9 best anti-cellulite creams

Ratings of the best health and beauty products

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The girls are sure that they will always have beautiful and smooth skin. But the moment comes when it begins to lose tone, it becomes heterogeneous, flabbiness appears. Neither men nor women are immune from this. 'Orange peel' can occur in adolescents and older people, thin or not, models and athletes. Places most prone to cellulite: thighs, forearms, buttocks, abdomen. What are the reasons for its appearance?

Here are the main ones:

  1. endocrine system diseases;
  2. drastic weight loss or weight gain;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. unbalanced diet;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. hereditary predisposition;
  7. sedentary lifestyle;
  8. alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  9. constant stress;
  10. environmental impact.

It is very difficult to eliminate the already formed 'orange peel'. Only a set of measures will help to increase the tone of the skin, improve microcirculation, and eliminate irregularities. First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet and normalize weight, give up fast food and bad habits, start playing sports, with contraindications – physiotherapy exercises. Modern cosmetology offers a whole range of procedures from anti-cellulite massage to peels and hardware techniques.

The beauty industry produces a huge range of products for the prevention and elimination of skin imperfections, which differ in composition, effectiveness, and, of course, in different price categories. Today we will tell you about the best budget and premium creams that have received high user ratings and are recommended by experts based on the results of tests and clinical studies.

Rating of the best anti-cellulite creams

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best inexpensive anti-cellulite cream 1 Natura Siberica algal-silt 280 RUB
2 Organic Shop Body Desserts Moroccan Orange Souffle 293 r
3 Eveline 345 r
The best anti-cellulite cream in the middle price category 1 Guam Corpo Trattamento Anticellulite Delicato Pelli Sensibili E / O Capillari Fragili RUB 2,150
2 Fresh line aphrodite RUB 3,290
3 Sea Of Spa Anti-Cellulite Cream RUB 1,490
The best premium anti-cellulite cream 1 Cellcosmet & Cellmen XT-A with phyto- and biocomplex RUB 24,990
2 Sisley Cellulinov 15 345 RUB
3 Rexaline Line Killer X-treme Body Sculpt Premium RUB 7 680

Best inexpensive anti-cellulite cream

The first in our rating were inexpensive products of well-known brands that will help prevent the appearance of sagging and uneven skin, significantly improve its condition. Of course, such creams are more suitable for prevention than treatment, but they have an undeniable effect. Active substances in the composition: caffeine, extracts of wheat germ and seaweed, Dead Sea minerals. Their formulation does not include parabens, sulfates and other harmful components that can be harmful to health.

Natura Siberica algal-silt

Rating: 4.8


The Russian brand presents an anti-cellulite cream based on natural ingredients, which helps to reduce fat deposits and signs of cellulite, smooth the skin, and increase its tone. Silt mud collected in Kamchatka removes toxins, excess fluid, saturates with nutrients.

Dark green alga is rich in proteins, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which break down cells, penetrate the epidermis and repair damaged fibers. Lemon balm oil softens and soothes the skin, making it smooth and silky.

Users noted that after 1 week of use, the effect was noticeable: the signs of cellulite became less noticeable. After a month of use, the body contours were no longer blurry. The pleasant smell that distinguishes the natural cosmetics of this brand was also appreciated.


  • effective prophylactic agent;

  • average price – 200 rubles;

  • natural valuable ingredients;

  • elimination of flabbiness with regular use;


  • not identified.

Organic Shop Body Desserts Moroccan Orange Souffle

Rating: 4.7

Organic Shop Body Desserts Moroccan Orange Souffle

The next in the rating we include a light anti-cellulite soufflé, which will not only give you a good mood, thanks to the delicate texture and mesmerizing aroma of citrus fruits, but will also become an assistant in the fight against skin imperfections. It contains no dyes, fragrances or preservatives. Many users noticed the effect after the first application: the skin became soft, its elasticity increased.

