8 main reasons why the washing machine makes a lot of noise when spinning


It is normal for the washing machine to make little noise when spinning. In this mode, the drum accelerates to 1000 rpm (or even more), so you can't get rid of the hum. Normal noise is low, uniform, with a slight 'turbine effect' when starting the spin cycle.

If the washing machine noises unevenly, very loudly, sometimes even vibrates during spinning, this first of all signals a breakdown. The damage can be as minor as you can fix it yourself; and quite serious, requiring a visit to the service center.

the washing machine is making noise

Possible reasons why the washing machine makes a lot of noise during spinning

The probable reasons due to which the existing washing machine begins to make a lot of noise when switching to spin mode are:

  1. Underload, overload, imbalance of the loaded and dried linen;

  2. Incorrect placement of the 'washing machine' itself in the room;

  3. Preservation of transport anchors (bolts);

  4. Ingress of a foreign object into the tank of the device;

  5. Bearing wear on the drum shaft;

  6. Defective shock absorbing springs or shock absorbers;

  7. Malfunction of the electric motor or abrasion of its brushes;

  8. Malfunction or clogging of the drain pump.

As you can see, the reasons for the increased noise level during diagnosis can be very different. And only in some cases can you fix them yourself.

Cases where the washing machine makes noises during spinning due to improper use or installation

Before grabbing a screwdriver or calling a service technician, pay attention to the nature of the noise. If the washing machine emits uneven knocks, clicks, as if something is falling in it, weakly hums in the intervals between them, and it is clear that it is not gaining standard speed – most likely, this indicates underload or overload.

The washing machine is designed to work with a certain amount of laundry. In the spin mode, she tries to distribute it evenly inside the drum so that when accelerating to 1000 rpm there is no imbalance or distortion. If there are too few things in it, or there is one, but heavy (like sneakers), it is impossible to place them. The same happens if too many things are loaded.

This problem can of course be solved by yourself. It is necessary either to report things (if there are too few of them), or to pull out excess ones (if too many). But it is generally not recommended to wring out sneakers and other shoes in a washer or any centrifuge.

If the 'washer' starts to hum and vibrate strongly, or even 'jump' when drying wet clothes, this indicates, first of all, an incorrect installation. Check:

  1. No distortions. If it turns out that the 'washer' is tilted in any direction, set it on a level;

  2. No contact with walls. The 'Washer' should be at a distance of 2 cm from the nearest obstacle;

  3. Floor stability. If the floorboards are loose under the unit, it is worth repositioning the unit. Or reinforce the floor.

  4. If the washing machine makes a noise during the first start, then you must immediately interrupt the set cycle and check if all the transit bolts have been removed. Remaining retainers inside the machine may damage the drum. And, of course, they will cause a loud noise, sharp 'jumps' of the 'washing machine' itself and an increased level of vibration.

These causes of increased spin noise can be corrected by yourself. But in all the rest, the intervention of a service specialist is required.

Cases when the washing machine makes noise during spinning and a call to the master is required

The 'washing machine' can make noise during spinning and due to more serious damage. And in these cases, you will need to contact the service center:

  1. There is a foreign object between the drum and the inner wall of the tank. Most often, there are bra bones, flash drives, keys and large coins. In this case, during centrifugation, a characteristic clang, crackle, squeaks and similar sounds are heard;

  2. Worn bearing on which the drum pulley is located. This functional element is covered with a stuffing box, which, at the same time, also deteriorates over time. Water gets into the bearing – and it breaks. Thereafter, the vibration increases, the noise becomes louder and 'thinner' than usual, and a grinding grinding is sometimes heard. In case of serious damage to the bearing, leakage of varying intensity of the tank itself and the appearance of characteristic dark or rusty spots on clothing are also observed;

  3. Worn or damaged shock absorber or springs. In this case, the “washing machine” begins not only to make more noise, but also to knock noticeably, and sometimes even bounce during strong acceleration. Internal beats and drum skew may also be heard. The most striking sign of this breakdown is a significant increase in device vibration;

  4. Damage to the drain pump. With such damage, it is not the drum of the washing machine itself that makes noise. Unpleasant sounds come from 'below', and poor-quality waste water discharge can also be observed. Breakdown can be caused by a foreign object entering the pump pump, or by burnout of the coils or damage to the impeller;

  5. Deterioration of the electric motor. Breakdown is quite rare, but it is regularly observed in old or actively used devices. If the electric motor is worn out (its brushes are worn out), then it becomes unable to gain sufficient revolutions during centrifugation, a characteristic low noise is heard from the motor, and sometimes sparks appear.

  6. In rare cases, an increase in noise and vibration can also be caused by the collapse or loosening of the counterweight; loosening the drum pulley; and a noise filter blade. But, regardless of the nature of the breakdown, it is definitely not recommended to repair it yourself.

When repairing in all of the above situations, disassembly of the broken device is required. In addition, with some damage, the only way to fix the malfunction is to replace the damaged part. So, self-repair can be not only ineffective, but also traumatic.

You can only clean the pump pump yourself if it gets dirty with something. But, again, the exact method of this repair differs for different models and manufacturers of household appliances.

So regardless of the nature of the damage, it is recommended to call a service technician who will identify the malfunction and fix it.

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