8 best books on finance

Best Book Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Books on finance aren't just of interest to economists and entrepreneurs. Today they are popular with people of all ages and professions. The benefits help to improve their literacy, stabilize and improve their financial situation. For many, they have become a start to a completely new life.

In our rating, we selected the 8 best books on finance by domestic and foreign authors, which are a tool for increasing capital, improving and personal growth. They were created in different years, but, despite this, they have been adapted to modern realities.

The works are written in an accessible language without highly specialized, incomprehensible terms and expressions. They will be useful to housewives and businessmen, teachers and workers, students and retirees, that is, to all those who are interested in rising one step higher and are ready to move forward without fear of difficulties and uncertainty.

Rating of the best books on finance

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best books on finance 1 I will teach you to be rich, Ramit Ceci
2 Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill 550 RUB
3 You are money: live like a rich man, even if you are not, Farnush Torabi
4 Replay Wall Street, Peter Lynch 280 RUB
5 The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham RUB 1,100
6 Where does the money go. How to correctly manage your family budget, Yulia Sakharovskaya 1030 RUB
7 Financial book for the young, the beautiful and the poor, by Suzy Orman
8 How to draw up a personal financial plan and how to implement it, Vladimir Savenok 194 r

I will teach you to be rich, Ramit Ceci

Rating: 4.9


In the first place – the world-famous guide for one and all, how to establish your own life, so that you never feel a shortage of money and live the way you want. It will become a real master class for those who want to raise their level of self-esteem, grow financially, and be more literate in economic matters. The author conducts a dialogue with readers, describing situations and giving examples from life in a completely accessible language, sometimes with humor and self-irony.

R. Cecy will tell not only how to competently manage personal finances in everyday spending, but also teach how to plan a budget correctly, how to work with banks and investments, how not to save, but to earn more. His main motto and message to all striving for a better future: “Practical actions are better than theoretical knowledge!” This means that only on your own mistakes, experiencing failures and difficulties, you can achieve the goal and come to the desired success.

At first, many people do not like all the advice of the writer, but gradual realization leads to the fact that, indeed, real little joys today are better than mythical dreams of something unrealizable. Readers understand that by reducing the cost of something not very important, there will always be money for something that is very meaningful for themselves and the family.

Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

Rating: 4.8


The second in the ranking is a bestseller, which was written by an author recognized as one of the best writers of financial literature of the 20th century. The first publication was published in 1937, and over the decades the book has been translated into other languages, reprinted, and edited to suit the modern economic market. She holds the absolute record for the number of copies sold during the lifetime of the author. Many modern readers are surprised how much his thinking is applicable to existing realities.

What does Napoleon Hill, a philosopher and psychologist of success and self-help, offer us? Using the example of half a thousand real people, he recommends following the path that will lead to wealth and perfection. The author used personal research that he conducted over several years, selecting the most prominent representatives of the global business elite and tracking the stages, from starting a business to stability and wealth.

The work is intended for all thinking people who want to be happy. It will help not only improve your financial situation, but also become a leader in all areas of life. The book will be relevant to students, housewives, athletes, teachers. The experts strongly recommend reading it.

You are money: live like a rich man, even if you are not, Farnush Torabi

Rating: 4.7


The bronze medalist of our rating is a book that taught many not how to become rich, but how to be one. The author is a journalist by training, an economist by vocation – today he is one of the famous financial analyst consultants. The work is written in a light syllable. The reader will not find common phrases in it. F. Torabi gives effective advice on how to improve life and become successful not only in his own eyes, but also in the eyes of others.

This will take a little trick if you are just on the initial path to financial stability and well-being. The author will tell you how to impress the interlocutor, save without burdensomeness, while not forgetting about the little joys and pleasures, and how not to turn your life into boring and joyless.

The book will become a guide for those who do not yet know how to avoid mistakes at the first stage of developing their own business. According to reviews, many who have achieved success consider it to be their manual, which gave impetus and led to the goal. The work is recommended to ambitious people at the start of their careers, it is recognized as one of the best books on finance for young people who are not yet 30 years old, but will be useful for the older generation.

Replay Wall Street, Peter Lynch

Rating: 4.6


An honorable fourth place in the rating goes to an invaluable benefit, which leads all interested parties to stable financial success. The author started his career quite early, taking a part-time job in a golf club to help his family, and from the age of 10 he moved in the circles of millionaires and company owners. He listened to their conversations about stock prices and then became convinced of the correctness of the forecasts. In his youth, when there was no money to study, he realized that he could earn decent money on the stock exchange.

