10 best knitting books

Best Book Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Knitting is a very useful skill that any girl will need. It's never too late to learn this craft. It is important to find a good teacher and be patient.

Knitting books will help novice craftswomen. They will be discussed in our rating. The selection of participants was based on the following criteria:

  1. clarity of explanations;
  2. reputation of the author;
  3. the popularity of the publication;
  4. quality of design;
  5. the number of described techniques and models of things.

For convenience, the rating is divided into two categories.

Rating of the best knitting books

Nomination a place Name of product rating
Best Knitting Books for Beginners 1 The ABC of knitting, M. Maksimova 5.0
2 3D knitting by T. Percher 4.9
3 E. Zimmerman, Knitting without tears 4.8
4 James Norbury, Knitting Rules 4.7
5 N. Vasiv, Knitting by machine 4.6
Best knitting books for experienced craftswomen 1 T. Vovkushevskaya, Patchwork crochet 5.0
2 250 Japanese patterns, H. Shida 4.9
3 Knitting. Fashionable ideas and techniques. E. Zingiber 4.8
4 Nora Goan, Pattern Encyclopedia, 150 Unique Patterns 4.7
5 Zuevskaya E. Stylish knitting for children. Clothes, accessories, toys. We knit 4.6

Best Knitting Books for Beginners

In the first category, we included books that will open up wide opportunities for those who are just starting to get acquainted with knitting. Over time, the hobby can develop into a decent income. The main thing is to take this literature seriously and not be lazy.

The ABC of knitting, M. Maksimova

Rating: 5.0

The ABC of knitting, M. Maksimova

Maximova's book has been republished about 40 times. Thanks to the manual, several generations of needlewomen have learned to knit. This is a great option for those who have never held knitting needles in their hands. I am pleased with step-by-step lessons with a clear description, an acquaintance with a unique knitting technique from the author.

In the book, Maksimova shares her experience in the choice of fabrics and instruments, talks about gymnastics, which allows maintaining the health of the spine during long work. The tutorial includes 30 different models for children, men and women. There are handmade accessories in the catalog. True, the products themselves are no longer as relevant as before. In any case, the schemes can be used as a basis, and having gained experience, redo them as you wish.


  • clear description;
  • practical advice;
  • 30 unique models of things;
  • popular author.


  • not.

3D knitting by T. Percher

Rating: 4.9

3D knitting by T. Percher

Further in the ranking is a book that introduces beginner knitters to understandable methods for creating volumetric patterns, gathers and waves. At first glance, these elements seem difficult to beginners, but they are not.

Tracy Percher is the winner of the Vogue Knitting Competition for her unique 3D knitting technique. The manual is used by needlewomen all over the world. With the help of this book, you can learn how to correctly read the charts, learn a lot of information about choosing yarn and start creating things such as a pullover, hat, shawl, scarf and snood. The pluses include detailed instructions and colorful photographs. For many, the guide has become a source of inspiration.


  • unique knitting technology;
  • author – the winner of the competition;
  • detailed instructions;
  • colorful shots.


  • there are no serious disadvantages.

E. Zimmerman, Knitting without tears

Rating: 4.8

E. Zimmerman, Knitting without tears

The nomination is continued by the book, which has earned many positive reviews on the Internet. This is an inspirational guide for those who already know a little bit about knitting or are just starting to learn the basics of the craft. It will help you improve your technique, understand how to create complex parts correctly.

The book was written with great love, in a conversational genre. To the delight of the girls, it contains instructions on how to create a coat, plaid, bedspread and seamless sweater. The author discusses the mistakes of beginners, suggests how to choose yarn and knitting needles. They praise the philosophical approach of the writer to the presentation of topics, the presence of a separate chapter on the density of products. There are practically no negative reviews about the publication.


  • many good reviews from knitters;
  • original presentation of the material;
  • there is a chapter on density.


  • not.

James Norbury, Knitting Rules

Rating: 4.7

James Norbury, Knitting Rules

The book on classic knitting contains hundreds of tips that will help everyone get to know more about needlework. The author of the book is a man. On the BBC channel, he hosts a TV show about needlework, is the creator of several books. In this guide, Norbury shares his experience with yarn and knitting needles with the reader. The text is supplemented with instructions, diagrams, historical facts and a bit of humor.

In total, the book contains 60 options for things for all family members – from children to adults. The knitting rules presented in the publication are controversial, but interesting. Judging by the reviews, not everyone is comfortable with the description. However, the presented retro models look charming and relevant today. It is a pity that the illustrations are presented in black and white.


  • the author is a guru in the field of needlework;
  • nice to read the text;
  • 60 options for things.


  • b / w illustration.

N. Vasiv, Knitting by machine

Rating: 4.6

N. Vasiv, Knitting by machine

Further in the ranking is a unique book on machine knitting. It was released in 2018 and is a great beginner's guide. The publication will allow you to master this type of needlework, to choose the right machine and yarn. In it you can find many knitting techniques with pictures. The instructions include sweaters, bedspreads and blankets, as well as simpler products.

