10 secrets of how to remove oily shine from the face


Oily shine on the face is a problem that many women are familiar with. It is not easy to get rid of it, the face begins to shine in the most inappropriate situations. However, there is a way out, in order to reduce the degree of oiliness of the skin, you can use the methods that professional cosmetologists told journalists about. Among them – cleansing and improving skin tone, the use of home remedies that will help remove oily sheen.

The causes of oily shine on the face

The causes of oily shine on the face

The most likely cause of a shiny face is your skin type. This problem is typical for oily dermis. Dry epidermis can also shine, since increased dryness does not exclude increased fat content. But this rarely happens. The fact that you have oily skin, in addition to an unnatural shine, is also evidenced by the following symptoms:

  1. Enlarged pores on the forehead, nose, chin, and in some cases even on the cheeks. The pores expand from the fact that they do not have time to remove sebum, since the sebaceous glands are working too actively. As a result, the pores become clogged and stretched, and the skin looks loose and bumpy.

  2. Sebaceous plugs, black comedones, which can occur over the entire surface of the face, but the same T-zone is more susceptible to this problem. The reason for the appearance of such aesthetic defects also lies in the disruption of the functioning of the hallucinations, in the increased contamination of the skin, if the volume of hygiene procedures performed is insufficient.

  3. Frequent inflammation and rashes are integral companions of the fatty type epidermis. The glands that produce sebum are too active, this, in combination with other negative factors, leads to the fact that foci of inflammation, redness, and irritation regularly appear on the surface of the face. In clogged pores, purulent processes begin to arise, as a result of which a person suffers from acne and acne.

  4. Decorative cosmetics do not stay on the surface of the face for more than two to three hours after application. Foundation and powder, blush simply flow off the surface of the face, 'float', mixing into one continuous dirty spot.

To finally make sure that you have an oily dermis and that is why a shine forms on your face, an express test will help. If 2-3 hours have already passed after washing, the test can be performed at any time of the day. Take a paper towel and apply it to the surface of your face on your forehead or nose. If there are characteristic marks on the napkin, and the oily sheen at the place of touch has disappeared or has become less obvious, then the sebaceous glands really produce more secretion than necessary.

Additional reasons that can contribute to the appearance of oily shine on the face:

  1. The consequence of the environment in which the person is. Absolutely any skin will begin to shine if the day is very hot, the room is stuffy, or you are in a bath, sauna, or on the beach. The face begins to shine, but this is not a pattern that is characteristic of the body. And it's easy to fix the problem – just change the situation.

  2. Improper care of the oily epidermis. This can be both a hobby for cheap care, decorative cosmetics of dubious quality, and a common disregard for hygiene rules.

  3. Improper nutrition. If your diet consists mainly of fast carbohydrates, flour, fried, spicy and smoked, as well as confectionery, sugary carbonated drinks, a greasy shine on your face will constantly bother you.

  4. Frequent stress and conflict situations that contribute to the disruption of the central nervous system. In this case, the central nervous system makes the glands work more actively, which leads to a variety of abnormalities, including a greasy sheen on the face.

  5. Disorders in the work of the digestive system. When the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver function incorrectly or malfunctioning, as well as if chronic diseases of these organs have arisen, this immediately affects the condition of the skin.

  6. But the most common cause of oily sheen on the skin, even if it belongs to the normal or combined type, is hormonal changes. These can be disorders or bursts of hormone production that occur at certain periods of a person's life. A greasy shine appears on the face of women before the onset of critical days, during pregnancy and lactation. And among adolescents (regardless of gender) – during the transition period. Also, the cause of oily sheen on the face at any age can be disruptions in the endocrine system.

The first rule is daily cleansing


If you want to remove oily shine from your face, the epidermis after a night's sleep must be cleaned and prepared for applying makeup. However, there is one peculiarity here – girls whose face shines, wash their faces more often than necessary. Usually, cleansing the epidermis is required in the morning and before going to bed. But the oily sheen forces you to wash your face 4-6 times a day. At the same time, the more often and thoroughly sebum is washed off, the more diligently the epidermis develops new. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with washes, in order to remove oily sheen, it is better to use matting agents.

Cleansing the skin, which will remove oily sheen from the face, takes place in two stages:

  1. Remove makeup and remove all impurities using milk, makeup remover, micellar water. Cotton wool or a cotton pad should be moistened abundantly so that there is no need to rub the epidermis hard, which is fraught with early wrinkles in the future.