Peter Lynch headed the fund, whose funds were able to grow by 2,700%. At the height of his success, he decided to leave his duty station and start writing books. So, the readers were able to find out how an ordinary person from a poor family has every chance of success and financial independence. The author will reveal the secrets of investing. Using a personal example, he will tell about failures and crazy luck.

A large number of questions will be analyzed and a clear answer to each of them will be received. The author has eliminated professional slang. The book is captivating and humorously written, accessible to people who are not very versed in the nuances of the stock market economy. But it will also be of interest to investment fund specialists, managers and managers.

The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham

Rating: 4.5


Benjamin Graham's book is ranked fifth. An economist and investor has managed to create a guide that is used by millions of people around the world. Written seven decades ago, republished many times and translated into many languages ​​of the world, it tops the list of the best financial works, and the methods proposed by the author do not become obsolete and enable beginners to become full-fledged participants in the stock market.

The main idea of ​​the book is to help a novice investor understand and compare the real value of shares and their quotes on the stock exchange. The author gives clear definitions of speculation and investing. Once these concepts were considered identical, but even today, laypersons have such associations. In fact, this is not an easy way to get rich, it is hard work that relies on careful analysis to avoid unforeseen risks.

Lots of practical examples will make reading easier and more accessible. There are explanations for each chapter, so even beginners will not have difficulty reading. The author strongly recommends that you study those companies whose shares are most interesting at the moment, and do not pay attention to other people's opinions, but rely only on your objective view of the situation.

Where does the money go. How to correctly manage your family budget, Yulia Sakharovskaya

Rating: 4.4


The sixth line of the rating is occupied by the book of the Russian author, an experienced financial consultant Yulia Sakharovskaya. It gives everyone the opportunity to change their lives for the better, learn to manage the family budget, and invest money wisely. Many modern people do not know why their plans do not always come true. And even a stable income does not bring satisfaction in life. All this is the result of inability to manage their own funds.

The author answers topical questions that are interesting to readers of different ages and categories. The book will teach you how to use modern financial opportunities and increase your savings several times, getting acquainted with such instruments as bank deposits, investment projects. It will help you to gain confidence in your abilities in a short time and manage money, and not depend on it.

The manual was written by a modern financier and is as close as possible to domestic realities. It will be easy and simple for the reader to understand the methods using a variety of examples. The book is recommended for both men and women. It will help you plan your family budget correctly, spend wisely, get rid of unnecessary expenses.

Financial book for the young, the beautiful and the poor, by Suzy Orman

Rating: 4.3


The seventh place in the rating is given to a book written especially for young people who have not yet learned how to correctly plan their income. Its author is a renowned financial advisor and motivator. Suzy Orman hosts television programs, columns in magazines, and participates in Internet projects. She is recognized as one of the best business trainers not only in the United States, but all over the world.

The work aroused genuine interest among many people who do not know where to start and what to do in order to achieve financial independence. Many readers were able to really take advantage of the advice and change their lives. The book became a handbook and helped to get rid of credit obligations, taught how to correctly distribute funds, save on unnecessary spending, making priorities more urgent.

The work corresponds not only to American realities. It will become clear to today's Russian youth as well. Many comments and examples help to better comprehend and assimilate what you read. Experts recommend the book as the first financial aid on the path to independent living.

How to draw up a personal financial plan and how to implement it, Vladimir Savenok

Rating: 4.2


Our rating is completed by a book by a Russian independent expert on finance and investment, which is on the eighth line. It will be useful to all those who know how to work and earn money, boldly go to their goals. The author tells in stages how the path to success and independence begins. He will teach you how to properly distribute money, while not saving on important things, but eliminating unnecessary spending.

An analyst will use an example to show how to make money work for you, where it is better to invest it and how to get good dividends. The author will talk about the ways of development and personal growth. Having work experience in both Russian and foreign companies, he offers his own method, which helped him to enter the list of influential financial advisors.

The work raises the question of how to find funds for the implementation of plans and direct them in the right direction. The book is understandable to the domestic reader, does not abound in professional slang and highly specialized terms. It will be useful both for the young generation, and for people of middle and older age, with an economic education and those who are far from financial topics, it will help to put in order the family budget, stabilize the situation and gradually improve it at times.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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