4 ways to open hidden folders in Windows 10


Part of the data concerning the user profile and settings of the software installed in the system is hidden by default. The directories containing them are not displayed, since constant access to them is not needed. However, in some cases it may be required. Our experts tell you how to enable and disable the display of hidden folders in Windows 10.

Opening hidden folders with Explorer

The easiest and fastest way is to change the Explorer settings. You can get and cancel access to data invisible in the normal state with just two taps.

Launch the file manager and find the system disk in the navigation area. By default, all versions Windows assign it the letter 'C'. Click on it to open the root directory structure.

In the upper control panel, switch to the tab marked with the number '1'. Set a checkmark in the 'Hidden items' item.

As a result, it becomes possible to see previously inaccessible files. In the file manager window, they will be displayed as semi-transparent icons. The inner content of invisible folders is not additionally protected. You can open them in the usual way and work with the contained data.

To disable the display of hidden elements, perform the actions on the 'View' tab in reverse order.

Correction of system parameters

This function is present in all released Microsoft OS versions, but it can only be opened from the classic control panel. Launch the Run dialog box with the Win + R keyboard shortcut. Enter the 'control' command in the text field, without quotes, as shown in the screenshot.

In the control panel that opens, look for the section marked with a frame.

In the settings window, switch to the 'View' tab. In the area of ​​additional parameters, we go down to the very last item. Install the switch in the place indicated by the number '2' in the screenshot. We confirm the application of the changes made.

By doing the described manipulations in reverse order, you can return the directory display style to its original state.

Opening hidden folders by changing attributes

In some cases, working with hidden files may require regular access to them. In order not to constantly change the display parameters, you can perform the following actions.

We make invisible elements available using the file manager. Right-click on the desired folder, calling the context menu. We go down to the very end of the list of available actions and click the 'Properties' item.

On the 'General' tab, which opens by default, uncheck the box indicated by the number '1'. We confirm the application of the changes. After performing these manipulations, you can return the display parameters to their normal state. All previously revealed folders will disappear, except for the one from which the invisibility attribute was removed.

The described actions also have the opposite effect. If necessary, by setting the invisibility status in the properties of any file, you can hide it from prying eyes.

Direct access commands

In most cases, you need to open invisible directories in order to access ProgramData in the root of the system drive or AppData in the directory of the current user. In the operating system Windows they have what are called relative names. In other words, it is a shortcut that allows you to open them directly without searching in Explorer.

Launch the 'Run' command dialog box with the 'Win' + 'R' keyboard shortcut. Enter% programdata% or% appdata% in the text field and directly open the required section.

The data inside does not have an additional attribute and is always available. Thus, without changing the view settings, you can use relative names to move directly to the desired system directory.


The given tips and operating system settings will help not only open hidden folders, but also, if necessary, hide information from prying eyes.

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