What to do if mascara is dry and how to dilute


Many women are well aware of such a problem – their beloved, not fully used, still quite fresh mascara has dried up. This can happen for various reasons – due to improper storage or due to the fact that it is rarely used. And not all women raise their hand to throw out worn-out cosmetics. Many people want to extend the life of brasmatics by at least a couple of days in order to have time to buy a new remedy. Moreover, if the drug was expensive, and its shelf life has not expired. Journalists interviewed experts and found out that there are ways to restore dried ink, and there are many of them. All of them are described in our article.

How to dilute eyelash makeup – an overview of popular methods


All products used to dilute dried mascara must be safe for the mucous membranes of the eyes. After all, the reanimated cosmetic product will be used for its intended purpose – applied to the eyelashes. This means that sooner or later it will get on the mucous membrane. If mascara is diluted with an aggressive substance, the cosmetics will be potentially harmful to the eyes and eyes.

Also, when choosing the best solvent that will help dilute the mascara if it has dried out, you need to be sure that the drug will not cause you allergies. A simple test that can be done at home will help to verify this. Take a few drops of the substance that you plan to use as a solvent, apply to the skin around the wrist or on the inside of the elbow. Lightly rub the liquid into the surface of the skin, wait 15 minutes, observing the reaction of the body. If the skin at the site of exposure does not turn red, there are no other signs of individual hypersensitivity, then the substance is safe for use.

If you are going to dilute mascara that has dried up, keep in mind that it will not be possible to use a cosmetic product after such a procedure for long. And it will need to be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, constantly warming up before each use. But after 3-4 weeks it will still have to be disposed of, since the drying process will continue, and the drug itself, after interfering with the composition, can acquire properties harmful to eyelashes, eyelid skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Reanimating dried mascara is an emergency measure that will allow you to take the time to buy a new makeup product. And it is better not to risk eye health for a long time, but to get rid of the spoiled product, get a new one.

And one more tip from our experts – check out the ways to dilute dried mascara, stop your choice on one of them. But if you fail to achieve the desired result, then you do not need to resort to other methods, since the composition of the product after several different interventions can change in an unpredictable way. And if the method you initially chose turned out to be effective, but it was possible to dilute and soften the mascara for a short time, and it dried up again, you can try to use this method again.

We use a special tool to dilute mascara

Cosmetic company Inglot has released a silicone polymer-based product that can be used to dilute mascara if it has dried out. We put this drug at the top of the list, as it is a specialized liquid, the main purpose of which is to dilute dry cosmetics. The drug is called Duraline, and using it, you get a better chance of a successful result than if you use a variety of improvised means. Duraline is available in small vials with a pipette built into the cap. But before buying this cosmetic product, think about whether it is worth doing. Duraline's cost may exceed the cost of your mascara. In this case, it is more advisable to spend money on a new eye makeup product than on reanimating the old one.

Dried mascara – how to dilute cosmetics with water

The easiest way to try diluting mascara is to add water to it. There is no need to use tap liquid as it is chlorinated. This substance has a negative effect on tissues. Irritation, redness of the eyes may occur, and eyelash loss may also begin. In order to dissolve dried mascara, you can use regular drinking water in bottles, as well as still mineral water. There are two ways to add liquid to the ink bottle:

  1. Take out the brush and drip 5-7 drops of water into the opening of the bottle using a pipette, which you can buy at the pharmacy.

  2. Remove the brush and plastic stop. The latter is a plastic ring that is inserted into the opening of the bottle and is designed so that excess mascara adhering to the brush remains in the tube, and mascara is used economically. You need to pick up this ring and remove it, manipulating an object with a thin edge – nail scissors or a nail file. After that, the opening of the bottle will become much wider, and there will be no problems in order to dilute the mascara, which has dried out so inappropriately.

  3. Before adding water to the bottle, heat it to 37-38 degrees, warm liquid has a better chance of acting as a solvent. Pour in the water a little at a time so as not to overdo it. Add 5 drops first, gently move the brush up and down a couple of times to give the cosmetic a uniform consistency. Evaluate whether you managed to dilute the mascara the first time, or if it is dry enough that you will need to add some more water. In total, you may need to pour 1-1.5 teaspoons of warm liquid into the tube.

Choosing mascara for contact lenses

A steam bath can help restore dried carcass consistency

This is an interesting way to restore the plasticity of a cosmetic, which is quite capable of being effective. You need to prepare an open tube of mascara, long cooking tongs and a narrow-spout kettle filled with water. The essence of the method is that it is necessary to wait until the kettle, put on the fire, boils, and steam comes out of its spout. Then you need to take a tube of mascara with tongs, and turn the hole towards the stream of steam. Care must be taken not to scald your fingers, it is recommended to hold the tongs at the extreme end so that the hand is away from the steam. You can put on impromptu protective gloves – kitchen potholders.

