15 best books on selling techniques

Best Book Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The books that we presented in the ranking have helped many sales professionals to significantly improve their skills and increase their own effectiveness. This literature concentrates a maximum of useful practice that can be immediately implemented into work, the result will not be long in coming.

Rating of the best books on selling techniques

Nomination a place composition rating
15 best books on selling techniques 1 'SPIN Selling' by Neil Rackham 4.9
2 'Selling the invisible. A Guide to Modern Service Marketing 'by Harry Beckwith 4.8
3 '45 tattoos sold. Rules for those who sell and manage sales', Maxim Batyrev (Combat) 4.8
4 I can hear right through you. Effective Negotiation Technique, Mark Goulston 4.7
5 'Negotiation without defeat. Harvard Method ', Roger Fisher, William Urey, Bruce Patton 4.7
6 'No thanks, I'm just watching' by Harry J. Friedman 4.7
7 'How to Sell Anything to Anyone' by Joe Girard, Stanley H. Brown, Simon J. Brown 4.6
8 'The psychology of consent. A revolutionary technique of pre-persuasion ', Robert Cialdini 4.6
9 'Call master. How to explain, persuade, sell over the phone ', Evgeny Zhigily 4.5
10 'Tough sales. Make People Buy Under Any Circumstances', Dan Kennedy 4.5
11 'Building a sales department. From “zero” to maximum results', Konstantin Baksht 4.5
12 'Sell or will be sold to you' by Grant Cardon 4.4
13 'How I was selling Viagra. Jamie Reidy 4.4
14 'Get it all out of business! , Andrey Parabellum 4.3

'SPIN Selling' by Neil Rackham

Rating: 4.9


Ranked first to become a bestseller in business literature, SPIN Selling by eminent marketer Neil Reckham. The author has been researching marketing problems and ways of solving them all his life, received the status of a high-class specialized specialist and consults well-known corporations to improve the success of their activities. The approach of such a master cannot be superficial: it shows how different the technique of making large-scale and small transactions is, how they are similar, and answers the main question of marketers: how to improve product sales at different levels, how little things affect success. The materials presented to the reader are his own experience and analysis of the work of Neil Reckham.

The book is focused on improving the skills and effectiveness of sales managers and managers of different levels. The material has been reprinted and supplemented more than 10 times, translated into different languages ​​of the world and is successfully sold all over the world.

'Selling the invisible. A Guide to Modern Service Marketing 'by Harry Beckwith

Rating: 4.8


Winner of the Effie Award, established by the American Marketing Association, Harry Beckwith, who worked as the head of the largest advertising agencies and showed high performance, became the author of the unique book Selling the Invisible. A Guide to Modern Service Marketing 'that not only teaches how to sell, but also changes the minds of marketers and sales managers. Compiled on the basis of 25 years of experience, it contains a juicy squeeze of the techniques that the author has mastered and implemented in corporations.

The book is written in small block-paragraphs, useful material is presented through the description of real practical examples from the activities of large companies on the example of Federal Express, Citicorp, the author also presents cases from the practice of small firms, shows the difference between the processes and explains its essence. It is easy to introduce information into real work – the proposed techniques are clear, simple, and very effective and useful, it seems like the specialists themselves did not think of this before?

Harry Beckwith's book Selling the Invisible. The Guide to Modern Service Marketing 'is actively used by professors of specialized faculties in Russia and Europe, it is suitable for improving the activities of specialists in the field of strategic marketing and sales of services and goods.

'45 tattoos sold. Rules for those who sell and manage sales', Maxim Batyrev (Combat)

Rating: 4.8


The next book on sales techniques in the ranking was written by our compatriot Maxim Bogatyrev, nicknamed 'Combat', a well-known marketer, speaker of large business communities and conferences, who gained knowledge and practical experience, independently going from a manager to a board member of a consulting company.

The basis of the book is Kombat's invaluable practical experience, real deals and the ways to them. The key events in his career are the very 'tattoos', the lessons that Bogatyryov learned, now he is sharing them with readers – managers, leaders of different levels.