Cinnamon stimulates regeneration, as a result of which irregularities disappear. Organic oils of argan, red orange and nutmeg prevent dehydration, moisturize, and improve metabolic processes.

Women highlighted the bright design of the package and its large volume – 450 ml. Despite the fact that this is a soufflé, its consistency is quite dense, so that the cream is consumed very economically.


  • therapeutic effect;

  • affordable price – about 300 rubles;

  • result immediately after the start of application;

  • long-term hydration;


  • not identified.

Eveline. Anti-cellulite slimming cream Slim and firm.

Rating: 4.6

Eveline Slim Extreme 3d

An anti-cellulite cream with a warming effect burns fat cells, shapes the figure, and removes signs of cellulite. Suitable for sensitive skin, recommended for use during massage. The main active ingredient is caffeine. It, in combination with ivy extract and menthol, stimulates metabolic processes.

The composition includes minerals of thermal water and seaweed, intensively moisturizing dry skin. Ginkgo biloba prevents damage to blood vessels and prevents stretch marks.

The non-greasy texture is well absorbed, does not cause discomfort, does not leave marks on clothes. When applying the cream twice a day after a month, improvements were observed: elimination of flabbiness, smoothing of the skin, reduction of the waist and hips.


  • proven by tests effectiveness;

  • budgetary cost – 250 rubles;

  • pleasant aroma;

  • eliminates not only cellulite, but also lightens stretch marks;


  • not identified.

The best anti-cellulite cream in the middle price category

Further in the rating, we included the products that are the most sold and popular among consumers. Mid-range creams are chosen by those who do not trust cheap products and are not ready to shell out a large sum for a luxury product. Many experts agree with this opinion, because they are really developed taking into account the latest scientific discoveries, high-quality ingredients are included in their composition, and their price is not overpriced due to the popularity and popularity of the brand. We present 3 anti-cellulite creams that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Guam Corpo Trattamento Anticellulite Delicato Pelli Sensibili E / O Capillari Fragili

Rating: 4.9

Guam Corpo

The Italian manufacturer has created an anti-cellulite cream for people with sensitive skin, on which spider veins form due to brittle and fragile capillaries. A complex of theofelline, theobromine, caffeine, glycosaminoglycans has an effect on fat cells, breaks them down and stops reappearance.

Natural plant extracts restore healthy and beautiful appearance to the skin. Arugula has antioxidant and calming effects, prevents free radicals and removes toxins. Fucus tones up. Black dropsy increases the elasticity and firmness of blood vessels.

According to reviews, the cream is easy to use: the bottle is equipped with a dispenser that prevents unnecessary consumption of funds. The women noted that it has become an alternative to beauty salon treatments.


  • natural phytocomplex in the composition;

  • natural odor without fragrances;

  • strengthens blood vessels;

  • eliminates neglected cellulite;


  • not identified.

Fresh line aphrodite

Rating: 4.8

Fresh Line Aphrodite

The renowned brand produces natural cosmetics from organic ingredients that are so abundant in the Greek land. All funds are created by hand and bear the names of the heroes of ancient mythology. Safety and hypoallergenicity is guaranteed by the absence of petrochemical products and other aggressive substances in the composition.

The emulsion from the rating with the sonorous name 'Aphrodite' is designed to reduce fat deposits, smooth the skin, make it smooth and elastic. The formula of pink pepper, guarana and capsicum extract improves the functioning of the circulatory system and metabolic processes.

Users noted the real effect of the emulsion, which reduces body volume and eliminates the disadvantages associated with cellulite. Dermatologists advise with caution to use this anti-cellulite cream for people with serious skin diseases, varicose veins, fragile capillaries due to the contained pepper.


  • organic cosmetics;

  • convenient jar with clips;

  • corrects the figure;

  • eliminates cellulite, stretch marks;


  • not identified.

Sea Of Spa Anti-Cellulite Cream

Rating: 4.7

Sea Of Spa Anti-Cellulite Cream

Created on the basis of water, salts and mud from the Dead Sea, the cream improves blood circulation, burns fat, rejuvenates and nourishes. It is suitable for people with sensitive and problem skin prone to irritation.

