10 best poems by Andrey Dmitrievich Dementyev


Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Andrey Dmitrievich Dementyev is one of the brightest representatives of contemporary Russian poetry. He began to create in 1948 and wrote until his most recent death, he was remembered for surprisingly soulful and at the same time simple poems in which everyday images were presented poetically.

In his poems, one can find criticism of the political system, and descriptions of everyday phenomena, and the subtle lyrics of romance. In addition, Dementyev did not adhere to any one rhythmic style, so his works were written in a variety of genres. But he always affirms the ideals of humanism and compassion, raises questions of patriotism and enjoyment of simple, everyday joys of life. That is why Dementyev's poems have always been close to the people – both in the days of the Komsomol enthusiasm, and in times of dissatisfaction with the authorities. The poet appears to be a simple person, without pomp and arrogance.

Dementyev's poetry is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. His poems have been translated into several dozen languages, books have been published in many countries, and the lifetime circulation of the author's collections exceeded 300 thousand copies.

For those who want to see the beauty of modern poetry, we have compiled a rating of the 11 best poems by Dementyev. We used the ratings of readers from one of the portals dedicated to Russian-language creativity.

Review of the best poems by Andrei Dmitrievich Dementyev

Nomination a place name rating
Review of the best poems by Andrei Dmitrievich Dementyev 11 'Everything is sold and everything is bought …' 4.0
10 'Years go by' 4.1
9 'The future cannot be reconciled with the past' 4.2
8 'How fleeting is life' 4.3
7 'Doom masters hated power' 4.4
6 'Meeting of lovers' 4.5
5 'Moose' 4.6
4 'Forgiveness Sunday' 4.7
3 'Everything will be the same after us' 4.8
2 'Sorry' 4.9
1 'Never chase after anything' 5.0

11th place: 'Everything is sold and everything is bought …'

Rating: 4.0

everything is for sale

As mentioned above, Dementyev, in his poems, repeatedly criticized the existing political system. This is especially noticeable in his later works, written after the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation.

This is largely due to the fact that the poet in the Russian Federation worked as a journalist. In 2001, he even had an author's show on Radio Russia, which he conducted until the end of his life. In addition, in the 2000s, he often appeared on television, where he spoke from the point of view of a journalist, public and political observer.

Published in 2002, the work “Everything is on sale and everything is bought …” is one of the most striking examples of the poet's socio-political poems. In it, the author criticized corruption and nepotism. According to the author, a sufficiently large bribe can help a person take exactly the place he wants, regardless of the skills or abilities.

But the poet's humanistic aspirations are also observed in this work. According to him, bribery and corruption disfigure human souls. However, Dementyev notes with bitterness that the existing system has already become familiar to man and is part of the way of life.

10th place: 'Years go by'

Rating: 4.1

Years go by

Like many other modern poets, in his later work, Andrei Dementyev turns to philosophical and even existential issues. And the poem 'The years are passing' is a real example of such creativity.

Written in 1995, when the poet, due to changes in the socio-political system, temporarily moved away from 'everyday' creativity, this poem is a look back at the past years. From an almost perfectionist point of view, the character author notes that he has done too little in the intervening time. This, of course, contrasts somewhat with reality – since by 1995 Dementyev had published several dozen books and collections of poetry.

The author-character of this poem notes that modern life takes us away from ourselves. Every day you have to solve many problems, deal with tasks and immerse yourself in work and household chores. Until you do all this, there is no time left for yourself.

However, the leitmotif of love for simple, everyday joys, which permeates all of Dementyev's work, has not disappeared from this poem either. With the concluding stanzas, the author blesses life with all its sorrows, sunrises and sunsets.

9th place: 'The future cannot be reconciled with the past'

Rating: 4.2

The future cannot be reconciled with the past

Andrei Dmitrievich Dementyev was born in 1928, and began to create at the age of 20. Therefore, the images of a wise, experienced person appear even in those of his poems that are considered to be related to the 'middle period'.

