10 best liver remedies

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The liver is called the biochemical factory of our body for a reason. In it, such a large number of various interconversions of substances, the synthesis of new compounds, the splitting of harmful and unnecessary molecules constantly occur, that its temperature is much higher than that of other internal organs. Since the time of ancient mythology, we know that a priest who inquires of the gods holds in his hands the smoking liver of a sacrificial animal. And this is really so: the normal temperature of the liver exceeds 40 degrees, so one can imagine what the intensity of the biochemical processes taking place in it.

The liver is responsible for the synthesis of most of the proteins in our body, for the creation of immunoglobulins, or antibodies. The liver synthesizes bile, which breaks down fats, it is involved in the utilization and destruction of unnecessary protein molecules and hemoglobin. But the liver itself almost never rests.

Let us recall that the digestive gruel formed in the intestine is absorbed into the intestinal walls, but does not immediately enter the bloodstream. Everything that is eaten by a person first passes through the portal circulatory system, or through the liver. It is only after the liver has carefully checked every molecule formed and absorbed in the intestines that it decides what to do with these proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Some of them break down the liver, some alter, and some – neutralize. Some of the compounds absorbed in the intestine never get outside of it. So those of us who think our liver rests at night are fundamentally wrong. The liver never rests. That is why it has such a surprisingly high ability to regenerate cells.

Are there any effective ways to cleanse the liver, care for the liver, or, as they say, 'cleanse the liver'? Yes, there are. You just need to understand that the liver is not a filter, not a rag or a sponge. Its capacity for self-cleaning and self-renewal exceeds all conceivable and unthinkable possibilities and expectations. Therefore, the best way to protect her health is to follow the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle. But if this is not enough, what drugs can support the normal state of the liver?

This rating includes the most effective and popular drugs from the group of plant and animal hepatoprotectors, as well as various compounds, drugs for the prevention of free radical oxidation, monopreparations. Choleretic drugs were not included in these ratings, since their uncontrolled use in the presence of contraindications can lead to serious complications, up to rupture of the gallbladder. This can happen in the presence of mechanical damage: obstacles to the normal outflow of bile. Therefore, the use of choleretic drugs is possible only after consultation, examination and as directed by a doctor.

Rating of the best drugs for the liver

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best Essential Phospholipids 1 Essentiale (Rezalut pro, Fosfontsiale) 260 RUB
2 Phosphogliv (glycyrrhizic acid + phospholipids) 457 r
3 Essliver forte (phospholipids + vitamins) 276 r
Herbal preparations for cleansing the liver 1 Hepatrin (Lecithin) RUB 518
2 Oatsol (extract of oats, turmeric, immortelle, mint) 148 RUB
3 LIV 52 327 r
4 Carsil (milk thistle) 310 RUB
5 Taxifolin Baikal, or dihydroquercetin 1 350 rub.
Best Monopreparations for the liver 1 Hepa-Merz (ornithine) 825 RUB
2 Heptral (admethionine) RUB 1,694

The best essential phospholipids for the liver

A group of hepatoprotectors is discovered by the so-called essential phospholipids. These are substances that are precursors of cell membrane structures. They include derivatives of lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, derivatives of glycerophospholipids, inositol and sphingosine. The function of phospholipids is very important: to maintain the constancy of the composition of cell membranes, their electrical charge, and to ensure the plastic properties of cells.

The biological transport role of phospholipids in the transfer of fatty acids, cholesterol and fats is very important. Many of the compounds of this group are considered intracellular carriers of various compounds, and many functions of the furnace ultimately depend on their normal structure and participation in metabolism.

Essentiale (Rezalut pro, Fosfontsiale)

Rating: 4.9


A group of hepatoprotectors based on essential phospholipids is opened by their ancestor – Essentiale, which is not combined, but contains only these ingredients obtained from soybeans based on choline. As mentioned above, various destructive liver diseases begin at the cellular level, with a violation of the structures of cell membranes. These essential phospholipids are used to restore them.

According to the manufacturer, due to the higher content of unsaturated molecules in the drug, they are considered more active. In this regard, they are more often embedded in damaged areas of membranes and contribute to their renewal. As a result of regular use of the drug, Essentiale leads to an increase in the synthetic and detoxifying properties of the liver.