  2. Wash with water while using gel, foam for oily and combination dermis. It is recommended to give preference to products that contain extracts of aloe, cucumber, chamomile, tomato, apple. You can also consider gels for washing with salicylic, lactic acid in a concentration of no more than 2%. Such preparations gently and carefully remove dead skin cells, remove excess sebum and help cleanse the pores. For washing, it is important to prepare water at the right temperature – it should be as warm as your body. Too hot water will stimulate the active work of the sebaceous glands, and too cold a liquid dries and ages the skin.

  3. After washing your face, do not rub your face with a towel. Let it dry naturally by blotting it lightly with a paper towel to remove dripping drops.

The second rule is regular deep cleaning.

Once or twice a month, you can do a more thorough cleansing of the skin. The use of surface acid peels will remove oily shine from the face and renew the skin.

Since acid peeling is a relatively aggressive product, it is recommended to consult a beautician before buying it. A specialist will help you choose the best preparation, the composition of which is optimal for your skin type and will not harm.

The third rule is scrubbing


After washing, once every 2-3 days, you can treat the surface of the face with a scrub. The use of such a product gives additional cleansing and massage effect, due to which oily sheen will appear less often.

You can buy a scrub for oily skin at a beauty supply store or make your own. If you choose the latter option, there are several folk recipes you can use. The main thing is that the scrub consists of two components – one acts as a base, the second as an exfoliator. Our experts recommend testing these options:

  1. The base is something thick or viscous – natural yogurt without additives, sour cream, glycerin, honey.

  2. An exfoliator is something that has small particles without sharp edges – finely ground table or sea salt, soda, crushed oatmeal, fine brown sugar, fresh or drunk coffee grounds.

  3. You can also add moisturizing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components to the scrub, for example, a few drops of lemon juice or gelatin swollen in water.

  4. After mixing the components, scrubbing must be carried out quickly, as the exfoliator can dissolve in the base. The scrub is applied to the surface of the face with gentle circular movements along the massage lines. After rubbing the product into your skin, wait a couple of minutes and wash it off with plenty of warm water.

The fourth rule is vaporization

Steaming the skin of the face, which must be carried out once or twice a week, will effectively cleanse it, improve blood circulation, and stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes. Often, vaporization should not be done so as not to once again activate the activity of the sebaceous glands, which are sensitive to an increase in external temperature.

To perform steaming, use one of two methods:

  1. Prepare hot water that produces steam. This can be ordinary drinking water or an aqueous infusion / decoction of chamomile, any medicinal herb. Cover your head with a towel, bend over a container of liquid, but do not bring your face close to the surface of the water so as not to get burned by the very hot steam. This steam bath should be taken for 5-7 minutes.

  2. Prepare hot, but not scalding water or a decoction of medicinal plants. Soak a small hand towel in the liquid, preferably a terry towel as it will hold more moisture. Wring out the towel so that no water drips from it, place it on your face and lie down for 10-15 minutes until the cloth cools.

  3. After vaporization, you can wash with foam to remove the remnants of dead cells and impurities. It is not recommended to go outside after the procedure (at least for 1-2 hours), especially in the cold season.

Before engaging in steaming your face, it is recommended to consult a doctor or a beautician, as you may have contraindications for a thermal procedure. For example – diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The fifth rule is the application of care products

Indications for the use of CC-tonal cream

Oily skin, which is constantly shiny, needs hydration and nutrition, which must come from external sources. This can be found in a water-based moisturizer. It should be applied immediately after cleansing and other procedures. After 5-10 minutes, the face can be rubbed with a paper towel to remove unabsorbed residues.

Sixth rule – toning and closing pores

In order for the pores to close and not to release sebum, as well as to prevent dirt and particles of decorative cosmetics from getting into them, the face must be treated with a tonic. It is desirable that the composition of the product contains many useful components of natural origin, and there is no alcohol.

Ice can also be used as a tonic. Short-term exposure to cold will heal the skin and help close pores more effectively. Ice can be prepared in the refrigerator freezer using a mold with small square compartments, as well as a variety of liquids:

  1. Plain drinking water.

  2. Mineral water without gas.

  3. Weak decoction of medicinal plants.

To tone the epidermis and remove oily shine from the face, run an ice cube over the entire surface. Including the under eye area – a light touch of ice will relieve bags under the eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles. However, experts warn that this method of toning the skin is not suitable for people who have a vascular mesh on their face, as well as those who have a very delicate and sensitive dermis.

