15 smartest cat breeds

Goods for pets

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

There is no single system for measuring IQ in cats. However, breed breeders believe that certain tetrapods learn much faster than others. We have selected 15 of the smartest representatives of the feline family and reflected them in the ranking, divided into 4 nominations.

The intelligence of the animal was determined based on the following criteria:

  1. speed of training to the tray and scratching post;
  2. the ability to respond to one's name and respond to orders;
  3. speed of reaction to external factors;
  4. memory depth;
  5. the ability to distinguish the owner from other people.

The choice of the participants was influenced not only by the natural and breeding characteristics of the breeds, but also by the feedback from the cat owners.

Rating of the smartest cat breeds

Nomination a place breed rating
The smartest shorthair cat breeds 1 Abyssinian cat 5.0
2 Oriental cat 4.9
3 British cat 4.8
4 Siamese cat 4.7
5 Bengal cat 4.6
The smartest semi-longhair cat breeds 1 Norwegian Forest Cat 5.0
2 Maine Coon 4.9
3 Balinese cat 4.8
The smartest longhair cat breeds 1 Siberian cat 5.0
2 Turkish Angora 4.9
3 Munchkin 4.8
4 Russian blue 4.7
The smartest breeds of hairless cats 1 Canadian sphinx 5.0
2 Ukrainian levkoy 4.9
3 Minskin 4.8
4 Peterbald 4.7

The smartest shorthair cat breeds

Short-haired pedigree cats are especially popular with lovers of these animals. They are beautiful and graceful. The smartest of them will be discussed in the first nomination.

Abyssinian cat

Rating: 5.0

Abyssinian cat

The appearance of the Abyssinian cat gives the impression of an independent animal with a proud character. However, in the process of communication, the owner of the four-legged creature will begin to understand that the pet is friendly. It is distinguished by long legs, a neat head with large ears. The color resembles a predatory puma.

The main advantages of the breed include an attentive attitude towards children in the house, the absence of the need for frequent hair care, playfulness and beauty. It is worth considering that the Abyssinian cat cannot stand loneliness and constantly finds places to play. She needs a lot of space, including vertical. You can buy a kitten of the Abyssinian breed for 10-15 thousand rubles.


  • gets along with kids;
  • unpretentious care;
  • friendly attitude;
  • playfulness.


  • require a lot of attention;
  • need space for games.

Oriental cat

Rating: 4.9

Oriental cat

The rating continues to be a sociable cat that expresses its feelings through meowing. She is very loyal to the owner and perfectly understands his mood. Pet owners are delighted with their developed intuition. It seems that she fully understands a person like no other.

The breed looks rather unusual. The main features of the appearance are a beautiful muscular body, graceful paws and a thin tail. Almond-shaped eyes look expressive and mysterious. The main advantages of the variety are easy care, calm attitude towards babies, ingenuity and courage. An oriental cat is not suitable for those who dream of a quiet friend who will sleep peacefully next to them. She is active throughout the day and even at night. Not everyone can afford the price of 15-25 thousand rubles


  • beautiful appearance;
  • easy care;
  • developed intelligence;
  • ingenuity.


  • hyperactivity.

British cat

Rating: 4.8

British cat

The British have a rounded head with pronounced cheeks, a short nose and small ears. Distinguish between long-haired and short-haired cats, but the difference is not very striking. This breed is chosen for its good health, friendly and affectionate character, cleanliness and unpretentious care. The British cat knows how to treat depression in humans, contributes to the development of children in psycho-emotional terms.

Of the minuses, they note the need for proper nutrition (no fish), a wayward and independent character. The British do not lend themselves to training, but they easily learn to use the tray and learn other rules. The cost of a Siamese kitten varies from 8 to 25 thousand rubles.


  • availability and prevalence;
  • strong immunity;
  • cleanliness;
  • is anti-stress.


  • wayward character;
  • fastidiousness in food.

Siamese cat

Rating: 4.7

Siamese cat

Like the previous member of the rating, the Siamese cat has an obstinate and peculiar disposition. She is strongly attached to a person and is able to respond with warmth and tenderness in return for care and affection. The pet will be jealous of other animals. He remembers grievances and is quite vulnerable.

Siamese cats make excellent mouse-catchers. They are cunning, resourceful and stubborn. The strengths of the breed include its graceful and graceful appearance. Judging by the reviews, pets can perform certain commands after proper training. It is also interesting that the cat expresses its desires with the help of a voice, using various intonations. She meets the owner from work and 'tells' how she missed him, purring affectionately.


