Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
The safety of their own car worries every owner of a four-wheeler, but the security of the car from burglary and theft, as a rule, worries no less. Unfortunately, statistics show that the number of car thefts is growing steadily every year, and sometimes the most modern anti-theft systems do not help prevent the nightmare of any car owner. What cars are stolen around the world? More on this later in our rating.
Factors that increase the likelihood of theft
Every car owner, probably at least once asked himself the question: “What cars are stolen more often than others?” The answer is not that simple. As a rule, there is no clear scheme, but, nevertheless, there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of car theft:
- Alarm presence;
- Year of issue;
- The need for spare parts and the popularity of the model;
- Steering wheel lock.
Among the most stolen cars, as a rule, the most common models among consumers, which are easily lost 'in the crowd' of other cars. That is why luxury brands rarely appear in the theft statistics. By the way, the solid age of the car does not mean at all that the vehicle will not be of interest to intruders: the need for parts of cars of the 90s and 2000s (especially those whose production has already been discontinued) is incredibly high.
Leaders in premium theft
Nomination | a place | Car | Hijack rating |
Leaders in premium theft | 1 | Mercedes – Benz, class C | 5.0 |
2 | BMW 3 | 4.9 | |
3 | Infiniti G Series | 4.8 | |
4 | Mercedes – Benz, class E | 4.7 | |
5 | Cadillac CTS | 4.6 | |
Second hand criminals' favorites | 1 | Toyota Land Cruiser Prado | 5.0 |
2 | Toyota RAV4 | 4.9 | |
3 | Toyota Camry | 4.8 | |
4 | Honda Civic | 4.7 | |
5 | Mazda CX-7 | 4.6 |
Mercedes – Benz, class C
Rating: 5.0
If ten years ago cars like this were not in demand among intruders, recently the situation has changed dramatically: Mercedes – Benz class C is one of the favorites of the hijackers. An elite class car is popular in the Central Asian market, where it usually gets to a short time after the theft.
Models Mercedes – Benz of the class in question is a classic stylish car, which, as a rule, is hijacked under the order of a specific person, and sometimes does not even leave the territory of the country in which it was stolen. Quite boldly and often – with impunity for intruders and the new owner.
Rating: 4.9
A very expensive and definitely a status car that attracts attention on the road. Despite its luxurious appearance, ease of operation and excellent travel, it upsets its owners with a considerable 'appetite' and high cost of spare parts. As a rule, this car is rarely stolen for 'cutting' into parts (which would be logical): the main purpose is resale.
Infiniti G Series
Rating: 4.8
In the rating of 'tidbits' for the hijackers, of course, the Infiniti model of the last – fourth generation falls. This compact, elegant sedan with an impressive engine power is a godsend for any intruder. It is noteworthy that sometimes such a model of a car can be stolen not only from the owner, but also right from under the nose of the seller in the car dealership. There were cases when intruders stole spare keys from new cars, then entered the salon, got behind the wheel of a car and calmly left on it.
Mercedes – Benz, class E
Rating: 4.7
The German car model was considered one of the most popular among the hijackers in 2018 and is still in the ranking of the most preferred by intruders. It is worth noting that the number of stolen copies in 2019 increased by almost a third compared to the previous year – a rather sad statistics for owners of class E vehicles.
Cadillac CTS
Rating: 4.6
The luxurious American sedan fell in love not only with connoisseurs of high-quality four-wheelers, but also for those who like to 'open' such cars and not for good purposes. As statistics show, the theft of a car is committed regardless of the year of its production: this copy can be used both as a 'source' of spare parts and as a product for sale. The latter is facilitated by the rear-wheel drive platform of the car, a high-strength and lightweight body made of galvanized steel and a unique fully independent suspension.
Second hand criminals' favorites
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado
Rating: 5.0
The car that hijackers have had their eyes on for a very long time. And it is not only the ubiquity of the car, but also its excellent technical characteristics: classic frame structure, four-wheel drive, well-designed intelligent system. The cost of the 'filling' also plays an important role in the interest shown by attackers: most of the components of the car Toyota of the Land Cruiser Prado are not cheap at all.
It is worth noting that in terms of real theft rate of a car, models of different years of production are in different places in the statistics of thefts. Although, it cannot be said that a certain year of release somehow affects its 'popularity' among hijackers. The fact is that specimens of different years may have almost no external differences. What can I say: it's mainly a matter of bad luck for the owner of the vehicle.
Toyota RAV4
Rating: 4.9
Another Japanese SUV has been added to the list of the most stolen cars in the world. The model is in great demand on every continent, which automatically makes it very popular among 'lovers' of other people's cars. Quite often Toyota RAV4, like the previous rating member, is used by cybercriminals as a source of spare auto parts.
Models from recent years of production are generally considered the least 'affordable' due to the manufacturer's excellent anti-theft scheme. On the other hand, this same modern electronics is playing a cruel joke with the owner of an SUV. The fact is that in the event of a break-in, the electronic “filling” of the car is simply blocked, and does not signal, so sometimes the thief does not even need to turn off the alarm: he simply changes the control unit for the entire electronic system.
Toyota Camry
Rating: 4.8
Unfortunately for connoisseurs of the famous Japanese brand, cars Toyota, as practice shows, are most popular among lovers of other people's good. And the Camry is the undisputed bestseller among all models of the car brand. Even a car with an additional built-in anti-theft system can quickly disappear into the fog of obscurity and find a new owner or go for spare parts.
Honda Civic
Rating: 4.7
A very popular car model among motorists automatically falls into the list of favorite cars of the car thieves. Why? The answer is simple: common four-wheelers are easily lost in urban traffic and there is little chance of being 'recognized'. The age of the car, unfortunately, does not play any role in this: according to statistics, copies of both the early and late 2000s are equally in demand due to the high cost and relevance of their parts.
A noteworthy fact: even if the model of a car is massive, the likelihood of its theft is sharply reduced in the case of a bright, exclusive painting. Such a car will not get lost on the road and can be easily identified by both witnesses of the hijacking and representatives of law enforcement agencies
Mazda CX-7
Rating: 4.5
Cars of this brand are very practical, but they attract buyers not only because of this: the luxurious appearance and powerful technical characteristics of the vehicle make their contribution. The likelihood is high that intruders are attracted to the same thing in this car. If we talk about the situation with thefts in Russia, then in regional cities budget car models are more often stolen, and such as the stylish crossover Mazda CX-7 are favorites of Moscow and the northern capital.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.