Sellers who have achieved success in business are not shy about the Russian name of their profession and proudly bear the title of 'sold'. The author, showing the practical experience of such people, teaches other colleagues to be proud of their work, because this is the only way to achieve the heights in negotiations, conducting and generally working with a client of any size. The book '45 tattoos for sale 'is worthy of becoming a desktop – each lesson can become a hint in a certain situation that arises daily in the work of managers and sellers. Using the recommendations and implementing the author's experience, any sales person can become an expert, this is noted by practitioners who have studied the proposed material. Another important idea conveyed by Maxim Bogatyryov is that any becoming a salesperson is not without stress, and this is normal. You need to learn from mistakes, make them and become stronger, improving techniques for dealing with rejections, objections, recurring depression, inappropriate client behavior, etc. 'Negotiations', Brian Tracy

The world famous Canadian psychologist and business trainer Brian Tracy published the book Negotiations in 2013, which was adopted by marketing and negotiation experts around the world, the material has been translated into 40 languages ​​and has been reprinted more than once.

The value of the book is in its simplicity – the author offers universal rules based on basic and subtle psychological techniques that will help win negotiations of any level and complexity. Moreover, the proposed recommendations will help to successfully conduct dialogues in any area of ​​life. Pay attention: as you read, constant training and observation of the opponent's behavior are needed – only in this process useful skills are acquired.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the book – it is used by various coaches and business coaches to build their programs, Brian Tracy himself shares this knowledge with specialists from such corporations as Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, etc.

I can hear right through you. Effective Negotiation Technique, Mark Goulston

Rating: 4.7

I can hear right through you.  Effective Negotiation Technique, Mark Goulston

Author of the book 'I Hear Right Through You. Effective Negotiation Technique 'Mark Goulston is a professional psychiatrist and effective negotiation coach who works with FBI negotiators. For many years, he has been developing in practice the techniques of conducting dialogues with clients of different levels, using the knowledge of psychology – they help to guess what the opponent is thinking, allow to predict the reaction and make the first move. The behavioral tactics proposed in the book help to learn how to communicate not only with the target audience of the company, but also with the boss, colleagues and subordinates, even with family members in a constructive way. The career success of almost any employee, the ability to fulfill the set desires depends on this knowledge.

I Hear You Throughout the book contains a lot of information on how to work with clients in a positive way: 'break the wall', get a positive response, persuade them to do something. One of the secrets of the matter is the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor. Not a new postulate, revealed in a new direction.

The book is recommended for study by businessmen and staff members who regularly participate in negotiations.

'Negotiation without defeat. Harvard Method ', Roger Fisher, William Urey, Bruce Patton

Rating: 4.7


Experts of the Harvard Negotiation Project R. Fisher, W. Urey and B. Patton in the book 'Negotiations without Failure. The Harvard Method 'covers such complex topics as conducting constructive dialogues with clients in different environments: dealing with objections, illogical behavior of the opponent, and emerging conflict situations. No less valuable is the experience of the authors in protecting against client manipulation. The methods proposed by experts are simple and understandable, effective in conducting principled negotiations to find mutually beneficial solutions with the interlocutor and solve common problems, bypassing the position of attack.

The book will be useful to all professionals working in the field of communications and negotiations. It is used by word masters all over the world, the text has been translated into 18 languages ​​and published with a circulation of more than 2 million copies. It is interesting that since the publication of the book 'Negotiations without defeat. Harvard method 'began active work on the study of the dialogue process and conflictology.

'No thanks, I'm just watching' by Harry J. Friedman

Rating: 4.7


The familiar and annoying 'No thanks, I'm just looking' is a red rag for any salesperson, as a non-purchase-oriented customer is wasted work of marketers and the rest of the team of specialists promoting goods and services. Harry Friedman has come to grips with the issue of transforming a passing visitor into a client, he teaches how to sell any goods unobtrusively, but interestingly and effectively.

