Acne is a complex problem, the solution to which goes far beyond the use of peels and masks. Our experts analyzed the scientific works of the world's leading dermatologists and formulated 10 principles for getting rid of blackheads on the face.
- Tip # 1: Diet Correction
- Tip # 2: Compliance with the daily routine
- Tip # 3: physical activity
- Tip # 4: Professional facial cleansing
- Tip # 5: Systematic facial treatment at home
- Preparation
- Cleansing
- Pharmacy remedies for blackheads
- Store funds
- Home remedies
- Moisturizing, nutrition
- Tip # 6: Finding the Right Makeup
Tip # 1: Diet Correction
Excessive sebum production is the main cause of acne. The consumption of sweets, alcohol, fatty, spicy or canned food disrupts the activity of secretory cells, provokes a spasm of the excretory ducts and, as a result, the formation of acne. For this reason, those who want to get rid of blackheads on the face are advised to reconsider their eating habits.
The basis of the diet should be:
Roots. Fresh carrots, beets, onions, celery provide the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary to maintain healthy skin.
Eggs. They are a source of protein, which plays an important role in the complete nutrition of secretory cells.
Fish and seafood. Molluscs, crustaceans, seaweed contain Omega 3 – an unsaturated fatty acid that provides tissue elasticity and protection of the epidermis from the negative external environment.
Chicken meat. Serves as a building material for secretory cells.
Greens, leafy vegetables. They are a source of antioxidants, potassium, magnesium and organic calcium, which are involved in maintaining the water-salt balance of the sebaceous glands. The substances stabilize the secretory function, prevent the blockage of the ducts.
Walnuts. They contain a complex of polyunsaturated acids necessary to stabilize the work of the glands, as well as juglone, a biologically active compound that increases the bacteriostatic properties of sebum.
Dark chocolate. Promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, which accelerates blood circulation in tissues.
An important prerequisite for effectively getting rid of blackheads on the face is to consume enough water. The daily rate in liters is calculated individually according to the formula: (N31) / 1000, where N is the body weight of a person. For athletes, pregnant and lactating mothers, the recommended volume is increased by 10%.
Tip # 2: Compliance with the daily routine
The skin is the mirror of the body. Lack of sleep manifests itself not only with dark circles under the eyes, but also with a violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands. This is why people with blackheads are advised by dermatologists to get 8 hours of sleep a day.
Special attention should be paid to the schedule of cosmetic procedures. To avoid swelling, the night cream must be applied at least one hour before bedtime. Doctors call the best time to use cleansing masks from 10 to 12 days. During this time, the sebaceous glands are most receptive to blackhead remedies.
Tip # 3: physical activity
Sweating intensifies during sports activities. The released saline solution flushes the sebum from the pores, eliminating the conditions for acne formation. At the same time, blood circulation is activated, tissues receive more nutrients and oxygen, due to which the work of secretory cells is normalized.
In addition, exercise promotes the production of endorphins – natural opiates for humans that improve mood and enhance the protective functions of the epidermis.
Tip # 4: Professional facial cleansing
Salon procedures are aimed at improving the skin by eliminating blockages of the sebaceous glands and renewing the skin. Indications for professional facial cleansing are acne, enlarged pores and decreased tissue tone.
The following procedures will help get rid of blackheads on the face:
Manual (mechanical) cleaning. It takes place in three stages. First, the face is steamed, then the master squeezes out comedones with his hands and special tools. At the end of the procedure, the epidermis is soothed with liquid nitrogen, cooling toners or creams. Manual cleaning injures the skin, so it is carried out no more than once every 1.5-2 months.
Brossage (brushing). A type of hardware peeling, in which the pores are cleaned with special brushes. Borsage triggers tissue renewal, the effect is noticeable immediately, but brushing demonstrates the best results within a six-month course of weekly sessions.
Galvanotherapy (desincrustation). The essence of the method lies in the treatment of problem areas of the face with weak currents. The electrical impulses generate ions that break down the sebum of the blackheads. To get rid of acne, you need 5-10 sessions per week. In order to prevent relapse, the course is repeated every 2-3 months.
Vacuum cleaning. Special nozzles create negative pressure on the problem area, which pushes the sebum plugs out of the pores. The procedure is safe and painless, but it does not guarantee a 100% result.
Ultrasonic cleaning. A special apparatus generates high-frequency vibrations that break down fatty accumulations. Ultrasound helps with minor rashes, it cannot cope with large comedones.
The idea of getting rid of blackheads on the face with the help of professional cosmetology will have to be abandoned by the owners of sensitive skin integuments, as well as by persons suffering from hypertension, asthma, rosacea, epilepsy and dermatitis in the acute stage. Additional restrictions apply to hardware techniques. Contraindications for their use include pregnancy, implantation of pacemakers, as well as the presence of implants or non-absorbable threads for bio-reinforcement in the soft tissues of the face.
Tip # 5: Systematic facial treatment at home
Solving the problem of acne at home involves regularly cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis. To do this, use scrubs, masks, talkers, washing gels and creams for problem skin, but before you start getting rid of blackheads, your face must be prepared.
Steaming the face is an important step in getting rid of rashes. The procedure opens pores, enhances blood circulation in tissues, preparing the epidermis for further processing. For this purpose, a decoction of medicinal herbs is used, which is prepared according to the following recipe:
3 tbsp. l chopped St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, linden or thyme pour 0.5 liters of water.
Boil the mixture, let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
Bring the broth to a boil.
Lean over a container of hot infusion, cover your head with a terry towel. They breathe over the steam for about 10 minutes. The cooled broth can be poured into ice molds, frozen and used as a tonic.
