6 best flea drops for cats

Goods for pets

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

With the onset of heat, parasites wake up on the street. A cat is a pet, but insects can easily get on it. They can be brought on shoes, clothes, or a bag. The most common are ticks, fleas and worms. Therefore, in order to protect our dear felines, we have compiled a rating of the best drops from fleas and other parasites. Their advantage over tablets and sprays is that they are easy to use and have broad capabilities against parasites. All of them are applied to the withers of the cat – necessarily on the skin, not the wool. Remember that the cat must not lick them off, otherwise it may poison itself. The rating contains drugs with various recommendations and effects on parasites.

Rating of the best flea drops for cats

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best flea drops for cats 1 MSD Animal Health Bravecto Spot On, 1 pipette RUB 1,194
2 Zoetis Stronghold, 3 pipettes RUB 1,464
3 Merial Frontline Combo, 1 pipette 411 r
4 Ceva Vectra Feliz, 3 pipettes RUB 1,030
5 Inspector, 1 pipette 503 r
6 Rolf Club, 1 pipette 184 r

MSD Animal Health Bravecto Spot On, 1 pipette

Rating: 4.9

MSD Animal Health Bravecto Spot It from fleas and ticks, 1 pipette

The drug is originally from the USA. It has been on the market for many years and has established itself as one of the best cat remedies. Narrowly targeted drops, fight only ticks and fleas. Therefore, the product cannot be used to protect against internal parasites. Drawn to the withers. They are used to destroy adult block and their larvae. It is also effective against ixodid (or encephalitis) ticks. Fleas die 12 hours after application, ticks die after 48 hours.

We recommend using this remedy to combat flea dermatitis. Bravecto causes paralysis in insects and, as a result, death. The drug belongs to the category of 'low-risk': it has a minimum number of side effects, the drug does not affect the systems of the animal's body.

It is used for cats that have reached the age of 11 weeks and weighing at least 1.2 kg. Cannot be used on animals in weakened or diseased conditions. But it is permissible to use drops during pregnancy or lactation. Based on the results of our analysis, the action of the tool lasts from two to three months. Depends on the characteristics of the cat. Reuse is allowed no earlier than after eight weeks. It is forbidden to bathe the animal for the next three days after treatment. The main feature: effective fight against fleas that have acquired immunity to other drugs.


  • Safe.
  • Effective.
  • Against fleas with immunity.
  • For pregnant cats.


  • High price.
  • Highly flammable.
  • Only from external parasites.

Zoetis Stronghold for fleas and helminths, 3 droppers

Rating: 4.8

Zoetis Stronghold for fleas and helminths, 3 droppers

A universal remedy for most types of parasites. We added it to the rating due to its extensive pet protection options. It is designed to fight fleas, ticks and roundworms. Thus, having treated the cat once, you will receive effective prevention against all types of parasites. For each type of insect, it is necessary to remember some features of the use of the drug. Stronghold works with fleas at different stages of development – from egg to adult. It is recommended to use drops a month before the start of the season to keep the animal as safe as possible. For the treatment of ear scabies, a single use of the product is sufficient. After the first application, the effectiveness of the drug reaches 94%, after the second application – 100%.

Flea drops can be used from the age of six weeks. They are as safe as possible, the appearance of side effects is possible only if the medicine gets inside the cat. In order to harm the animal, the dose must be exceeded ten times. In cats, the maximum effect of Stronghold occurs after a day. The product is applied only to dry wool. It is advisable not to touch the animal for 24 hours, but you can wash it after two hours.


  • Value for money.
  • Safety.
  • A wide range of possibilities.


  • Flammable.
  • Does not always work with worms.
  • Minor allergies rarely occur.
  • Inconvenient pipette.

Merial Frontline Flea & Tick Combo, 1 pipette

Rating: 4.7

Merial Frontline Flea & Tick Combo, 1 pipette

French drops for cats from fleas and ticks. Their action is based on the destruction of the insect's nerve connections. Thus, it loses the ability to reproduce and dies. The Front Line Combo affects two types of ticks (ixodid and cheilitella), fleas, lice and lice. The drug is completely distributed over the body in 24 hours, all this time it is not recommended to touch the cat. The full effect of the drug begins on the third day after treatment.

The substance is classified as 'low hazard'. Mild irritation after contact with eyes. If there is no particular reaction to the constituent components of the substance, allergy is not a side effect. If irritation occurs, it is enough to wash off the drops and give the pet an antihistamine.