It is recommended to use this drug for various chronic liver diseases, such as chronic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, fatty degeneration, and toxicosis in pregnant women. Essentiale improves the course of gallstone disease, and chronic toxic liver damage. A separate indication for use is psoriasis, but as part of complex therapy. Essentiale capsules should be used 2 capsules 3 times a day, with meals. Essentiale is produced by the well-known manufacturer Natermann from Germany, and the cost of one package of 90 capsules is 1200 rubles. Accordingly, the course of admission within a month will cost 2,400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this drug will be its good tolerance: perhaps it is not indicated only for patients with intolerance to soybeans – sources of phospholipids. It can cause minor side effects, which include abdominal discomfort and loose stools, along with allergic reactions. In addition, the remedy is contraindicated under the age of 12 years, due to the lack of the required number of studies.

Phosphogliv (glycyrrhizic acid + phospholipids)

Rating: 4.8


Phosphogliv, in addition to a set of essential phospholipids, contains a plant component. In this case, it is the sodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid. Glycyrrhizin is an active biological substance of licorice root. The course administration of the Phosphogliv drug is able not only to protect the liver from the harmful effects of toxic substances and active metabolites, but also has a membrane stabilizing and immunogenic effect, which consists in increasing nonspecific antiviral resistance. In this case, the main element of the cell membranes contained in the preparation will be phosphatidylcholine. Due to glycyrrhizic acid, the agent has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Therefore, Phosphogliv is indicated in the complex treatment of not only toxic and alcoholic liver damage, but also in viral hepatitis B, C and Delta, in the complex treatment of liver fibrosis, or cirrhosis of various etiologies. It is used in adults and children over 12 years old in the same way as in the previous case – 2 capsules 3 times a day. The average duration of the course is usually 3 months, and the continuation is possible as prescribed by the doctor. Phosphogliv is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard, a package of 50 capsules will cost, on average, 500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of Phosphogliv include a rather high exchange rate. After all, a package of 50 capsules will end in 8 days, and a three-month course will require more than 10 such packages, and, accordingly, the total amount will exceed 5000 rubles per course. On the other hand, the drug is well tolerated, has no drug interactions, and the incidence of various side effects does not exceed one case in 10,000 doses. But on the other hand, the drug should not be taken with signs of antiphospholipid syndrome, pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 12 years. In the presence of symptoms of increased pressure in the portal vein, that is, with the development of portal hypertension, it is necessary to be careful and take it as directed and under the supervision of a physician.

Essliver forte (phospholipids + vitamins)

Rating: 4.8

Essliver forte (phospholipids + vitamins)

The next complex hepatoprotector is Essliver Forte. It is produced in capsules, its manufacturer is the well-known pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm. This product contains phospholipids in its composition, just like Essentiale, and the rest of the payload is distributed almost equally to various B vitamins, to alpha-tocopherol and nicotinamide. Such a set of active ingredients allows not only to improve the membranes of hepatocytes, but also has a hypolipidemic effect due to nicotinamide, reduces the level of glucose in the blood plasma.

The drug is indicated for the complex treatment of various acute and chronic liver diseases, with alcoholic liver damage, with cirrhosis, with the initial stages of chronic liver failure and in the complex treatment of drug addiction. Essliver is successfully used as a protective agent against the background of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in patients with oncological pathology, in persons diagnosed with psoriasis. Essliver Forte should be used at a standard dosage: two capsules 2 to 3 times a day, with an average course duration of 3 months. The cost of one package of 50 capsules is 430 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in all previous cases, the advantage of this remedy will be good tolerance and a small number of side effects associated mainly with individual intolerance (nicotinic acid). But in the event that the patient has really severe and active liver diseases, then only one hepatoprotective drug, if taken without other drugs, without diet, and without other methods of treatment, will not bring the long-awaited results. He can cope with the above symptoms of the disease only in combination with other means. In addition, Essliver is not very convenient for long-term use and, at the same time, an expensive remedy. Just as in the previous case, one package is enough for almost a week of admission, and a three-month course will be quite expensive.

The best herbal remedies for liver cleansing

Essential phospholipids are no longer part of these hepetoprotectors, they are replaced either by individual fractions or plant extracts. So, in Hepatrine there is lecithin, as a precursor of phospholipids, and in the composition of the Ovesol preparation you can find turmeric, immortelle, mint and oat extract. All these drugs are also recommended in the complex therapy of various chronic inflammatory liver diseases, and for prevention they can be used for chronic intoxication, bad habits and in case of non-observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Hepatrin (Lecithin)

Rating: 4.9


This tool is the development of domestic pharmacists, and belongs to biologically active additives that exhibit antioxidant properties. It contains milk thistle and artichoke extract, and only one fraction of them, namely lecithin, acts as a source of essential phospholipids. Additionally, the preparation contains tocopherol, as well as B vitamins. In addition to hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects, Hepatrin has a very mild choleretic effect due to artichoke extract.

