8 best books by Jane Austen

Best Book Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. About selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Jane Austen lived and worked in Britain at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, which is two centuries ago. Despite the temporary distance between the modern reader and the author, the works of the English herald of realism and satirist are still relevant today. Austin has created books that are relevant to all times: they gracefully combine the simplicity of the plot, psychology and subtle humor. It is worth reading at least one novel of the writer to make you want to read more and more. The author made a significant contribution to the development of literary classicism, many works have been filmed. Introducing the top 8 best books by Jane Austen.

Jane Austen's best books rating

Nomination a place Composition rating
Jane Austen's best books rating 1 Pride and Prejudice 5.0
2 Feeling and sensitivity 4.9
3 Emma 4.8
4 Reason 4.7
5 Northanger Abbey 4.6
6 Mansfield park 4.5
7 Lady Susan 4.4
8 Beautiful Cassandra 4.3

Pride and Prejudice

Rating: 5.0

Pride and Prejudice

The story is set in England at the end of the 18th century. The Bennett family has 5 daughters, all are married and are preparing for marriage. Mr. Bingley, a new neighbor of a large family, draws attention to the Bennett's eldest daughter Jane, his feelings are mutual, but the main character's friend, Mr. Darcy, who is distinguished by arrogance, soon falls in love with the girl. A successful marriage is a chance for a happy and dignified life for the daughters of the family, because after the death of Mr. Bennett all the inheritance goes to a male relative.

Despite the noble birth, the heroes show a lack of manners. Dislike, conflicts, lack of understanding, intrigue – this is all that sisters live with in the struggle for the attention of suitors. The problem of the relationship of relatives runs like a red line throughout the entire novel, making it deep, making you think about your own behavior. Will Jane and Mr. Bingley be together, will their sympathy overcome the test, will the other sisters be able to find happiness? The reader learns about this only after reading the novel to the end – it is not easy to predict the outcome, this is Jane Austen's talent.

Pride and Prejudice is the author's best novel. Young Jane began working on it at the age of 21, but the publishers did not like the finished manuscript, so she lay on the shelf waiting for the second release for 15 years! The work was published only after Jane Austen's debut with another work.

Feeling and sensitivity

Rating: 4.9

Feeling and sensitivity

The novel 'Sense and Sensibility' is also found under the title 'Sense and Sensibility', 'Pride and Pride', it is one and the same book, but in different translation variations. John, the son of Henry Dashwood from his first marriage, inherits his father's estate and his order to take care of his three daughters and his second wife, because they receive only a small means of subsistence. However, John's wife quickly makes him understand that the brother does not have financial obligations to the sisters. Mr. John Middleton helps women, who invited them to settle in his estate.

The heroine sisters at the beginning of the novel are only 16 and 19 years old – it's time to dream of love. They have different characters that determine their behavior and the development of different destinies. The elder Elinor is distinguished by common sense, she is restrained in feelings and does not show them, unlike the younger Marianne. Which of them will find their happiness?

Feeling and Sensibility is a love story. The sisters are going through a family drama, each of their own, but the feelings of the heroines 200 years ago practically do not differ from the experiences of our contemporaries, so the novel resonates with readers to this day. Revealing the plot, we note that the characters of the sisters under certain circumstances are smoothed out and become not so different.

Duty, honor, care, love are the main human qualities that Jane Austen skillfully plays in her novel.


Rating: 4.8


A novel about the daughter of a wealthy landowner, Emma Woodhouse, a dreamy and cheerful girl. The heroine grows up without a mother – she was replaced by the girl's governess Miss Taylor. But already at the beginning of the novel, the mentor gets married, and Emma says goodbye to her. The free time, the absence of friends make themselves felt, and soon Emma becomes close to Harriet Smith, a modest young girl who is brought up in a boarding house.

The main character, despite the seeming ease of character, is arrogant and always considers herself right. He is not satisfied with his own personal life because of attachment to his father, but he certainly wants to be involved in the formation of the families of his friends and acquaintances. Harriet Smith also becomes another marriageable girl, Emma wants to bring her closer to a young wealthy curate. Will she succeed, will Emma suit her personal life? Note that events will not develop according to the heroine's plan.