The methods proposed by the author allow with humor and ease from a potential buyer to make a real consumer of services and goods in retail, using humor and basic feelings of understanding the problem of a person and involvement in his life. By implementing Fridman's recommendations into practice, you can not only sell the main product, taking into account the buyer's need, but also offer an additional one – the person will definitely not refuse and will be sure of the need for a transaction. Using communication methods, you can not only achieve success in sales, but also move up the career ladder.

'How to Sell Anything to Anyone' by Joe Girard, Stanley H. Brown, Simon J. Brown

Rating: 4.6

'How to Sell Anything to Anyone' by Joe Girard, Stanley H. Brown, Simon J. Brown

The title of the book speaks for itself – from this literature everyone, even an inexperienced seller or novice manager, will understand how to sell goods and services without much effort.

Why is the book worthy of attention? It contains the practical experience of the author Joe Girar, the greatest car dealer listed in the Guinness Book of Records – over a fifteen-year career, he managed to sell 30001 cars, in terms of about 2000 cars per year, or 5-6 units per day! This result was possible thanks to the author's five sophisticated techniques of leading a client from viewing the product to purchasing. The authors offer interesting ways to manage deals, reveal interesting methods of finding out the necessary information about the buyer and his needs, which will guarantee subsequent sales.

Joe Girar and his colleagues assure that if a car dealer was able to implement sales techniques into work and made a fortune, any reader can repeat the techniques: “Traders are not born, they become. If I did it, you can too. I guarantee you. '

The book is recommended for familiarization to anyone involved in any kind of direct sales in a hot and cold circle: managers, sales representatives, consultants and their leaders.

Rating: 4.6


The next book in the ranking is' The Psychology of Consent. The revolutionary method of pre-persuasion 'is a textbook for employees of any organization: the author suggests using pre-persuasion to reach an opponent's agreement even before negotiations begin. The method described in the book is called revolutionary and practically trouble-free, and, as real practice shows, using it, you can get an increase or increase in salary, enlist the support of partners for the development of a risky project, make the client want to purchase an expensive service or product without pressure. avoid refusal and disputes in a business dialogue, in a family to persuade household members to spend time the way you want.

The method of Robert Cialdini, the leader of world social psychology, is interesting for its versatility and ease of development, but before it will work flawlessly, you have to practice. The book presents the long-term experience of successful salespeople of the world's largest corporations using 117 real situations as an example, 7 methods of persuading and inspiring the interlocutor are given.

'Call master. How to explain, persuade, sell over the phone ', Evgeny Zhigily

Rating: 4.5


The book presented in the rating 'Call Master. How to Explain, Persuade, Sell by Phone 'is a must-read for all salespeople working with customers remotely. Such contacts are difficult because of the lack of visual and tactile communication, therefore, it is necessary to cling to a potential buyer more skillfully than when meeting in person. The secret to the success of telephone conversations is a specially built dialogue system, suitable for cold and hot, incoming and outgoing calls. The book also discusses ways of working with objections and disagreements of the opponent, Evgeny Zhiglinsky gives examples of hundreds of tactics for constructing an effective conversation – they can be used as a script at work.

We recommend making the book a desktop for such specialists as remote salespeople, managers of different levels, including experienced craftsmen.

'Tough sales. Make People Buy Under Any Circumstances', Dan Kennedy

Rating: 4.5


For those salespeople and managers who can't believe in themselves, Hard Selling. Make People Buy Under Any Circumstances' Dan Kennedy will be the starting point for a new professional life. The material changes the way of thinking of managers and heads of sales departments: the pages contain only harsh extracts from the practice of leading businessmen of world corporations.

Aggressive bargaining tactics to close profitable deals, according to psychologist Dan Kennedy, are the best way to promote goods and services without waiting for the customer to give the seller a tough fight. Purposeful persuasion, progressiveness and discernment, the ability to anticipate the development of a business conversation are qualities that an effective salesperson, manager and department head must possess. When introduced into practice, the techniques will help to acquire regular customers and continue to avoid their rejection.

