9 Best Cooling Facial Mask Recipes


In a large-scale experiment, our analysts identified the 9 best recipes for cooling face masks. They are effective, quickly eliminate irritation, suit different skin types, are easy to prepare and do not require significant expenses for the purchase of ingredients.

Ice mask for emergency face cooling

Ice mask

Means for the operational improvement of the epidermis. Such masks are indicated for itching, allergic rashes, edema. The compress has a delicate effect on the epidermis, therefore it is suitable for sensitive thin skin, including the area around the eyes.

To prepare an ice cooling face mask you will need:

  1. 3 tbsp. l medicinal herb (thyme, mint, calendula, chamomile or a mixture thereof)

  2. 300 ml water

The recipe calls for an herbal decoction. To do this, within 10 minutes. the collection is boiled over low heat, then cooled and filtered. The resulting concentrate is abundantly moistened with a small terry towel. Place the wet tissue for 2 minutes. into the freezer.

A chilled towel is left on the face for a quarter of an hour, after the procedure, a light cream is applied. The ice mask can be used without restriction several times a day, except in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the decoction.

Pharmacy cooling face mask

An agent for soothing injured, burned and inflamed skin. The mask recipe includes:

  1. 1 tbsp. l Enterosgel

  2. 20 ml (1 ampoule) Thiogamma

The basis of the product is Enterosgel, a medicinal sorbent that delicately cleanses the skin of toxins, infections, allergens and other irritants. The drug nourishes tissues, tightens pores, and eliminates inflammation.

Thiogamma is an endogenous antioxidant. The drug strengthens the cellular structure of the epidermis, reduces the severity of the vascular network. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and solution for infusion, but liquid is preferable for masks.

The ingredients are mixed in the proportions indicated in the recipe. The mass is applied to the face with an even layer, left for 20 minutes, then washed off with cold water. The product is suitable for daily use.

Algianate tea cooling mask for combination skin

Algianate tea

Sodium algianate is a plant polysaccharide of brown algae. The compound is a natural sorbent, absorbs toxins, neutralizes free radicals. In the composition of cosmetic masks, the substance normalizes the acid-base balance of the skin (pH), moisturizes, soothes and heals it. In parallel, the polysaccharide has a lifting effect, evens out the face contour, relieves swelling.

Mask recipe:

  1. 2 tbsp. L of powdered sodium algianate (~ 30 g)

  2. 10 ml boiling water

  3. 1 teaspoon green tea leaves

  4. 1 teaspoon mint (dry or fresh)

A strong drink is brewed from tea, mint and water, filtered. Algianate is diluted with the resulting liquid. The optimal consistency is the state of thick sour cream. The mass is cooled to a comfortable temperature, when it comes into contact with the wrist, there should be no discomfort.

The mixture is applied to the face with a wide brush. After 15-20 minutes. the mask will completely harden. The resulting crust is removed with a smooth movement from the chin to the forehead. Wipe off the rest of the product with a damp towel. Does not require rinsing.

One of the key benefits of the Algianate Cooling Mask is that it can be used all over the face, including the lips and eye area. Eyebrows and eyelashes should be left untreated, which may suffer when the peel is removed. The tool demonstrates the best results with regular use with a frequency of 2 times a week.

Gelatin based universal cooling face mask

Gelatin replenishes collagen deficiency, enhances the protective properties of the skin, and due to its emulsifying properties it serves as an excellent base for cooling face masks. According to the recipe, 1 tbsp is required to prepare the base. l powder and 4 tbsp. l warm water. They are mixed in a ceramic container, then sent to the microwave for 15–20 s.

The remaining ingredients of the cooling mask are selected based on the desired effects and medical contraindications in the form of allergies:

  1. Menthol extract. Tightens pores, cools, relieves puffiness, itching, redness.

  2. Lavender oil. It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, soothes the skin, promotes healing of wounds and burns.

  3. Lemon essential oil. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, reduces inflammation, cleanses the keratinized epidermis. Also, lemon brightens age spots, freckles, reduces the severity of the vascular network.

  4. Grape seed oil. Contains plant estrogen, antioxidants and fatty acids needed to restore the cellular structure of the epidermis. Extraction of bones helps to heal wounds, remove redness, vascular mesh.

According to the recipe, add 5 ml of a suitable oil to the liquid gelatin base cooled to 30-32˚C. The extracts are not mixed, they are alternated to achieve diverse effects.

Using a cosmetic spatula or brush, spread the mass over the face. After 20 minutes. the film is removed, washed, the skin is wiped with an ice cube. For the best effect, the procedure is carried out twice a week.

Homemade cooling gel mask

Gel cooling mask

A cost-effective alternative to store-bought patches. The product removes swelling, improves complexion. Prescription requires:

  1. Mix 5 g of gelatin / agar-agar / sodium algianate with 70 ml of water.

  2. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. or dissolve in the microwave for 20 sec. Add a couple tablespoons of water if necessary.