The indications for taking Hepatrin are as numerous as in the previous case. These are various chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, chronic alcoholic liver damage, the initial stage of liver cirrhosis, as well as exposure to adverse environmental factors and exogenous intoxication, including industrial ones. Hepatrin is also used in healthy people as a preventive measure, a source of vitamins.

It is necessary to use the drug one capsule twice a day with meals, the usual course of administration lasts about 1 month. Hepatrin is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company CJSC Evalar, known for the production of its food additives, and the cost of one package of 60 capsules, designed for 20 days of admission, will, on average, be 520 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

All biologically active additives we reviewed are approximately in one group at their price, and so far there is no price advantage for any of the drugs over the other. Still, Hepatrin is used one capsule twice a day, and this will still save on the exchange rate difference. In addition, the course of treatment is only one month, as opposed to three, or even more than six months when compared with some analogs. In addition, Hepatrin is considered a source of B vitamins in physiological dosages, and can be successfully used for the prevention of liver diseases, in addition to the period of pregnancy, breastfeeding, in children under 12 years of age. The drug is well tolerated, only minor dose-dependent allergic reactions are possible from side effects.

Oatsol (extract of oats, turmeric, immortelle, mint)

Rating: 4.8


In folk medicine, oat broth has been actively used for a long time as a means that soothes inflammation of the liver and has a mild choleretic effect. The modern drug Ovesol was created by the same pharmaceutical company CJSC Evalar. In addition to oats, it contains turmeric roots, immortelle flowers, peppermint leaves, and bollush. The tool is available both in drops for oral administration and in tablets. At the same time, oats are considered a source of amino acids, saponins and microelements. It removes toxins and eliminates bile stasis. Turmeric has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and curcumin disinfects. Helichrysum extract produces a mild antispasmodic effect.

Successfully selected components contribute to the normalization of bile formation and bile secretion, and are indicated in complex therapy in patients with chronic cholangitis and cholecystitis, without the presence of mechanical obstacles to the excretion of bile. If there is an inflection in the neck of the gallbladder, and if there are stones in the bile ducts and in the gallbladder, it is necessary to take the drug only as directed by a doctor. In the case of Ovesol drops, 25 drops are prescribed 2 times a day, the course of treatment is one month with a repetition of the course 3 times a year. The cost of a 100 ml bottle is, on average, 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oatsol is prescribed in drops, in which case it is quickly and well absorbed. A drug that affects bile formation and bile excretion should ideally be administered in liquid form. The active ingredients act on various stages of the pathological process in cholecystitis and cholangitis, in which there is a slowdown in the process of bile formation, bile secretion and a high risk of secondary infection in the biliary tract, especially in the presence of parasites. Therefore, the use of Ovesol in the complex therapy of chronic diseases of the biliary tract allows you to reduce the dosage of antispasmodic drugs, antibiotics, and thus reduce the drug load on the liver. The cost of the drug is low, and its tolerance is good.

LIV 52

Rating: 4.7

LIV 52.jpg

Liv 52 is an effective drug that relieves pain in the liver area and is based on ancient Ayurvedic Indian medicine. It contains chicory and capers, black nightshade, cassia, tamarisk and yarrow. The composition of the formulation of this drug includes such medicinal raw materials as white eucalyptus, medicinal smoke and about a dozen more plants that are not found on the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result, this composition has a protective and choleretic effect. Regular intake of this drug before various holiday feasts can not only reduce the unpleasant symptoms associated with the reaction of the biliary tract to fatty and spicy foods, but also prevent the destruction of liver cells.

If LIV 52 is used in a healthy person, then this drug based on Ayurvedic medicine will improve and stimulate digestion. It is necessary to use LIV 52 2 tablets 2 times a day, both for adults and children after 6 years. In the event that the patient has severity and pain in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, then the number of tablets can be increased to three, but always after a doctor's appointment. The drug is produced by the Indian company Himalaya, and the cost of one bottle of 100 tablets is 312 rubles, which is very inexpensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of the drug is the inclusion of various plant extracts in it, but each of them is in a small dosage. Such a balance does not allow this biologically active supplement to have a bias towards bile excretion, and the drug works very gently. The only limitation is that it must be prescribed with caution in the case of acute gastrointestinal diseases, for example, with exacerbation of gastritis or gastric ulcer of the duodenum. It can also be successfully used for chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, in the case of fatty hepatosis, for the prevention of hepatotoxicity, for example, when prescribing various antibiotics, including anti-tuberculosis.

