The child does not eat: we quickly and delicately solve the problem


Raising a child is by no means a simple process, and when the baby's unwillingness to eat what is served on the table is added to everything else, then the parents are already like a wolf. Unfortunately, kids usually 'boycott' healthy foods, preferring all kinds of 'harmful'. Are you ready to give in to the little one and feed him junk food or just what he wants, or do you still want to find a way to insist on your option? Our experts will advise you on how to solve an unpleasant situation when your child is not hungry.

feeding baby

How to enjoy feeding your baby: 7 easy steps

When talking about a pleasant meal, it is always worth considering an important prerequisite for this – it must be shared. It is also important to give the child a choice, but not overreward. Here are some tips to help feed your child.

Eat only at the table

To consume food according to parental rules, babies need a certain order. The table is one of the important attributes to create a suitable setting. When a child receives an invitation to sit down to eat, he instinctively realizes that all his children's 'affairs' must be put aside at once. You should not let your child use gadgets or watch TV while eating. During the meal, there should be only the absorption of food and communication with relatives.

Discuss everything but food

If you apply this rule regularly, the child will learn to communicate faster and at the same time will not focus on what he is eating. It is quite difficult for some to tune in to this option, but it is necessary to understand that the baby is unlikely to be pleased to listen to your comments about what and how he eats. But if you entertain him with a conversation about an upcoming walk to the park or, for example, a shopping trip, he will feel more at ease. True, you should not expect that your child will definitely take part in the conversation (in most cases, children only open their ears wider).

Eat with your baby, even if you don't want to

Of course, in young children, the meal schedule often provides for more frequent food consumption, but this does not mean that the child should sit at the table in splendid isolation. Since every meal for your little one should be something of a rule to follow, and communication is not the least part of it, join the child at the table. You do not need to eat, although you can have a light snack with something light. After all, it is difficult to teach a baby good manners and maintain an appetite if he does not have an example to follow.

When the child has eaten, he has nothing to do at the table.

Most babies (especially those under the age of 3) are very restless, especially when they finish eating. Therefore, do not keep them at the table. Suffice it to tell the little one that if he is full, then he can go to play, dinner is over for him. So you will not create a feeling of pressure on the baby and lay the correct attitude: 'when they eat, they sit, they get up only when they have eaten'.

If the baby throws food

Most often, this indicates that the baby is full. If you wish, comment on his behavior by saying that if he has already finished eating, you can leave the table. And so that the child immediately understands what it is about, remove his plate from the table. If the crumb begins to throw food almost immediately after everyone has sat down at the table, tell him that this cannot be done and, apparently, he has finished eating (taking away the plate).

Don't promise goodies

Sweets are too attractive for the crumbs and will occupy all his attention and thoughts, so you should not promise him them in exchange for the eaten dish. Chances are high that the child will simply beg for a treat from you and generally begin to indulge in order to avoid the 'punishment' of food. All food should be perceived the same.

Don't count on good manners

It is rare for a child to have good manners at an early age. Most often, they are formed under the vigilant supervision of adults and the latter also serve as a vivid example for the baby. If you treat the baby with respect, you will always say 'please' and 'thank you' to him, over time he will automatically take on good manners from you.

Why you shouldn't force your child to eat if they don't want to

Child refuses to eat

Among children aged 2 to 5 years, there are a lot of fussy. Some babies are rather picky about the taste, refusing certain foods or too large, in their opinion, portions of food. Each parent is worried about the health of his child, so he tries to diversify his diet as much as possible, paying attention to what and how much the baby eats.

In practice, this parenting behavior can only prevent children from developing healthy eating habits. Remember that only the child himself knows how hungry he is. Every time you try to pressure him or 'bribe' him with a treat, he takes it as an attempt to show him that only you know what is best for him.

Instead of creating a conflict, it is better to take care of forming the correct eating habits in the child. To do this, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to make an independent choice: that is, he himself must decide whether he wants to eat or not.

ON A NOTE. Nutritionists confidently declare that strict control over the child's nutrition and constant dictation of his own rules can only lead to negative consequences – the child will simply rebel: he will start to indulge, secretly eat unhealthy food, and stop correctly recognizing the signals of his body about hunger. It is more important not what your baby eats during the day, but what is his weekly diet.

Perfect Dinner Recipes

In order to introduce a child to healthy and wholesome food, it is sometimes not enough just to put the prepared dish on the table. It is important to involve your child not only in the process of absorbing food, but also directly in the process of preparing it.

  1. Tip # 1. Take your toddler shopping for groceries. If you take the baby with you for shopping, then you can use his 'help' when choosing the right ingredients for the dish, and at the same time tell him about how they are produced and used in cooking. The kid will be interested to know, for example, that earlier, not money, but coffee beans, etc. were used as currency. For us these are historical facts, but for the little 'researcher' they are exciting stories.

  2. Tip # 2. Let your child be a helper in the kitchen. Let him feel the spirit of the culinary arts. Browse through beautiful cookbook illustrations together, or search the internet for interesting recipes. Ask him for advice on what tastes best for him. If the child is old enough (not necessarily school age), entrust him with simple kitchen chores: chop spices or peel onions. During the cooking process, watch with him how it is baked or stewed.

  3. Council number 3. Decorate dishes in an unusual and colorful way. Remember that children are wary of food with a 'new' look or taste. Try not to go to extremes by gradually introducing new foods into your baby's diet. But do not forget at least about the simplest decor or unusual design of dishes.

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