly normalize bowel function and restore normal gas formation

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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