9 best books about vampires

Best Book Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Vampire books are quite popular among fans of mystical fiction. For fans of the genre, we have selected the 10 best works of Russian and foreign writers. Surely everyone will find a book to their liking.

Rating of the best books about vampires

Nomination a place composition rating
The best Russian books about vampires 1 The death of the author – Eliferova Maria 5.0
2 Lena Obukhova, Natalia Timoshenko. Darling 4.9
3 Marina Bagirova, Nina Barkhat. Assigned 4.8
4 Zotov, Republic of the night 4.7
The best foreign books about vampires 1 'Count Dracula, Vampire' Stoker Bram 5.0
2 Stephenie Meyer. Dusk 4.9
3 'The Lot of Salem' Stephen King 4.8
4 Those who hunt in the night – Hambly Barbara 4.7
5 Richard Matheson, I Am Legend 4.6

The best Russian books about vampires

In modern works, the image of a vampire has been worked out in some detail, given that it was formed not so long ago. Much attention is paid to the sexual image of the being, his impulses of the soul.

The death of the author – Eliferova Maria

Rating: 5.0

The death of the author - Eliferova Maria

The work of the Writer Maria Eliferova is distinguished by its delightful leisurely, original presentation of the story. The novel begins with a note from a London newspaper about the death of the famous author Mopper. Further, the reader will have to find out what happened to the deceased – suicide, crime or accident.

The book is part of the cycle 'Dracula. Free sequels'. She has a lot of fans who are delighted with how Eliferova skillfully jokes and parodies the vampire archetype, magically prescribes kinesthetics. This is a kind of philological thriller that will appeal to fans of the genre and fans of the writer.

Lena Obukhova, Natalia Timoshenko. Darling

Rating: 4.9

Lena Obukhova, Natalia Timoshenko.  Darling

Next in the ranking is a fantasy love novel written in modern prose. The plot of the book is revealed in 2020. Vampires openly announced their existence and came to people in peace. After three decades, the young vampire decides to marry a mortal woman, and he is allowed to turn her into a vampire if she agrees to it herself. As a result, many brides claim the heart of a rich vampire who are ready to fight for the right to become the wife of an immortal handsome man.

Readers are delighted with the interesting plot, pleasant characters, original presentation. The book is literally swallowed in a few evenings. However, the reviews about her are mixed. To some, the plot seemed hackneyed.

Marina Bagirova, Nina Barkhat. Assigned

Rating: 4.8

Marina Bagirova, Nina Barkhat.  Assigned

The book is about a girl named Diana, who lives in a luxurious house and does not deny herself anything. Christophe visits her twice a year and brings her terrible pain. Diana is not loved in the family, they do not want to notice her. Then she decides to leave her home and find new owners.

This book is perfect for fans of the vampire sagas. With each page it draws in more and more. The text is written in a simple and understandable language, without unnecessary monotony. The work is often compared to 'Twilight'. There is the same forbidden love of a girl and a vampire here. Feelings are based not only on passion and tenderness, but also on cruelty, violence and lust for blood.

Zotov, Republic of the night

Rating: 4.7

Zotov, Republic of the night

It is difficult to tell at once what genre the book by Georgy Zotov “Republic of the Night” has. Thriller, black humor, satire and parody are mixed here. Only vampires live in the world invented by the author. Dracula replaces God here, and blood replaces oil. Monsters are worried about the crisis in the country, the lack of work, the actions of the authorities. In general, everything is here, as in the modern world of people.

Inserted between chapters are original instructions and advertisements that make the picture of vampire life even more realistic. Opinions about the book are conflicting. Some were confused by the description of the bloody scenes, while others liked the sarcasm in relation to the famous works of vampires. If the book does not catch the reader from the first pages, he is unlikely to be able to read it to the end.

The best foreign books about vampires

The second nomination of the rating includes popular books about vampires written by foreign authors.

'Count Dracula, Vampire' Stoker Bram

Rating: 5.0

'Count Dracula, Vampire' Stoker Bram

The category opens with a vampire novel that has become a world classic. Hundreds of scientific articles and studies are devoted to the writer and the heroes of the work. The book has been filmed more often than any other work of this genre. The central character – Dracula, she is the 'son of the Dragon', has become a real legend with a capital letter. It was this book that spawned the entire genre in which Simmons, King, and Holland began to write.

Undoubtedly, the primary source of vampires deserves a leading place in all kinds of ratings on this topic. However, there were those to whom the work seemed protracted, boring and naive. In any case, the book is recommended for reading to all fans of the genre.

Stephenie Meyer. Dusk

Rating: 4.9

Stephenie Meyer.  Dusk

Regardless of whether the audience liked the movie 'Twilight' or not, we advise you to read the book by Stephenie Meyer. This is a legendary edition, the characters of which are much livelier and more interesting than in the film of the same name. A novel about the love of a schoolgirl and a vampire is more suitable for a girly audience. Girls aged 13-20 will definitely like it. They will definitely be able to feel all the experiences of the main character, plunge into an unusual world filled with hatred and love, injustice and bravery.

The work is read easily and quickly. There are no deep philosophical thoughts in it that need to be discussed. Everything is simple and romantic.

'The Lot of Salem' Stephen King

Rating: 4.8

'The Lot of Salem' Stephen King

The next line of the rating belongs to the classics of the horror genre. Stephen King's fans consider The Lot to be one of the scariest vampire-themed novels. There is no tale of how a monster and a mortal girl fell in love with each other. King's bloodsucking monsters are ruthless, aggressive and fearsome. They are traditionally afraid of fire and crucifixion.

Readers with bated breath are immersed in a realistic world of horror and do not get tired of admiring the familiar King's tricks. There is a small town in the book, and the secrets of its inhabitants, and unexpected deaths of the main characters. The advantages include interesting characters and an original plot, strong emotions from reading. Children should not read The Lot.

Those who hunt in the night – Hambly Barbara

Rating: 4.7

Those who hunt in the night - Hambly Barbara

Barbara Hambly's book has it all – a wonderful description language, a well-thought-out plot, original dialogues. It is noticeable that the writer took her work seriously, she respects her readers. There is no water in the text, the plot is very rich and intriguing. According to him, the vampire of London hires a retired secret agent to find a killer of his own kind. His family's life is at stake.

The book has a sequel entitled Journey to the Land of Death. Judging by the reviews, the second part is slightly weaker than the first. The work is advised to all fans of the genre. It will definitely not disappoint fans of vampire stories.

Richard Matheson, I Am Legend

Rating: 4.6

Richard Matheson, I Am Legend

The hero of the last participant in the rating is Robert Neville, who became the only person who survived the epidemic, the signs of which resemble vampirism. He took refuge in an armored house and tried to find a formula against the virus. This plot is familiar to almost everyone from the blockbuster of the same name with Will Smith.

We recommend reading the book that formed the basis for the script of the popular film. This is the only way to find out how Richard Matheson saw the end of history, what is so shocking to the philosophical meaning of the world of the future. This book never ceases to amaze. It is not in vain that the cult work of science fiction has earned the recognition of millions of readers.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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