Properly dried or dried products are a real vitamin salvation in the winter season. In addition, they are great at helping to simplify the process of preparing many dishes without compromising their quality. Dried fruits are ideal for baking, they are a good substitute for sweets and take up so little space in the kitchen. How to properly dry fruit in a dryer? Our experts know the answer.
How to dry fruit in a dryer
Not every fruit is suitable for drying. Consider the best options for fruits and berries that can be dried with high quality both naturally and in a dryer.
It is best to dry 'representatives' of sweet and sour varieties. They contain a large amount of dry substances and are distinguished by a delicate sweetish taste with a slight acidity. As a result of drying, you get a wonderful dried product with good taste. Do not use sweet fruits: they will turn out to be tasteless.
So, let's prepare the apples. First, you should thoroughly wash them, dry them, cut them (into slices, circles, etc.). The peel can be peeled or not peeled (it all depends on taste). Before putting it in the dryer, it is advisable to hold the sliced fruits in a citric acid solution for a couple of minutes – this will help to avoid darkening of the finished product.
Wild varieties are best suited for drying. 'Wild game' for fresh consumption is not very good, but in dried form for compote, uzvar – it cannot be better. This is a very healthy and flavorful pear variety. The cultivated varieties are ideal for making delicious candied fruits. Dry this fruit in the dryer as follows. First, wash thoroughly, then cut ripe (preferably not very juicy) fruits in half. Carefully remove the core with a spoon, cook the workpiece using sugar syrup: keep in boiling syrup for no longer than 10 minutes. Allow excess syrup to drain and dry.
Fully ripe or overripe fruits are ideal for drying. Immediately after harvesting, it is advisable to send them to the dryer (do not keep the plucked / harvested fruits for longer than a day before drying). The preparation of the plum is simple: wash thoroughly (to remove the wax coating, you can blanch the fruit), cut into halves, remove the seeds and turn the skin inside. Lay out gently on the dryer. If dried properly, the fruit will be black (possibly bluish).
Unlike plums, it is better to use unripe apricots, more precisely, almost ripe, but a little hard. It is necessary to carefully sort out the fruits, removing all damaged, immature, ugly, wash them. Further cutting depends on what product you want to get as a result.
To dry the fruit and get the apricot, it is enough to put the whole fruit on the dryer (together with the bone). For kaisa, it is necessary to dry up the apricots a little, squeeze out the seeds (through the undercut at the stalk), and put them in the dryer. Well, and finally, dried apricots. You can make torn or cut. To do this, it is enough to break or cut the fruit along the groove.
Cherry / Cherry
The drying process for cherries is somewhat different from other fruits. The first step is to wash the fruits separated from the stalks and carefully sorted out. First dry the prepared cherries / cherries slightly on a dryer at a low temperature – this is necessary so that the juice does not flow. When the fruits are slightly dried, the temperature can be raised. If you're drying pitted cherries, try blasting them in boiling water for a couple of minutes to speed up the drying process.
Blackberries, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants (any varieties) are most 'favorably' towards drying. Berries must be carefully selected, washed, and only high-quality ones must be selected. And so that after drying it turns out not only a fragrant, but also an edible product, it is advisable to pre-hold the berries in sugar syrup for several hours.
Melons / watermelons
When dried properly, they can be an excellent alternative to the tastiest chocolates. Before drying, the berries should be slightly dried in the fresh air for a couple of days, remove unsuitable options. Then wash thoroughly, and send again to fresh air. Cut the dried fruits into two halves, remove all seeds, cut into slices about 4 cm thick. Peel the skin together with the green layer, put on the dryer.