Noble parquet board | pros and cons of the material


Parquet board is one of the most popular floor coverings, not least due to the excellent appearance and naturalness of the materials used in its manufacture. Why is this material good and does it have any significant drawbacks? Our experts understood these issues.

Features and structure

 parquet board

Parquet board is an absolutely natural and completely environmentally friendly material that is used as a practical and durable floor covering. This versatile, multi-layer construction, represented by several types of wood, can easily compete with venerable solid wood and stylish block parquet.

Speaking about the structural features of a parquet board, it should be noted that there is no wood shavings in it at all (as in a laminate, for example) – the product is completely represented by natural wood and consists of 3 layers:

  1. The bottom one is its main goal – floor stabilization. Presented by coniferous wood (most often veneer). Layer thickness – 1.5 mm.

  2. Middle – is located at right angles to the bottom layer, and, like it, is made of coniferous wood. It is the middle layer that determines the performance of the product.

  3. Upper – the main task is decorative. It is made of valuable wood species (oak, bamboo, maple, etc.). Layer thickness – 1-6 mm.

Advantages of parquet boards

Parquet board is undoubtedly a stylish and high quality material. But not only these advantages, it attracts numerous consumer attention:

  1. Environmental friendliness – since the product in question consists exclusively of natural wood, it is absolutely safe for the human body.

  2. Simplicity of installation – even without special skills, it will not be difficult to install the coating at home. This is possible due to the peculiarities of fixing individual elements, as well as the size of their sizes. In addition, no scraping of the boards is required.

  3. High resistance to moisture, temperature and mechanical stress – due to its design features, the floor covering can withstand moisture, temperature extremes and mechanical stress without any problems.

  4. High level of noise absorption – thanks to this characteristic of the parquet board, when finishing the floor, you can avoid the use of additional noise-absorbing material.

  5. A huge variety of species – the range offered by manufacturers of floor coverings is so large that you can choose the right product for absolutely any interior.

  6. Low electrostaticity is another interesting feature of the floor material – some of its elements are not capable of accumulating static electricity – this is why the product is so pleasant to the touch.

Cons of material

Like any other material, parquet board has its drawbacks, since ideals, as you know, do not exist:

  1. Instability to shock loads – unfortunately, the thickness of the upper layer of the parquet board is its frankly weak point, because in the case of a significant force load, dents will certainly remain on the surface.

  2. Relatively short operational life – it cannot be said that after 3-5 years of operation, the flooring will fail. But it is also difficult to call a long service life of the product – only 10-20 years. For comparison: a wood mass with proper care can last about half a century.

  3. The complexity of restoration – usually in the case of a shallow damage to a wood element, it is scraped: a small layer of wood is removed with a special device. Parquet does not have sufficient thickness for deep restoration or its repeated repetition.

  4. The complexity of the implementation of curly laying – since the parquet board belongs to the interlocking coverings, there is no question at all about the patterned laying of individual material elements. Due to the design features, the product in question can only be mounted in parallel, at an angle or perpendicular.

  5. Impracticality (we are talking about the case of repair) – if restoration of the damaged area is impossible, it will be necessary to replace not just a separate element, but also an entire section of the floor covering, which is due to the significant dimensions of one board, as well as the features of fixing the elements.

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