During the procedure, steam from boiling water will penetrate into the bottle and gradually soften the cosmetic product, saturate it with moisture. Every few minutes, you need to remove the steam from the bottle, return the brush to it and make rotational movements with it, which will help to soak the paint faster. If the desired result is obtained within 5-10 minutes, you can 'steam' the mascara several more times in the future.

Your favorite mascara has dried up – how to dilute it with oil

If the mascara has dried up and you don't want to part with it, you can try to make it more plastic with vegetable oil. It is recommended to use the product that is in your kitchen – sunflower, olive, flaxseed oil, used for food. The advantage of this method is that the herbal preparation contains a large amount of useful substances that help strengthen the eyelashes and improve the skin of the eyelids. However, you should not use oil as a solvent, which can cause tearing and irritation of the mucous membranes. For example, peppermint oil or spruce oil is completely unsuitable for these purposes.

You can also use so-called 'baby oil' to thin out mascara that has dried up. For example, Johnson's Baby's skin care product for babies. The role of a solvent can only be performed by a product that does not contain dyes and other additives.

If the mascara is dry, it can be diluted with tea leaves.

Tea is a product that is consumed in every family. Therefore, there will be no problems with its acquisition. But it is better to buy not black, but green tea, since it is more useful for the skin of the eyelids and eyelash hairs. Tea has an anti-inflammatory effect on tissues, and also prevents the vital activity and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that can get into a tube with cosmetics. You can use the product in order to dilute mascara if it has dried before the expiration date, in this way:

  1. Take a bag or one teaspoon of loose tea, brew a strong tea leaves. The product must be 100% natural, free of additives and flavors.

  2. Cool the infusion to 38 degrees, add 3-5 drops of liquid to the tube of ink.

  3. Dip a brush of mascara, previously cleaned of paint, into the tea leaves, return it back to the bottle and rotate it inside, trying to dilute and soften the cosmetic product.

On sites on the Internet you can find information that tea will be more effective if you add a little sugar to it. But this is not the case. First, carbohydrates are food for pathogenic microorganisms, which will begin to multiply in a tube of mascara. Secondly, sugar makes tea more viscous, sticky. Even if you manage to dilute the cosmetic product with it, it will not benefit your eyelashes, because they will stick together.

How to dilute dried out mascara with eye drops

How to dilute dried out mascara with eye drops

If you wear contact lenses or have eye drops in your medicine cabinet, you can try diluting the mascara with one of these medications. The advantages of this way to revive cosmetics that have dried up:

  1. Safety. If you have an original product, and not a fake, it will not harm the mucous membrane of the eyes. Such drugs must undergo ophthalmological control and clinical trials. The main thing is to make sure that the liquid or drops have not expired.

  2. The convenience of use. Typically, these pharmaceuticals come in vials with a pipette, so you don't have to buy one or remove the tube stop.

  3. You can dilute a cosmetic product with eye drops in the same way as in the case of water. Add the drops gradually, because if the mascara is not dry enough, you can pour in too much liquid and get a cosmetic that is very liquid consistency.

Eye drops and lens storage fluids have one drawback. If you use one of these products to thin out mascara, you will only be able to store and use the resuscitated cosmetic for two weeks. The fact is that open eye drops are usually stored no longer than 14 days. And you will have to keep the mascara in the refrigerator. And before each use, it will need to be warmed up in order for it to acquire the necessary plasticity.

If your favorite mascara has dried, make-up remover lotion will help to dilute it

If you use mascara, then you are probably using products that help remove eye makeup. You can try to dilute cosmetics with this particular drug. It is desirable that it meet the following characteristics:

  1. It was made mainly from natural ingredients.

  2. Does not contain alcohol or similar corrosive substances.

  3. Was a tool that helps wash off exactly waterproof, and not ordinary mascara.

  4. Belonged to the same brand as the dried ink.

  5. The make-up remover lotion is added to the tube in the same way as described earlier – using a pipette or after removing the stopper from the tip of the bottle.

Do I need to breed dried mascara

Do I need to breed dried mascara

Before adding any substances to the tube of ink, you need to make sure that it is really dry. The problem with using a cosmetic product may not be drying out, but other reasons.

For example, it may be that the cosmetic product simply thickens a lot, and the degree of its plasticity has decreased. In this case, you can reanimate mascara without dilution, just heat it up. You can test this method before adding foreign substances to the preparation, as you do not risk anything.