Carsil (milk thistle)

Rating: 4.7


Carsil is a popular monopreparation that contains an analogue of silymarin, namely milk thistle fruit extract. This drug replaces the well-known milk thistle, which is not easily found in the wild. The remedy is indicated for chronic liver damage, and above all in the complex therapy of alcoholism. Karsil well reduces the manifestation of asthenia in withdrawal symptoms, improves appetite, reduces bitterness in the mouth and heaviness in the liver, accelerates the normalization of digestion after getting out of binge drinking. Carsil improves the function of hepatocytes in the initial stages of liver cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, as well as in case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals and in unfavorable environmental conditions. Carsil is successfully used in the prevention of occupational pathology, as well as in radiation and chemotherapy, when prescribing toxic medications that can affect the liver.

You need to apply Karsil 1-2 pills 3 times a day, before meals. You can drink Carsil with plenty of water. In case of severe liver damage in complex therapy, you can increase the dosage to 4 pills three times a day, and in the case of prophylaxis and maintenance treatment, Karsil is used one pill also three times a day. One package, which contains 180 dragees, costs 700 rubles on average, and is produced by the Bulgarian company Sopharma. One such package is enough for a month, admission.

Advantages and disadvantages

Carsil is very well tolerated, since it contains only one medicinal substance, but, on the other hand, the mode of taking it is not very convenient: you need two, three, or even four pills per dose, and the cost of the drug is very high for food additives and prophylactic drugs. Therefore, in the event that a patient has severe complaints about the liver and hepatobiliary zone, such as bitterness in the mouth after eating, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, intolerance to spicy, fatty foods, then you must first consult a doctor, and only then on his recommendations, either to take Carsil, or to prescribe it in a low dosage, but in combination with taking other drugs against the background of a diet.

Taxifolin Baikal, or dihydroquercetin

Rating: 4.7

Taxifolin Baikal

Taxifolin Baikal is the most active and most purified of the dihydroquercetin preparations, a plant antioxidant related to bioflavonoids. Usually, dihydroquercetin preparations, which are sold at retail in the form of various biological additives, have a low antioxidant activity. This is due to their chemical composition: almost all molecules of most commercial dihydroquercetins are polymers to one degree or another, which impairs their chemical properties.

Taxifolin Baikal, in contrast to them, has a unique monocrystalline structure due to technology. This means that, being dissolved in the biological media of an organism, all of its molecules have the same structure, they are capable of dissociation and effective action. In relation to the liver, dihydroquercetin exhibits the same ability to restore cell membranes as phospholipids. Only he is not a donor of essential molecules, but simply prevents the destruction of membranes, inhibiting over-expressed mechanisms of free radical oxidation, or lipid peroxidation.

That is why monocrystalline dihydroquercetin, or Taxifolin of Baikal, is indicated in the complex therapy of various chronic liver diseases. First of all, these are chronic alcoholism, fatty hepatosis, chronic viral hepatitis B and C, the initial stages of liver cirrhosis. In complex therapy, Taxifolin Baikal is also recommended for diseases of the biliary tract. It is also used successfully as a prophylaxis, especially if a person has been in an unfavorable environmental situation for a long time, and his diet is far from a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to take Taxifolin one capsule once a day, each capsule contains 60 mg of this ultra-pure and active compound. The average course of treatment is from 1 to 2 months, and the cost of this drug currently ranges from 950 to 1350 rubles per package of 30 capsules.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big plus of Taxifolin is good tolerance and the absence of overdose symptoms, it is produced from Siberian larch wood. In its pure form, it is recommended to use it for prophylaxis, but in the presence of chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary zone and their exacerbation – as part of complex therapy. The relative disadvantage of this drug is that it is rarely found in the retail network in pharmacies, since at present almost the entire volume of the drug produced by the domestic company Siberian Cedar is exported. But Taxifolin can be purchased through a network of representatives.

