How long does the self-leveling floor dry and how to speed up this process


To optimize the process of finishing the floor with a decorative coating, it is necessary not only to make it qualitatively, but also to accurately calculate the drying process. Of course, immediately after laying the self-leveling coating, installation of tiles and laminates is not possible. How do you know how long such a floor will dry? Our experts will help you.

Drying period for self-leveling floor

 self-leveling floor

The drying time of the coating in question varies depending on various factors. In particular, the features of the environment (air temperature, humidity, etc.), the type of finishing material used, its constituent components, etc. If a composition based on Portland cement was used for decoration, the finished floor can be safely used after a day at least. A week after the installation of the self-leveling floor, it dries out enough so that you can walk on it or remove sawdust from it.

If you plan to lay laminate or similar flooring materials on top, you must wait until the self-leveling floor changes its color from dark gray to light. The duration of this period is usually no longer than 3 weeks: everything here depends to a large extent on temperature fluctuations and the level of humidity in the room. In the case when it is planned to lay tiles on a fast-setting cement mortar, you can start work already a couple of weeks after installing the floor.

If a composition based on polymer resins is used for finishing, the drying time ranges from 3-4 hours to 2 days. Drying time for a product based on polystyrene or polyurethane reaches 10-12 hours. The most 'fast' compositions are considered, the main component of which is acrylic resin – such a coating sets after 3 hours.

Epoxy-based floors require a significant cure time – usually the drying time of such a coating is at least 48 hours. It all depends to a large extent on the room temperature and additional fillers in the used finishing material. Such a product is considered the most resistant to aggressive effects, therefore it is often used not only at home, but also in industrial production, medical institutions, etc.

How to optimize the process

In order for the self-leveling floor to dry as soon as possible and turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to observe some of the subtleties of the work process:

  1. The coating, which is based on cement, should be covered with a layer of rags at least 2 times a day (in the summer period – at least 3 times a day) and sprayed with water until completely wet. Such a simple manipulation will slow down the loss of moisture in the cement until the chemical reaction in its composition ends. If this is not done, the floor will be fragile.

  2. The composition made on the basis of polymers must be properly protected from direct sunlight, otherwise local overheating of the material will occur, which is fraught with shrinkage or swelling of the surface.

  3. When installing a self-leveling floor, it is necessary to apply each subsequent layer only after the previous one has completely dried. The duration of work can be determined by multiplying the number of layers by the drying time of one.

  4. Before laying the self-leveling floor, it is important to carefully study the information from the manufacturer of the composition. It usually indicates the method of application, the application technology and the drying time of the floor finishing material.

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