The verse 'The future cannot be reconciled with the past' was published in 1986. Dementyev at this time was already a recognized, well-known writer, winner of many awards. The poem, seemingly simple, is in fact distinguished by a philosophical, almost existential depth. In it, the author discusses his creative path, noting that his poetry changes over time. And therefore, the new poems are not at all as humanistic, perky and positive as those that were published several decades ago.

Being a very 'folk' poet, Dementyev does not hesitate to use modern words. And in the previous verses, and in this periodically, terms appear that are completely not characteristic of classical creativity. 'Scuba diver', for example. For this, he was also criticized at one time, noting that other contemporary poets shy away from such literature.

8th place: 'How fleeting is life'

Rating: 4.3

How fleeting life is

Dementyev continued to strive to notice small everyday pleasures until the very late years of his life. Even the socio-political changes, so noticeably influencing his work, could not overshadow this desire. And the poem 'How fleeting is life' published in 2010 is an additional confirmation of this.

In 2010 the poet turned 80 years old. Therefore, he had every right to sum up his life. This poem further confirms this point of view. In it, the poet notes that the years passed by almost imperceptibly, but at the same time he considers them filled with love and friendship.

This verse also demonstrates the 'late period' creative style. In it, Dementyev is expressed briefly and concisely, without unnecessary metaphors and epithets. Some critics note the aphoristic nature of the poetry of this period – and this work serves only as an additional confirmation of this approach.

7th place: 'The rulers of thoughts hated power'

Rating: 4.4

Doom masters hated power

The history of Russian literature and art notes many cases when representatives of the creative intelligentsia came into open conflict with the authorities and the socio-political system. This was observed in ancient times (for example, Pushkin in The Bronze Horseman shows the confrontation between the individual and the state), and in relatively recent times – when the Soviet government, through the hands of the NKVD, was watching Anna Akhmatova.

At the same time, during the modern history of Russia (after perestroika and the formation of a new state in 1991), many representatives of the creative intelligentsia dramatically changed their attitude to power. Now they supported the current system in every possible way – from direct praise to tacit disregard.

And this is noted by Dementyev in his poem “The rulers of thoughts hated power.” He criticizes and mocks young representatives of the creative intelligentsia, who, for the sake of awards, vocations and, unfortunately, just survival in the new capitalist society, have lost their sharpness of thinking.

“The Dummies Hated Power” was first published in one of the darkest times for Russia – in 1995. True, at the first edition, the verse was somewhat 'lost'. He came out as part of the collection 'Emergency Time of Love', which included various works of a romantic nature.

6th place: 'Meeting of lovers'

Rating: 4.5

Lovers meeting

The 'early period' of Dementyev's work is characterized by a large number of romantic poems about love, feelings and tenderness. True, the author often writes them in a depersonalized manner, without introducing himself as a character in them. 'Meeting of lovers' is one such poem.

In it, Dementyev talks about the meeting of two young lovers, speaking on behalf of the girl. The character of the verse rejoices at the long-awaited meeting with a young man, while not forgetting to note the melancholy during the period when the couple is apart. One of the most striking images in the work is the sea.

The sea has always been an image of parting and longing for a beloved person. Even Assol was waiting for her Gray from distant shores. And Dementyev also uses this image to show longing for a beloved person – the author notes that sadness is hidden in the frozen waves of the sea.

5th place: 'Elk'

Rating: 4.6


Dementyev began his career during the formation of the Komsomol and the rise of the country. Therefore, his first poems are imbued with interesting fervor and mood. In them, man appears as a pioneer, explorer and conqueror of nature.

It was with 'Elk' that many readers began to get acquainted with the work of this poet. The verse, at first glance written on a domestic theme, actually demonstrates the opposition of nature and man. The elk, the main character, wanders into the city, which for this animal appears to be a very dangerous and unfriendly place.

At the same time, the elk here expresses the evil attitude of nature towards man. The first verses are filled with fear, anger and dislike. But then the status quo changes when the person becomes personified. And here it is important to remember that Dementyev was distinguished by his humanism. Therefore, when a person appears in a verse as a character, he does not come into confrontation with nature. On the contrary, he helps and supports, taking the elk out of the city.