Seventh rule – the use of decorative cosmetics

Correct makeup will help remove oily shine on the face. You need to apply cosmetics in the following sequence:

  1. After cleansing and carrying out all the preparatory manipulations, apply a primer to your face. It is desirable that this is a silicone preparation with a matte finish without shimmering effect. The primer evens out the microrelief of the skin, covers the epidermis with the thinnest film and prevents the appearance of oily sheen. It will also prolong the 'wearing' of makeup, keeping cosmetics from spreading.

  2. If there are any blemishes on your face – scars, scars, acne, enlarged pores, bruises under the eyes – use a concealer to hide the imperfections. The color of the corrector must be selected in accordance with the color of the defect. For example, a greenish remedy is suitable to mask red acne and scars, and a yellow, orange preparation can be used to hide bruises under the eyes.

  3. Apply foundation. For the skin on which oily sheen constantly occurs, you can choose a product with a light texture and useful properties. For example, BB or CC cream with a matte finish.

  4. In order to give the face an additional matte finish, it is recommended to use mineral powder. It will not clog pores and protect against shine.

Other decorative cosmetics – shadows, lipstick, blush, must be dry. In this case, even 5-6 hours after the makeup is done, it will not seem to others that your face is shiny.

Eighth rule – emergency measures

emergency measures

If the need to remove greasy shine from your face often catches you at the most unexpected moment, keep in mind the following ways to quickly fix the situation:

  1. Using matting wipes. You just need to apply such a napkin to the problem area, and the skin will become matte again, since a special tissue will absorb excess secretions of the sebaceous glands. However, this method, which helps to remove oily shine from the face, is suitable only for those girls and women who do not use decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder). If there is makeup on the face, it will be lubricated during use of the napkin and partially absorbed into the fabric.

  2. A universal refreshing agent – thermal water in a spray bottle. The liquid instantly moisturizes and refreshes the skin, removes oily sheen, even if applied over makeup.

  3. Oatmeal powder. If you use regular powder, then the oily sheen will disappear instantly, the face will become dull. But the situation with the skin will worsen. Applying mineral powder will not harm the skin or clog pores. But quality mineral products are expensive. What if there is no money now, but you don’t want to endure a greasy shine on your face? Make the powder yourself! To do this, you only need a coffee grinder and a few spoons of regular oatmeal. Place the oatmeal in the container of your kitchen appliance and begin the grinding process. After a few minutes, fine powder, almost oat dust, will collect on the inner surface of the grinder lid. Collect it in a cleaned jar of used powder and apply to your face as needed. The advantages of oatmeal powder are that it has a shade suitable for fair skin. If you have dark skin, try making buckwheat powder as described above.

The ninth rule – the use of masks for oily dermis

Cosmetic masks are a great way to normalize the condition of the skin, eliminate oily sheen and reduce the severity of other problems and defects. There are a lot of recipes for masks for oily skin, you can choose the appropriate option from our list or make your own, based on your preferences and needs of your particular epidermis.

Face masks that allow you to remove oily shine from the skin:

  1. An absolute must-have for every woman who wants to remove oily shine from her face is a good supply of cosmetic clay. Any will do – white, pink, green, blue, black. This is a simple product, it is inexpensive, it is sold in any pharmacy, it can be stored for a long time, it helps in any situation if you have 20 free minutes. Such a mask can be done even every day in the morning or before attending a celebration where you want to look perfect. The mask is made quickly and easily, provides excellent results for 3-8 hours. You need to dilute a few tablespoons of cosmetic clay with warm drinking water and apply the mixture to the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin using a flat cosmetic brush. If there is no brush, feel free to apply the composition with your fingers, after washing your hands with soap and water. As soon as the mask is dry, you can start counting the time – after 10 minutes it must be washed off. If a feeling of tightness arises, this is normal, as the clay shrinks as it dries. This property of her contributes to the fact that she literally pulls out all their contents from the pores – excess sebaceous secretions, dense sebaceous plugs, blackheads, etc. The minerals and other nutrients contained in the clay help to normalize the skin's condition, so the oily sheen does not appear as often as usual.

  2. Egg white, lemon juice and aloe juice. If there is only an egg, then you can use it as a mono component of the mask. If you have all the ingredients, then mixing them is very simple. First you need to foam one chicken egg white (or two quail egg whites). Add one teaspoon of juice from aloe leaves and the same amount of lemon juice that you just squeezed to the foam. All this together must be mixed well so that the consistency of the product is uniform. You need to apply the mask for 20-30 minutes in layers. The second layer is applied after the first one has dried, the third – after the second one has 'set'. The effect you can count on after the cosmetic procedure is refreshing, whitening, deep cleansing and pore tightening.