  1. Prepare a container, such as a ceramic bowl, that is deep enough to submerge the entire tube of ink.

  2. Pour moderately hot water into a container. Its temperature should be somewhere around 40-50 degrees. You do not need to use boiling water, as you can damage the bottle and irreversibly spoil the cosmetic product that is inside.

  3. Submerge a tube of mascara that is suspected to be dry and which you intend to dilute in the water. The bottle must be tightly screwed up.

  4. Mascara should be in a bowl of water for 10-20 minutes. If it floats and its body protrudes out of the water, press it with something heavy to the bottom of the container.

The second reason why you may feel that the ink has dried up, it needs to be diluted – the unsatisfactory condition of the brush. During use of a cosmetic product, paint gradually accumulates on the brush. And now it really dries quickly, while the mascara on the bottom of the tube can be plastic enough for normal use. Therefore, before thinking about how to dilute mascara, carefully examine the brush. If it contains 'petrified' paint particles, they must be removed. This can be done using simple running water and soap. If the mascara is very dry and does not want to separate from the villi, the brush can be soaked in hot water or in a small amount of face make-up remover. Within thirty minutes, the fossilized residues of cosmetics will soften, they will be easily and without hindrance removed from the villi. After cleaning the brush, immerse it in the bottle, make a few movements up and down. Then run the bristles over the skin on the back of your hand. If a colored mark remains on the skin, it means that the problem was in the brush, and the mascara itself did not dry out, you can continue to use it without the need to dilute anything.

There are situations when it is not at all necessary to breed dried mascara, since it has finally and irrevocably deteriorated, its use will harm the tissues of the eyes. This can be determined by the smell – if an unusual and even more unpleasant aroma comes from the tube, it means that it is no longer possible to use the cosmetic preparation for its intended purpose, even if it can be diluted with some kind of solvent.

What products are not recommended to use in order to dilute mascara

There are several products you can consider as suitable thinners for your mascara if it has dried before its expiration date. But you shouldn't use them. Not so much because these substances can completely spoil the cosmetic product, but for reasons of their own safety.

What you don't need to apply in order to dilute eye cosmetics:

  1. Petrolatum. Despite the fact that this drug can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy, which indicates its relative safety for the body, it is not worth using it as a solvent for mascara. Still, it is a refined product, it is not useful for eyelashes and eyelid skin, it can harm tissues.

  2. Own saliva. Spit on the brush, shove it into a tube to dilute mascara – these actions are quite familiar to older women who are well aware of the need to soften eye makeup. But few people think about how dangerous this method is. Human saliva contains a large number of bacteria, viruses, microbes. Once inside the tube, they will begin to multiply. And then they will fall on your eyelashes, from where they will easily move to the mucous membrane of the eye. This is fraught with the emergence of ophthalmic diseases, the treatment of which will have to spend money, which could have gone to buy a new mascara. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms and products of their vital activity will only accelerate the process of deterioration of the cosmetic product.

  3. Hydrogen peroxide. It is a useful pharmacological preparation, but it is not necessary to use it to dilute mascara. The result may come out unexpected – the cosmetic product will certainly change its consistency not for the better, that is, it will dry out even more or curl up into balls. In addition, the use of hydrogen peroxide is categorically contraindicated when it comes to the fact that it theoretically falls into the eye. You can get a chemical burn of the mucous membrane or eyeball, which will cause a drop in vision.

You may also consider trying to dilute the mascara with alcohol or preparations based on this substance. First, alcohol can cause severe redness, irritation, and burns. Under the influence of this substance, alopecia can begin – a process of severe loss of eyelash hairs. Secondly, alcohol evaporates even faster than water. Therefore, even if you manage to dilute brasmatic to a normal consistency, the result will not be long-lasting.

Why ink dried ahead of time – the main reasons

Why ink dried ahead of time - the main reasons

To avoid premature drying of the carcass, it will be useful to find out for what reasons this can happen:

  1. Poor quality composition. If mascara is cheap or the manufacturer's reliability is in doubt, it will most likely have a questionable composition. A large amount of liquid and pigments will be present in the formula of the drug, but there will be a minimum of substances that are responsible for maintaining the plasticity of the texture. As a result, moisture evaporates and the composition dries up.

  2. The presence of a large amount of wax and silicone. These are the substances that are responsible for the waterproof qualities of the mascara. They also give the lashes extra volume and make them look longer. But at the same time, they contribute to the fact that a cosmetic product with a volume effect dries much faster than classical counterparts.

  3. Rare use of a cosmetic product. If you bought mascara, opened it, but you rarely use it to dye your eyelashes, it may dry out, since the dye mass is not mixed with a brush or this happens infrequently.