Thanks to the increased production of collagen and elastin, elasticity is restored and an anti-aging effect is provided. Algae extracts break down fat cells and are excreted through the sweat glands. In addition to components from the Dead Sea, vitamins E and A, camphor, macadamia, cinnamon, olives, extracts of calendula, horse chestnut, aloe, and fucus are included.

The anti-cellulite cream is packaged in 250 ml jars, the lid is tightly twisted. The consistency is creamy, thick. After application, it does not roll, does not leave an unpleasant sticky film.


  • burns body fat;

  • economical spending;

  • pleasant smell of cinnamon;

  • makes the skin smooth and elastic;

  • models body shapes;


  • not identified.

The best premium anti-cellulite cream

We have included premium creams in the last category of the rating, which fully justify their rather high cost. They will become a complete replacement for expensive anti-cellulite procedures carried out in salons, and will allow you to cope with even very serious and pronounced skin imperfections in the shortest possible time. They contain extracts of exotic plants, valuable natural ingredients. In addition to eliminating cellulite, they completely restore the skin, make it soft and elastic at the same time.

Cellcosmet & Cellmen XT-A with phyto- and biocomplex

Rating: 4.9

Cellcosmet & Cellmen XT-A

The beneficial properties of wheat germ oil, soybeans and tree moss extract can be fully experienced using the cream of the luxury cosmetics manufacturer Cellcosmet & Cellmen. The brand from Switzerland uses the most advanced scientific achievements and valuable exclusive ingredients in its formulations to obtain maximum results.

The cream inhibits the activity of an enzyme that promotes the formation and accumulation of new fat cells. As a result, the natural processes of the body are restored, the microrelief of the skin is strengthened and smoothed, and the volumes are reduced.

The main advantage of the anti-cellulite cream: it not only removes skin imperfections, but also fights against the causes of the 'orange peel'. Women who use this rather expensive product unanimously gave it the highest rating.


  • innovative complex;

  • eliminates the causes of cellulite formation;

  • recovery at the cellular level;

  • long-term effect;


  • the price is within 30,000 rubles.

Sisley Cellulinov

Rating: 4.8

Sisley Cellulinov

Another premium product, included in the rating, has a highly effective effect thanks to the formula of valuable plant extracts, natural ingredients and essential oils.

Longan, red clay, caffeine, zedrol and Indian lotus help break down fat and prevent new cell formation. Physalis and soy increase collagen production, thus providing a firming and rejuvenating effect. Shea, rapeseed and sunflower oils nourish and soften the skin, restore its protective functions. Ginkgo biloba tones and strengthens.

Numerous tests and reviews of real buyers have confirmed the effect after the first use: dryness disappears, the skin becomes elastic and soft. After a month of application, volumes decrease, irregularities are smoothed out.


  • fast effect;

  • anti-aging action;

  • eliminates 'orange peel';

  • long-term hydration;


  • not identified.

Rexaline Line Killer X-treme Body Sculpt Premium

Rating: 4.8

Rexaline Line Killer X-treme Body Sculpt Premium

The cream acts in several directions at once: fights cellulite, eliminates stretch marks, has a moisturizing effect, restores elasticity. The exclusive formula stimulates protein synthesis, improves skin condition, and prevents premature aging.

Caffeine accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, prevents their new formation. Mango, shea butter and wild rose oils nourish and soften weakened skin. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, restores its protective functions.

The anti-cellulite cream improves the functioning of the circulatory system, has a regenerating effect, and makes even old stretch marks invisible. The users noted the pleasant texture with mother-of-pearl micro-particles that give the skin a radiance, and the luxurious scent typical of luxury cosmetics.


  • effectively removes 'orange peel';

  • reduces volumes;

  • anti-aging effect;

  • long-term hydration;


  • not identified.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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