Natalia Vasiv conducts classes at a needlework school and is quite famous in Nizhny Novgorod. She skillfully talks in her book about the fun and fast process of creating things. By the way, the first edition of the publication was sold out in just 2 months. This year the book won the People's Recognition Award at the Golden Button competition.


  • many knitting techniques;
  • experienced author;
  • the book is a winner of competitions and a sales leader.


  • there is not enough close-up and other angles of the photo;
  • mainly for owners of double-circuit machines (there is little information on single-circuit machines).

Best knitting books for experienced craftswomen

In the second nomination, we have included manuals that are ideal for experienced craftswomen. They will allow you to develop your imagination, hone your skills and create unique items for your wardrobe.

T. Vovkushevskaya, Patchwork crochet

Rating: 5.0

T. Vovkushevskaya, Patchwork crochet

It is impossible not to include in the rating the book by T. Vovkushevskaya, which will teach needlewomen to knit colored blankets. This pleasant activity will allow you to develop creatively and please your friends and loved ones with cute patchwork items. The author advises using thick threads for faster results. She will teach you the correct color combination.

For experienced craftswomen, this guide will be a new source of inspiration. This is a great gift option. According to reviews, the manual is written simply and clearly. The plaids are great.


  • training in the correct combination of colors;
  • simple and understandable language;
  • cute blankets;
  • a lot of good reviews.


  • not.

250 Japanese patterns, H. Shida

Rating: 4.9

250 Japanese patterns, H. Shida

The nomination is continued by a book by a Japanese designer. It features 250 different patterns with tips and patterns. Here you can find relief patterns, exquisite edging, flowers and cones. A large collection of Hitomi Shida designs was released in Russian in 2019.

The manual will become a practical gift for girls who are fond of needlework. They praise bright illustrations with clear decoding of symbols, decent quality of printed products. The durable cover, clear pictures and the presence of the bookmark are good news. The owners of the book consider it a real revolution in the world of knitting. The skill and imagination of the author are simply amazing.


  • a large collection of patterns;
  • bright pictures;
  • clear decoding;
  • unique schemes of the famous author.


  • not.

Knitting. Fashionable ideas and techniques. E. Zingiber

Rating: 4.8

Knitting.  Fashionable ideas and techniques.  E. Zingiber

The author of the next book will tell you how to beautifully knit things with a luma, knocking, lace and even a fork. The book contains little-known needlework methods that will broaden the horizons of an experienced knitter. Everyone will discover unique techniques and techniques, be able to show their imagination and create exclusive things.

The advantages include bright illustrations, clear instructions, a lot of useful information. Reviews of the book are mostly favorable, but I would like to see the technique of knitting with a needle and a long crochet in it. In any case, the guide will not disappoint.


  • broadening one's horizons;
  • bright illustrations;
  • creation of exclusive items;
  • a lot of useful information;
  • unique techniques.


  • no information about long crochet and needle knitting.

Nora Goan, Pattern Encyclopedia, 150 Unique Patterns

Rating: 4.7

Nora Goan, Pattern Encyclopedia, 150 Unique Patterns

A practical guide by a popular author in the world of knitting has become a real bestseller. This is the best book for anyone looking for new trends. The unique technique of chic patterns with plaits and braids, laconic language, more than 150 author's designs – all this can be found in the Goan encyclopedia.

Judging by the reviews, the information is presented clearly and clearly. The book can be found on the Internet, but it is much more convenient to keep it close at hand. It will help in creating new projects and will appeal to those who want to knit a scarf, palatine or plaid. It is worth considering that the font of the book is too small. With such a volume of information, there is no other way, otherwise the manual would have to be published in several volumes.


  • the author has many fans;
  • more than 150 designs;
  • clear and understandable presentation.


  • small font.

Zuevskaya E. Stylish knitting for children. Clothes, accessories, toys. We knit

Rating: 4.6

Zuevskaya E. Stylish knitting for children.  Clothes, accessories, toys.  We knit

Rounding out the rating is a guide that is ideal for creative moms. The book contains more than fifty cute models for children, cute accessories and soft toys. By tying these things with your own hands, you can give your baby happy moments and surround him with care.

The pages show schemes for dresses, pants, overalls, booties and sweaters. Each product is accompanied by all the necessary diagrams, step-by-step descriptions and beautiful photographs. The not very convenient navigation through the book is frustrating. It is not immediately clear how to look for schemes in the announcement. It is a pity, there is no indication of the weight or the yardage of the yarn. We'll have to select by the number of knitting needles.


  • cute things and accessories;
  • the perfect book for moms;
  • step by step description;
  • beautiful pictures.


  • complexity of navigation;
  • without specifying the length of the yarn.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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