  4. Non-compliance with the rules for storing the drug. If mascara is constantly lying on the table surface, exposed to sunlight, or in a dry and hot room, it can dry out much earlier than you fully use it for its intended purpose. If, after using brasmatik, the girl does not tighten the cap tightly, the liquid that makes the cosmetic plastic gradually evaporates. This is also the reason that mascara becomes unusable.

  5. Accumulation of coloring matter on the thread of the drug tube. Think about how often you brush around the outside of the bottle opening so that less ink is left on the lint. Each time you do this, a certain amount of the product remains on the bottle, which then hardens so much that it does not allow the cap to be screwed on tightly enough. Even with considerable effort, you cannot ensure that the tube with the cosmetic preparation is completely sealed.

  6. Bacteria and traces of their vital activity are another reason that make-up dries up. A variety of microorganisms penetrate the tube every time mascara is used, especially if the brush is placed on the table after use, and is not immediately placed inside the bottle.

By knowing the underlying factors that may have caused ink to dry prematurely, you can avoid repeating this in the future.

What to do if you do not want mascara to dry prematurely

how to prevent drying out of mascara

The standard lifespan of mascara is about six months. But for most girls, this drug dries up much earlier. To prevent this, especially if mascara is expensive, it is worth taking preventive measures.

How to prevent early drying of your mascara:

  1. When dyeing your lashes, cover the opening of the tube with your free hand or the silicone cap. This will prevent air from penetrating inside, evaporation of liquid.

  2. When picking up mascara on the brush, try not to move it too actively up and down. By making such movements, you drive a large amount of air into the bottle, upon contact with which the cosmetic product dries faster than you would like. It is better to introduce the brush into the tube slowly, only one or two centimeters, making smooth circular movements, as if 'scraping' along the inner walls of the bottle.

  3. Before using the mascara, read the instructions that should be present on the package. If there are no recommendations for use and storage conditions, then keep the cosmetic product in a dry, protected from sunlight and cool place. For example, in a drawer or in a home cosmetic bag.

  4. After each use of mascara, wipe the thread of the bottle with a damp cloth or cotton pad soaked in makeup remover. Make sure that you always have the opportunity to screw the tip of the tube as tightly as possible.

  5. It is better to buy oil-based mascaras rather than water-based ones. Sooner or later, the water will begin to evaporate, so the mascara may begin to dry out. And the oil in the composition of the preparation will prevent the change in texture, so the mascara will remain plastic longer, it will be easy to apply to the eyelashes.

  6. If you buy more than one type of mascara at the same time, do not print one of the preparations until you use the first one. As soon as you open the tube for the first time, the drying process will start. It would be more rational to constantly use one product so that it does not have time to dry out before it ends. And then you can open the second bottle with a cosmetic product.

  7. To prevent mascara from drying out ahead of time, and you do not find it at the most inopportune moment, buy cosmetics from trusted manufacturers. These can be domestic or foreign brands, the main thing is that you are confident in the quality of their products. For example, from such companies as Avon or Oriflame, Maybelline and Faberlik, Mary Kay you can buy quality cosmetics, the reliability of which is beyond doubt. Large brands produce cosmetics lines for every taste and wallet. You can easily find the best option for yourself in the mass market, luxury or premium class. The place of purchase of cosmetics is equally important. If you buy it on the Internet at Chinese sites, then it may dry out even on the way to you – during the delivery process. The best place to get mascara is at a reputable stationary beauty store. Or an Internet portal where you have repeatedly ordered goods that have met the expectations of high quality.

What to do if the ink has dried up completely – reusing the tube with a brush

If the mascara has dried up irreversibly, and attempts to dilute it have not been successful, do not rush to throw away your makeup. You may be able to find alternative uses for the bottle and brush. For example, you can use them like this:

  1. Wash the brush, disinfect it with alcohol, and clean the bottle in the same way. And then pour a mixture of vegetable oils into the container. You can use such a drug in order to restore the health of eyelashes and eyebrows. Apply oils to hairs every night after removing makeup, and after 1-2 months you will notice positive changes in the density of eyelashes and eyebrows. They will become better and faster to renew, acquire a natural shine and become strong. Just remember to periodically treat the brush bristles with alcohol-containing liquids to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

  2. Wash the mascara brush and use it to comb the eyebrow hairs and style them in the desired direction. And also blend shadows or strokes left by an eyebrow pencil on the arcs. With the help of such an accessory, you can also apply the fixing gel to the brow arches and distribute it in the thinnest layer.

As you can see, even if the ink has dried up and it was not possible to 'save' it, you can reuse the case and brush.

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