The book is written in a harsh language without unnecessary digressions, examples of successful businessmen are given, other teaching works and courses of the author are partially presented. They do not look like a regular textbook 'Hard Selling' – there are no digressions and abstruse terms at all, which can make it difficult to read. No motivational appeals, the book is written in a thesis, dry and practical. The material will be useful for professional managers and sellers.

'Building a sales department. From “zero” to maximum results', Konstantin Baksht

Rating: 4.5


Book 'Building a sales department. From “zero” to maximum results' was published in 2005, since then it has not lost its relevance, only supplemented and republished. It is based on the successful experience of the sales departments of 40 companies of different levels throughout the country and the near abroad, including the author's own company.

Konstantin Baksht was involved in developing a strategy for creating an imperfect but effective sales department, introducing various technologies for organizing the work process and training personnel. It's no secret: the experience was both successful, leading firms to large profits, and a failure – some tactics led only to zero capital and the closure of companies.

In the book, the author describes practical experience that can be adopted by the heads of sales departments, but as a textbook it should not be used – the information must be analyzed and taken into account, this is a way not to get on the 'rake' that hit the forehead of Konstantin Baksht's company. He describes the possible risks, some effective tactics for conducting transactions and group work.

'Sell or will be sold to you' by Grant Cardon

Rating: 4.4


The main idea of ​​the author of the book Sell or Sell You is the need to master the technique of persuading buyers. Grant Cardone offers uncomplicated, hands-on customer management techniques from the idea of ​​creating a salesperson's goods and services. The presented methods are suitable for use in everyday and business life: to convince friends and relatives to spend time in a certain way, to get the support of sponsors and investors for the development of the project, the technique will even help to convince the loan officer at the bank to issue you a loan, as well as to agree with the child about successful studies in school or university.

In addition to selling techniques, the author presents simple ways to learn interesting communication, and insecure people will learn to defend their own point of view and not be afraid to argue with stubborn opponents.

According to the author, after reading the book Sell or Sell You, every manager or salesman will be able to succeed in work and everyday life, making it bright.

'How I was selling Viagra. The true story of the blue pill that the whole world knows, about people selling excitement, and the secrets of the pharmaceutical business', Jamie Reidy

Rating: 4.4


The book with an interesting title 'How I Sell Viagra …' is written in an unusual format for business literature, the autobiography of the author Jamie Reidy, who retired from his military career at the age of 25 and changed his position to a sales representative for the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer. In the course of the story, the secrets of the enterprise's production processes are revealed to the reader, the author does not hide a number of violations and tricks that enterprising sellers use to enrich the company's account, even the work of doctors and medical personnel is revealed from a new side. Despite the seriousness of the topic, Jamie delivers material with humor, easily and naturally, while simultaneously introducing the reader to the secrets of the success of all modern pharmaceutical companies.

Why do doctors prescribe certain drugs, but drugs do not always show effectiveness? How justified is the price of Viagra, and what is its real effectiveness? These and other related questions will be answered in the book 'How I Sell Viagra …'. There are no open management lessons in the material, but there is an important idea – every salesperson should have a strong motivation for success and a certain tactics and behavior model.

'Get it all out of business! 200 ways to increase sales and profits', Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum

Rating: 4.3

'Get it all out of business!  200 ways to increase sales and profits', Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum

The fifteenth in the ranking book, recommended by marketing experts for reading to every marketer, manager and direct sales person – this is a methodological guide 'Get it all out of business! 200 Ways to Boost Sales and Profits'. It is clear from the title – the material contains two hundred well-known and exclusive methods and algorithms for increasing the efficiency of sales and the transition of companies to the next stage of development and work with clients and partners. Their uniqueness lies in the simplicity of perception and implementation, the absence of costs for the introduction of tactics into real practice.

According to the authors, the overwhelming majority of competing companies and individual specialists are not aware of the proposed techniques, and this is a unique opportunity to take the reader's case forward, leaving the rest behind.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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