Modern air pistols are not the toys we played with as children. The appearance, indistinguishable from military weapons, significant weight, power of the shot – these parameters make the 'pneumatic' an excellent means for self-defense, and also make it possible to greatly diversify leisure time during outdoor recreation. In order to make the right purchase, you need to understand the main types of such weapons and choose the right model.
The best manufacturers of pneumatic weapons. Which to choose?
Currently, on sale you can find a variety of samples of pneumatic weapons, ranging from copies of Chinese production and ending with full-fledged replicas of the original military weapons produced at the same factories. Products of the above-described brands are in demand:
The design of the weapons of these brands is simple and reliable, while not requiring unnecessary care and maintenance efforts. Reviews of certain models are presented on the Internet, there is also a large number of video reviews in which weapons are demonstrated in real conditions.
What types of pneumatic weapons are there?
Given that all pneumatic weapons are a replica of military weapons, there is no point in dividing pneumatics into types in appearance (pistol, submachine gun, rifle). There are much more differences in these 'trunks' in technical terms.
Spring-piston pistols
The most basic type of weapon. When the shutter is twitched in a special reservoir, a pressure of the required force is generated, which, when the trigger is pressed, releases the piston, with which the shot is fired. Such pistols require cocking the hammer before each shot is fired, and the most striking example of such a weapon is the 'air gun', known since Soviet times.
Low cost;
Do not require gas cartridges;
Construction reliability;
Decent shot energy;
Realistic appearance;
Low shooting efficiency;
The shutter must be jerked before each shot is fired;
Low rate of fire;
Gas cylinder pistols
This type of pneumatics involves the use of a special carbon dioxide cylinder as an energy source. Carbon dioxide is an excellent source of energy, and a minimum amount is required to fire. As a result, the compact gas cylinder lasts for a long time. In addition, such a weapon in its functionality resembles a combat weapon – the bullets are stored in the store, and one twitching of the shutter is enough to execute a series of 10-12 shots or empty the store.
Energy source – compact cylinders with carbon dioxide;
Roomy store;
Large kinetic energy of a bullet;
Rate of fire;
Requires regular cleaning and lubrication;
Top Choices for Air Gun
Regardless of how a particular air gun looks like, there are a number of criteria that should be taken into account when choosing it.
Pistol barrel design
The range and accuracy of the weapon entirely depends on the design of the barrel of an air pistol. In this regard, all pneumatics are divided into two conditional categories:
Smoothbore weapons. The barrel of such a pistol has the form of a cylindrical or conical tube with smooth and even inner walls. This type of barrel is lightweight and easy to manufacture, but it has several disadvantages. In particular, the speed of the bullet and the accuracy of its shot cannot be called maximum;
A rifled weapon is analogous to a combat weapon. During production, the inner part of the barrel acquires a special thread, thanks to which the bullet receives rotational energy during the shot. This has an extremely positive effect on the power of the shot, and also makes it accurate;
Ammunition type
Almost all pneumatic pistols shoot compact bullets with differing characteristics and structure of the materials used:
Galvanized metal balls or their analogs covered with a copper sheath are the most commonly used type of ammunition. Provides a high rate of fire and charging, but are not always accurate;
Lead pneumatic bullets are tapered and accurate. The disadvantages of such bullets include severe deformation and, as a result, their disposability;
Muzzle energy
An indicator that directly characterizes the force of a pistol shot and its penetrating ability.
Models with a muzzle energy of 3 to 7.5 Joules are currently the most popular. They are powerful enough, accurate and long-range, but do not require any registration or legalization from the owner. This is the muzzle energy that traditional air pistols, as well as paintball weapons and airsoft drives, have;
Devices with a kinetic energy of more than 7.5 Joules, according to Russian law, are classified as hunting and sporting weapons, and therefore require mandatory registration. Models over 25 Joules – registration, registration and licensing. These are powerful and long-range pistols capable of inflicting serious damage.
In the following articles, our experts will tell you how to choose an optical sight and the secrets of choosing a decoy for hunting.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a purchase guide.