Rating: 4.7


The next most popular novel, Reason, is the story of the daughter of the Baronet Sir Walter Elliot, who, by her own stupidity, found herself in a difficult financial situation. Now he needs to pay off debts, for this he rents out Killinch Hall and leaves for Bath.

Anne was once in love with poor Fredrick Wentworth, and mutually, but a girl from a wealthy family broke off the relationship, wishing her lover happiness, based on the arguments of reason. Eight years have passed, and his blood relatives, by coincidence, are renting Elliot's estate. Now Anne herself was in an unenviable position, and Frederick became a captain and acquired connections, made a fortune. The most interesting thing is that the feelings of the young people who once loved each other are still alive, but Wentworth cannot forgive the girl for her act and understand it. Will Ann and Frederick be together? The reader learns about this only towards the end of the novel.

Jane Austen's Arguments of Reason was written at the end of his life in 1816, but the reader saw the work only after the death of the author.

Northanger Abbey

Rating: 4.6

Northanger Abbey

The novel 'Northanger Abbey' is an ironic story about Catherine Morland, who is very fond of reading 'Gothic novels'. She is sure – her life is filled with mystical events and mysteries. Wealthy neighbors take the girl with them to Bath, where she soon has friends – the sarcastic young man Henry Tinley and the insidious Isabella Thorpe, who dreams of marrying the brother of the main character.

Catherine opens up new sides of life, she becomes the epicenter of intrigue, but the life around is not so exciting, but much more prosaic.

Unlike other works by Jane Austen, 'Northanger Abbey' is not so deeply immersed in psychology, it is read in one breath.

Mansfield park

Rating: 4.5

Mansfield park

Fanny Price was born into a poor family – her father was a poor sailor, eventually began to abuse alcohol and raised his hand against his wife and children. To give the girl a chance for a good life, her mother sent her to her sister, who had successfully married, in the county of Northamptonshire at the Mansfield Park estate. Aunt, Lady Bertram, had a girl who missed her own family, but her younger cousin Edmund supported her, they struck up a good friendship, the girl, without noticing it, fell in love with the young man.

Years passed, the children grew up, Lady Bertram's daughters dreamed of marriage, the eldest son Tom was to inherit his father's estate, and Edmund was preparing to become a priest. Fanny, as before, was a loyal assistant to her aunt. The course of the usual measured life collapsed rapidly when rich neighbors Crawford arrived from London, a young brother and sister, who charmed everyone in the estate, except for the main character. Now home entertainment is replaced by intrigue and jealousy. Fanny has to defend her own independence and love. Now intrigues are woven in the mansion, everyone is trying to arrange their own happiness at any cost.

Lady Susan

Rating: 4.4

Lady Susan

One of the first novels by Jane Austen consists of 41 letters. The author did not plan to publish the work, especially in the form in which it is available to current readers. The 35-year-old widow set out to get married and find a successful match for her daughter. She informs her friend about this.

Susan Veron, the main character, is ready for anything to achieve her goal, she is not stopped by any obstacles on the way, or other people's feelings. Intrigue, manipulation, hypocrisy – these tools are used by the widow throughout the novel. The house left over from her husband was sold for debts, the heroine and her daughter are sent at the invitation of the brother of the deceased husband to his estate, where they are not expected, but ready to accept. The mother finds a good match for her daughter, but the young and stupid lord is carried away by Lady Susan herself. However, she had already looked into the game for herself and began to weave intrigues.

'Lady Susan' is one of the most profound works of Jane Austen, despite the young age of the author at the time of the creation of this story.

Beautiful Cassandra

Rating: 4.3

Beautiful Cassandra

The short work 'The Beautiful Cassandra' closes the review – a parody of sentimental novels of that time. This is the early work of young Jane Austen. In the plot, the story of a young girl who wants to find adventure, for this she is published.

It is difficult to find the work 'Beautiful Cassandra' in Russia – the official translation in our country has not been published, you can find the story in the original in English or publications by amateur translators, fans of Jane Austen's work.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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