The best monopreparations for the liver

In conclusion, we should bring to your attention some monopreparations that significantly improve liver function, and especially in severe lesions, when we are talking about signs of chronic liver failure. Usually, these drugs help to significantly improve the quality of life, prolong life in patients with hepatic insufficiency, and avoid the early onset of so-called hepatic encephalopathy, in which cognitive functions are significantly impaired. On sale in pharmacies, you can see two of the most popular in the Russian Federation. These are Heptral and Hepa-Mertz.

Hepa-Merz (ornithine)

Rating: 4.9


Hepa-mertz is a drug containing only one active ingredient – ornithine, or diaminovaleric acid. It itself belongs to detoxifying agents, antidotes and hepatoprotectors. How does it work? At the very beginning of the rating, it was said that the liver is involved in the final breakdown of unnecessary proteins, and this is indeed the case. It converts all nitrogen-containing substances into urea, which is highly soluble and is the end product of nitrogen metabolism. Urea is excreted from the blood by the kidneys. But in order to produce urea, there is a so-called ornithine cycle in the liver, and ornithine is exactly what is required to utilize unnecessary proteins.

In the case when the patient has liver failure, there are signs of liver fibrosis, and there are few healthy cells, and the ornithine cycle is poor, then residual nitrogen accumulates in the blood. Its high concentration is one of the manifestations of liver failure. Therefore, the addition of a substrate, or ornithine, can optimize this cycle and increase the production of urea. As a result, the concentration of residual nitrogen and urea in the blood plasma decreases, and the patient's condition improves.

Hepa-mertz is shown for liver failure, with a high level of urea, and is available in the form of granules for preparing a solution. The drug is used after meals, one at a time – two sachets, dissolving them in one glass of water, three times a day. The average daily dose is three sachets. The cost of one package of 30 sachets for a 10-day intake is 1,700 rubles. This drug is produced by the German company Merz Pharma. Thus, the cost of a monthly course is more than 5,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of this remedy is a significant continuation of life in patients with liver failure, for example, this remedy helps to normalize the ionic composition of blood plasma and wait for such an important operation as a liver transplant. But at the same time, improving the quality of life, the drug may be contraindicated, and especially in case of already developed renal failure with high levels of Creatine.

Heptral (admethionine)

Rating: 4.8


The last drug presented in the rating, which is actively prescribed by doctors by hepatologists and gastroenterologists to patients with severe metabolic disorders and toxic liver damage, is Heptral, or admethionine. This methionine derivative, when taken regularly, relieves intoxication, has antioxidant activity, improves bile flow, protects the membranes of hepatocytes and simultaneously has an antidepressant effect.

Admethionine takes an important part in the processes of transamination and transamination, which are affected by progressive liver failure and chronic liver damage. Heptral is indicated for chronic hepatitis, with cholestasis processes, with cirrhosis of the liver, with its toxic damage, ranging from professional intoxication with heavy metal salts, and ending with chronic alcoholism. The drug is prescribed at a dosage of 25 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight per day. For example, with intrahepatic cholestasis, its average dose is 1000 mg per day, that is, 1 g. The drug is available in 500 mg tablets, and one pack of 20 tablets costs about 1,700 rubles. The duration of the course is determined by a doctor – hepatologist, infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Heptral has been used for about 20 years in the complex therapy of chronic liver pathology, and even in the treatment of depressive conditions, it is well tolerated, improves the quality of life, and its only drawback is its rather high cost, as well as a tonic effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to use Heptral before bedtime. In the event that this agent is used against the background of liver failure and against the background of a high level of residual nitrogen, then patients with such a diagnosis should be monitored – determination of residual nitrogen in blood plasma, as well as urea.

Ideal hepatoprotector

In conclusion, I would like to say about the ideal hepatoprotector. As you know, in medicine to improve the patient's condition it is not always necessary to give something, but sometimes it is required to take something away. The latter type of treatment is only in the interests of the patient, because neither the pharmacy nor the drug manufacturer will receive anything. The liver is so loaded with work that short periods of fasting, lasting no more than three days in the absence of contraindications and after a doctor's examination, lead to a significant improvement in the condition in many patients with chronic liver pathology. Pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium decreases, sleep and appetite normalize.

The liver, left to itself, can finally find the time and devote much more energy to self-purification than under normal conditions, when more than half of its load is involved in digestion. Therefore, in the event that you found the strength to give up alcohol, eat right, refused the uncontrolled use of various medications in the form of self-medication, and at the same time gave the liver unloading in the form of a short course of fasting for two or three days, then it was only will do you good.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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