  3. Spread the warm mass (~ 35˚C) over the cellophane bag in a layer 3-5 mm thick.

  4. Place the layer in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

  5. The face is covered with a frozen mixture. The agent is left for 15-25 minutes, then removed. To achieve the best cooling effect, at the end of the procedure, wipe the face with an ice cube or moisturizing toner.

Vitamin-honey for sensitive skin

The product is used for irritations caused by trauma, dermatitis and metabolic disorders. According to the recipe, the basis of a cooling face mask is 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tbsp. l of cucumber, avocado, kiwi or peach grated on a fine grater.

The beekeeping product acts not only as a binder, but also as a biostimulant with an antiseptic effect. Honey soothes the epidermis, saturates cells with moisture, activates tissue regeneration, due to which redness disappears, and the intensity of itching decreases.

Fruits have additional effects:

  1. Cucumber. Vegetable juice is rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, panthenolic acid, thiamine, potassium, iodine, zinc. Such a complex of macro- and microelements restores skin elasticity, soothes irritation, removes redness.

  2. Avocado. Contains lutein and oleic acid, which strengthen capillary walls, improve blood circulation in tissues. An external manifestation of this effect is a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of the vascular network, elimination of puffiness, redness.

  3. Kiwi. The fruit is a source of natural antioxidants and low molecular weight organic acids. Substances improve complexion, relieve itching, irritation.

  4. Peach. It is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary for stable blood circulation, as well as cell renewal and vascular strengthening.

  5. Pumpkin. Contains retinol – a natural antioxidant that increases the protective properties of the skin. Pumpkin improves complexion, whitens freckles and age spots, eliminates inflammation.

The recipe allows the use of individual fruits or their arbitrary combination. The main thing is to observe the proportions of honey and pulp.

The fruit and honey mixture is kept on the skin for at least half an hour. At the end of the procedure, the face is washed with cold water, rubbed with a moisturizing tonic. For best results, the cosmetic liquid must be refrigerated. Sessions are conducted as needed, but not more often than once a day.

Best Aloe Cooling Mask

aloe mask

A delicate product to soothe and moisturize irritated skin. The recipe is simple:

  1. Mash the pulp of 2 large leaves of the plant (~ 50 g) until puree.

  2. Apply gruel to face, leave for 20 minutes. soak in.

  3. Wash off the pulp with cold water.

Use the mask as needed.

The best cooling mask with sour milk

A broad spectrum product for all skin types and ages. Fermented milk products contain about 200 biologically active components, including a complex of polyunsaturated acids that nourish, moisturize, restore and rejuvenate the epidermis.

With regular use, such a cooling mask evens out the complexion, intensifies metabolic processes in tissues, and triggers cell regeneration. Helps with sunburn, allergic itching, peeling, and irritation caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands.


  1. 2 tbsp. l kefir / unsweetened yogurt / fermented baked milk

  2. zest of 1 lemon

  3. 1 teaspoon chopped fresh mint or 5 drops of herbal pharmacy extract

The ingredients are mixed, spread over the face in an even layer. Gentle treatment of the eyelids is allowed without the mixture getting on the mucous membrane of the eye. The product is left for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. Suitable for daily use.

Point cooling eye mask

To remove redness, swelling and swelling of the eyelids, it is enough:

  1. 2 bags of green tea

  2. 200 ml of water

According to the recipe, the packages are poured with boiling water, left to brew for 8-15 minutes. Then for 2 min. they are left in the freezer. After cooling, the bags are placed in front of the eyes. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

General recommendations for the recipes of all masks

General recommendations

The use of cooling masks requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Check for portability of the components of the tool. Herbal extracts, honey, citrus fruits are powerful allergens. Ensure compatibility before using them for the first time. To do this, a few drops of emulsion, decoction or honey are applied to the bend of the elbow. The result is assessed after 12 hours. If a potential ingredient has not caused negative reactions, it can be incorporated into a cooling face mask. Otherwise, you need to contact a beautician to prescribe a suitable product.

  2. Only fresh ingredients. Masks from products should be prepared just before application. Compositions prepared in advance lose their therapeutic properties.

  3. Use on clean skin. Before applying the product, make-up must be removed, after washing, do not use caring serums, creams.

  4. Distribution of the mixture along the massage lines. This is how additional stimulation of tissues is achieved, the outflow of lymph improves, swelling and stagnation of blood flow are eliminated.

  5. If you adhere to the proportions of the recipe and general recommendations for use, a cooling face mask will become a faithful assistant in maintaining the freshness, beauty and health of the skin.

  6. A cooling mask is a great way to improve your face. Such funds allow you to eliminate redness, flaking, itching and other unaesthetic manifestations of allergies or skin irritation at minimal cost.

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