4th place: 'Forgiveness Sunday'

Rating: 4.7

Forgiveness Sunday

Forgiveness Sunday is a Christian holiday that has become a touching custom in the modern world. On this day, it is customary to sincerely ask people for forgiveness for insults and bad deeds committed both purposefully and, most importantly, by chance. And although now this custom has very little in common with the holiday that gave birth to it, it has retained its touchingness. Although it is criticized by many people.

It is not surprising that Dementyev, a poet whose poems are imbued with humanism and goodwill towards people, the Forgiveness Resurrection inspired the creation of the work of the same name. And in it, the author also apologizes to people whom he could accidentally offend.

But 'Forgiveness Sunday' is a verse much deeper than just the inscription on an animated GIF-card with a candle, which you can receive from your family the day before Lent. In it, the author raises the topic of betrayal. An entire quatrain is devoted to human insincerity. But he himself considers himself not sinless, saying that he could also hurt other people in disputes and squabbles.

3rd place: 'Everything will be the same after us'

Rating: 4.8

Everything will be the same after us

In 1972, Andrei Dementyev wrote one of his most melodic poems – 'Everything will be the same after us'. Later she was set to music, and the romance based on this work was performed by the most famous and talented singers of the country, including, for example, Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

In the work, the author raises the question of a person's place in the picture of the world. Say, after the death of a person, nothing will change. The world, as it was a big, complex place full of various small details, will remain so.

But at the same time, the poet honestly admits that he is afraid of death. That he would not like to leave, to part with the baggage of life experience that he managed to accumulate. It is even surprising that this philosophical poem, full of unexpected metaphors – and no less unexpectedly ending – was written in the 'middle period' of creativity. Although in the 1970s, feeling the approach of old age, the poet lost his Komsomol enthusiasm and began to raise more serious, important and disturbing topics.

2nd place: 'Sorry'

Rating: 4.9


Very few creative people can boast of happiness in their personal lives. If you look at the biographies of famous poets, artists, writers, it turns out that most of them had at least several marriages. Perhaps this is due to the fact that creative personalities experience every emotion especially vividly – therefore, their love is passionate and burning, parting is always painful, and everyday family life with cleaning the apartment and cooking porridge for dinner is too tiring. Dementyev is no exception. He had four wives!

Published in 1994, the poem 'Sorry' may well be considered a dedication to the first three wives with whom he spent quite a bit of time – but, according to memories, very vivid. The poet was windy and amorous, he left his women, even leaving them with children.

And in this verse, he seems to ask for forgiveness from each of them. And the author's personal experiences form a special emotional background. After all, the poet asks for forgiveness not for the pain caused, but for the entire period of his life, with all its sorrows and joys. For the fact that it was through his fault that relationships often collapsed.

However, this verse was written in a long but not happy marriage. The author's last relationship ended tragically – first, in 1996, his son committed suicide, and a few years later, heartbroken, the poet's wife also committed suicide.

1st place: 'Never regret anything afterwards'

Rating: 5.0

Never regret anything in pursuit

The second half of the 1970s is characterized by a special turning point in the work of Dementyev. Either because of a premonition of old age, or because of a difficult fate, Andrei Dmitrievich increasingly began to raise philosophical, existential questions in his lyrics. And the verse 'Never regret anything afterwards', considered by many critics to be the best in the work of the author – and by far the most famous – is just about rethinking the past.

In it, the author urges to abandon excessive reflection. Life is too short and multifaceted to waste it on empty regrets about the past or the unfulfilled. In any case, it will not be possible to change the past, all that remains is to let it go – and go on the path of your destiny further, admiring new, interesting colors of life. As in the 'Forgiven Resurrection', the author calls for meekness, humility and forgiveness – no need to memorize evil, because it interferes with enjoying life.

At the same time, the language of verse is especially simple and friendly to the mass reader. The work is not a boringly mournful morality, but rather a pleasant conversation. The author uses modern slang and does not shy away from being ironic, so a smile may appear when reading. And it is right.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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