  3. Kefir (or any other fermented milk product), oatmeal or pea flour. A small amount of kefir must be mixed with the second component in such a way that a gruel consistency is obtained.

  4. Yeast, milk, sugar. You can use either dry or 'wet', i.e. live culinary yeast. You can use water instead of milk. The liquid is heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees, two teaspoons of yeast and half a teaspoon of sugar are added to it. After 10 minutes, the mixture can be applied to the face. It will be very liquid, so you need to either thicken it by adding bread crumb, any flour, or apply with a cosmetic brush in several layers.

  5. Oatmeal or pea flakes, half a fresh cucumber. The flakes can be ground into flour or left as they are, the cucumber must be grated or chopped into gruel in any other way. Then mix with oatmeal and let the mixture swell for 10 minutes, then it can be applied to the face.

  6. Raw potatoes, protein, and lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from one tuber of a vegetable, mix it with one chicken protein and several teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the mask to the face with a brush or thicken the mixture with flour.

mask with green tea

Masks should be done in courses – 10-15 procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 2-3 days. After that, you can repeat the course, but use a different recipe, since the skin can get used to the effects of certain components of the mask and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.

Why is it important to take a course, instead of performing cosmetic procedures from time to time, when there are free 30-60 minutes? The thing is that the effect of the natural components of the masks is weak. Beneficial substances must accumulate in the layers of the epidermis in order for you to get a really noticeable and lasting result. Therefore, do not take long breaks between home beauty sessions, because they take up a little time and do not require any special skills or skills from you.

Rules for preparing masks that will help remove oily shine from the face:

  1. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes (unless the recipe specifies a different time for the procedure). Overexposing the composition on the surface of the face is not worth it, there will be no more benefit from this.

  2. Use fresh, quality ingredients. If food is spoiled, pathogenic microorganisms can get on the skin, as a result of which infection will occur.

  3. Mix the components of the masks up to an hour before the cosmetic procedure. It is best to prepare the mixture just before applying it to the face.

  4. If you are using any new foods that you have not eaten before, make sure you are not allergic to them. The rapid test can be done at home. To do this, apply a little of the new product to the skin on the inside of your wrist. After that, it remains only to observe the reaction of the body. The skin should not show signs of hypersensitivity, for example, redness, rash, itching.

  5. If during the procedure you experience a feeling of tightness and slight tingling, tingling sensation is a variant of the norm. If there is a strong burning sensation and pain, then such sensations cannot be tolerated, the mask must be washed off immediately, even if the procedure is not over yet.

  6. If, after applying the mask to your face, you still have a certain amount of the mixture, you should not throw it away, but you cannot store it, even in the cold, until next time. Better to make a mask for the skin of the hands or for the neck and décolleté.

The tenth rule – improvement, normalization of lifestyle and diet

healthy eating

If you start a comprehensive healing of the body, the skin will react to this one of the first. Her condition will noticeably improve, and the oily sheen will cease to bother if you take the following measures:

  1. Undergo a complete examination of the body to identify a disease of the internal organs, which can occur in a latent form.

  2. In order for the glands to produce less fat, stop eating harmful foods and switch to fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, lean meat, fish, whole grain cereals, vegetable oils. To cleanse the intestines, add flax seeds, bran to cereals and salads.

  3. Drink enough clean water (1.5-2.5 liters per day), give up coffee and black tea. Instead, you can drink green tea, herbal decoctions, rosehip water infusion. Drink water even when you don't feel like drinking, at least half a glass. After all, if the body lacks fluid, the skin suffers from this. And when the epidermis lacks moisture, it more actively produces fat.

  4. Consult your doctor about the use of dietary supplements to improve the health of the skin, vitamin-mineral complexes of the type 'skin, nails, hair'.

  5. Use safe makeup and care cosmetics. Cleansers and care products should not contain alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, which have a negative effect on the skin. It is not necessary to buy expensive products. Firms such as Mary Kay, Avon, Oriflame offer high-quality mass-market cosmetics available to a wide range of consumers. They also have a line of luxury and premium products.

  6. Do not use cosmetics that contain oils (fats). To remove oily shine from your face, it is best to use light creams and other water-based products. You can also choose preparations with a matting effect for yourself.

  7. Always wash off your makeup at the end of the day. Sleeping with makeup on your face means worsening the condition of the skin.

  8. The last advice from the experts – try to avoid stress and conflict situations, get more rest, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep. All this contributes to the optimization of the nervous system, the normalization of hormonal levels.

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