For kittens at least eight weeks old. It is forbidden to use other means together with Front Line Combo, and it is also forbidden to treat animals with weakened immune systems with it. The animal must not be washed for 48 hours after application. Time of action of protection against ticks – 21 days, against fleas – 1.5 months. After the end of this period, it is necessary to repeat the processing.


  • Safety.
  • Affordable price.
  • Effective action.


  • Long term spread throughout the body.
  • Possible allergies.

Ceva Vectra Feliz, 3 pipettes

Rating: 4.6

Ceva Vectra Feliz from fleas, 3 pipettes

French flea remedy. In the process of writing the rating, we learned that it is often misused. Because it is believed that it also helps with ticks. But the instructions clearly state that the action applies only to fleas. Vectra Feliz is the best highly targeted flea medicine on the market, available in the form of drops. Suitable for cats weighing up to 10 kg. In addition to good protection, the company has taken care of a comfortable applicator. It does not harm the cat's skin and allows you to accurately calculate the required dose of the product.

The drops can be used on kittens from the age of six weeks. The only additional condition: the weight must be at least 600 g. For lactating and pregnant cats, the medicine is recommended to be used only under the supervision of a doctor. The product is safe and does not cause allergies; it practically does not enter the bloodstream. All its elements remain on the wool bulbs. So it does no harm and successfully fights parasites.

If there are too many fleas, re-treatment is carried out after two weeks. The maximum duration of the effect is three months. If you have two or more animals, it is best to process them together (but separate them in different rooms so that they do not lick the product off each other). The first signs of action of the drug appear after five minutes.


  • Fast effect.
  • Nice price.
  • Maximum flea protection.
  • Convenient pipette.


  • Lack of protection from other insects.

Inspector for fleas, ticks and worms, 1 pipette

Rating: 4.5

Inspector for fleas, ticks and worms, 1 pipette

A universal insect repellent, created in Russia together with Germany. The list includes 14 types of external and internal parasites. Among them are heartworms and ixodid ticks. The percentage of successful disposal of unwanted guests from 97 to 100%. The action of the drug damages the nerve endings and systems of insects, leading to their death. No breed restriction: the product is applicable to any cat that is not allergic to the components of the medication. But remember that the product is moderately hazardous and consult your veterinarian before using it.

To handle a kitten, the minimum age must be seven weeks and the weight must be 1 kg. Treatment of pregnant and lactating cats is only possible with the permission of the veterinarian. The drug is used for both treatment and prevention. After application, you cannot wash the cat for four days. It is important to study the instructions: for each insect its own dose and terms of use of the Inspector are prescribed. For example, for effective prevention of fleas and ticks, it is enough to treat the cat every 12 weeks. Ear scabies is eliminated in one application of the drug; if necessary, the action can be repeated after a month. Occasionally the Inspector causes redness and light judgment, in which case they will pass by themselves. Due to the toxicity of the drops, it is not recommended to use them as the main remedy for worms.


  • A powerful medicine.
  • Universal formula.
  • A wide range of effects.
  • Nice price


  • Possible allergies.
  • Refusal to eat is possible.
  • Inconvenient pipette.

Rolf Club against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, 1 pipette

Rating: 4.4

Rolf Club against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, 1 pipette

German external insect repellent. Rolf is designed for external use only. By its action, it infects nine types of parasites, such as fleas, lice, lice, ticks, mosquitoes and midges. Both larvae and adults are affected. Therefore, it can be used both as a complete treatment and as a prophylaxis. The remedy works even before the insect bite. The drug does not enter the bloodstream of the cat; it accumulates on the epidermis (the top layer of the skin) and the sebaceous glands. Thus, it is the safest for the cat. Rolf Club is a moderately hazardous substance that does not irritate the skin but may cause slight inflammation if in contact with the eyes. For cats, the drug is not toxic, but deadly for rabbits, fish and bees.

Drops are recommended for kittens from 12 weeks of age. They are contraindicated in sick and recovering animals. For pregnant and lactating cats, the product is also prohibited for use. After application, the death of insects occurs after two hours. The action extends for the following periods: protection against ticks – a month, against fleas – for two months, against mosquitoes – for seven days. To destroy the ixodid tick, you need to drop a drop of the agent on it and on the place of attachment, and in half an hour it will disappear by itself. You can touch and wash the cat only after 48 hours.


  • Fast effect.
  • Nice price.
  • Long term of validity.
  • Wide range of destruction.


  • Toxic to other animals.
  • May cause side effects on contact with mucous membranes.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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