It is not recommended to extrude black dots by yourself. At home, it is problematic to maintain the sterility of the procedure, so there is a high risk of infection of the epidermis with bacteria that can aggravate the rash.
A scrub will help get rid of blackheads. At home, soda, oatmeal, crushed eggshells or ground coffee are used for this purpose. The selected ingredient is rubbed with problem areas, after which the face is rinsed with cold water with a foam for washing. Among shop scrubs, 3-in-1 gels 'Garnier Skin naturals Pure Skin Active with charcoal', Vichy Normaderm, Salizink have proven themselves to be excellent.
We do not recommend using scrubs more than once every 2 days. In between, give preference to other remedies for blackheads. You can buy them or make them yourself. Among the existing tools for combating acne, the following options turned out to be the most effective.
Pharmacy remedies for blackheads
Pharmacological products act purposefully and are economically consumed. Among pharmacies, preparations based on zinc, salicylic acid, retinol, benzoyl demonstrate high efficiency. The substances dissolve existing impurities, and also inhibit the activity of secretory cells, thereby preventing the formation of new acne.
To get rid of blackheads on the face will help:
Vichy NORMADERM Hyaluspot Acne Gel Applicator. Salicylic acid based product. The result from use is noticeable after a week. Works best in tandem with cleansing gel from the same brand series.
Baziron AC cream from GALDERMA. Recommended for problem skin. The composition of the preparation includes benzoyl, an anticomendonic substance with a pronounced bactericidal effect. The compound cleans the ducts of the glands, destroys pathogenic microflora. Use for at least 12 days.
Gel Clenzit C from Glenmark. A combined preparation, the active substances of which are adapalene and clindamycin. The first ingredient is a specific form of retinoic acid with anti-inflammatory and comedolytic activity. The second is a bacteriostatic antibiotic. The gel is effective for open, closed acne, purulent acne. The therapeutic effect appears in 1-4 weeks.
Zinc ointment. An inexpensive but effective drug. The ointment dries up inflammation, tightens pores. Leaves a white film, so we recommend applying it before bed.
Pharmacy products are best used after consulting a dermatologist. The doctor will select a pharmaceutical product based on the characteristics of acne, which will quickly get rid of blackheads on the face.
Store funds
Store products differ from pharmaceuticals in a variety of compositions and release forms. In the matter of getting rid of blackheads on the face, they have proven themselves excellent:
Lioele Blackhead Clear Toner. The solution contains extracts of natural antiseptics, antioxidants and sebum-regulating substances, which painlessly remove dirt from the pores, restore the fat balance of the skin.
Homeless Strawberry Seeds 3-step Nose Pack from TONY MOLY. The set consists of 3 patches to warm up, cleanse and calm the epidermis. The patch is small, designed for the treatment of only the nose. For the whole face, you will have to buy 4-5 sets.
ANTI-ACNE Cream SOS from Propeller. Contains zinc, essential oils and natural acids that gently dry pores and improve complexion. Can be used under makeup.
Any product is applied to the washed face. Don't forget about hydration. After the procedure, the epidermis should be treated with a tonic for problem skin, after which a light cream should be applied.
Home remedies
Masks are the best way to get rid of comedones. The most effective were:
'Black'. For its preparation, you need 10 g of gelatin (1 tbsp. L), 2 crushed tablets of activated carbon, 50 ml of water. All ingredients are mixed, heated in a microwave oven for 20 seconds. You should get a homogeneous viscous mass. The mixture is applied to the face and left for 10 minutes. After removing the mask, the face is washed with cold water.
Toothpaste. Cover the problem area with it, leave for 5 minutes. If there is a burning sensation, the paste is washed off.
Potato. In 50 g of grated fresh root vegetable, add ½ tsp of lemon juice. The mixture is left on the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.
Clay. 2 tbsp. l of the mineral is mixed with 1 tbsp. l of water and 5 ml of grapefruit oil. The resulting mass is applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
Peroxide, lemon juice and 5% salicylic acid solution also dry well. Wipe problem areas with liquids. If you experience itching, tingling or burning sensation, you should wash your face.
Moisturizing, nutrition
After cleansing, the skin needs to be soothed. For this, you can use frozen herbal decoction cubes, Garnier blackhead tonics or Exclusive Cosmetic, pore-tightening lotions from Vichy Normaderm or Clean & Clear. They matte, relieve irritation, effectively moisturize the skin, which is an important condition for preventing re-clogging of the glands.
After removing impurities and dead layers of the epithelium, tissue regeneration starts. During this period, the epidermis requires intensive nutrition. Creams enriched with vitamins with a light, non-greasy texture, such as Calendula from Nevskaya Cosmetics, PHARMACOS from Belita-Vitex, EFFACLAR H from La Roche-Posay, Mirielle from Belkosmex, Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Light Cream from Vichy, will help provide the skin with the necessary substances.
Tip # 6: Finding the Right Makeup
When choosing cosmetics, be guided by the following rules:
Refusal from oil-based products. Dense tonal creams, creamy concealers, of course, hide skin imperfections, but significantly aggravate the problem of acne. We recommend using loose powder or BB cream to even out the complexion.
Composition control. Alcohol-based cosmetics irritate the glands, which causes excessive sebum production.
Checking the expiration dates. In spoiled products, pathogenic microflora dangerous to the skin may be present.
Use of cosmetics appropriate for the age category. Over the years, the skin sags, the pores become stretched, which complicates the task of getting rid of blackheads. For this reason, in adulthood, it is worth using creams with a lifting effect to moisturize.
By following these tips, you can not only get rid of blackheads, but also significantly improve your face. If, despite the efforts made, the problem remains, you should consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination for the presence of parasites or hormonal disruptions.