  • resourcefulness and cunning;
  • elegance;
  • affordable price (a kitten without documents costs from 300 rubles);
  • catches mice.


  • it is worth fencing a small child from a Siamese cat, she can scratch the baby;
  • remembers insults for a long time.

Bengal cat

Rating: 4.6

Bengal cat

One of the smartest breeds is the Bengal cat. She is able to learn tricks and commands, she has a well-developed intellect. The pet acts as an antidepressant for the owner. He is sensitive to his mood. Such animals make excellent watchmen.

Bengals are distinguished by strong immunity and endurance. She is unpretentious in care. All you need to do is follow the standard ear cleaning, hair brushing, and nail clipping procedures. It is a worthy choice for homes with other friendly pets. The price for a kitten starts at 15,000 rubles.


  • exotic color;
  • trainable;
  • good health;
  • unpretentious care.


  • do not like gripping;
  • sometimes acting too loud.

The smartest semi-longhair cat breeds

Cats belonging to the semi-long-haired group have a pronounced pubescence of the sides, tail and collar. They can walk freely during the cold season. They are interested in everything that happens around. They are curious and attached to their masters. Let's get acquainted with the smartest of them.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Rating: 5.0

Norwegian Forest Cat

Due to their fluffiness, the Norwegian Forest cats seem to be quite large. Their body is elongated and massive, and their hind legs are longer than the front ones. The coat pattern is expressive and clear. Its color can be almost any. Reviews about the breed are mostly approving. The owners note the affectionate and understanding character of the four-legged friend.

Of the shortcomings, molt is distinguished in the hot season. A kitten of the Norwegian forest breed can cost 20-25 thousand rubles. If you buy a pet 'from hand', then it is quite possible to find an option for 1000-2000 rubles.


  • many rave reviews;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • gets used to commands;
  • understanding and empathetic pet.


  • in the heat it can shed heavily.

Maine Coon

Rating: 4.9

Maine Coon

The attention of cat lovers is attracted by the calm disposition, soft fur and large size of the Maine Coon. This breed is appreciated for its sociability and responsiveness, funny behavior and mischievous character. Maine Coon is always the star of any evening, the subject of conversations with friends and family. There are not many disadvantages to the breed. They are insignificant in comparison with the developed intelligence of the cat. However, there are still drawbacks.

A breed-class animal will cost the buyer about 40-70 thousand rubles. Such expenses are not affordable for everyone. You need to prepare for the fact that you will have to constantly care for your coat. Otherwise, it will be everywhere. It is also worthwhile to get acquainted with the rules of feeding the Maine Coon in advance. The diet should be rich in protein and minerals.


  • responsiveness;
  • interesting appearance;
  • developed intelligence.


  • the need for enhanced nutrition;
  • expensive breed;
  • complex hair care.

Balinese cat

Rating: 4.8

Balinese cat

Next in the ranking is the Balinese, a fairly popular cat breed. She is appreciated for her beautiful graceful appearance, gentle affectionate character, affection for her master. The pet does not conflict with other animals and treats babies well. Nutrition and care are not particularly problematic.

According to the reviews of the breeders, these are smart animals that are well trained in order in the apartment and are well trained. The weaknesses of the breed are the difficulty in buying a kitten, a large number of hereditary diseases. It is important to consider that the Balinese cat does not tolerate loneliness and is often too talkative. On the Internet, you can find kittens at a price of 1500 rubles.


  • gracefulness;
  • affectionate character;
  • kind attitude towards children;
  • hassle-free care.


  • hates loneliness;
  • difficult to buy in Russia;
  • many genetic diseases.

The smartest longhair cat breeds

Today felinologists distinguish over 30 breeds of long-haired cats. This list is annually updated with new popular varieties. We learn from the third nomination which of them are distinguished by developed intelligence and quick wit.

Siberian cat

Rating: 5.0

Siberian cat

The Siberian cat with a wise and majestic look is considered the real pride of our country. A distinctive feature of the breed is a powerful body, strong-willed character and thick coat. They look especially luxurious in winter, when their cover is fluffy and shiny. Breeders note the hunting qualities of the animal. This is not surprising, because the ancestors are wild animals.

The owners describe their favorites as intelligent, reserved, and easy to educate. The disadvantages include the risk of health problems in old age. But they have almost no hereditary diseases. The average price for a kitten in Russia is 7,000-10,000 thousand rubles.


  • decent appearance;
  • possesses the qualities of a hunter;
  • restraint;
  • easy to educate;
  • good health.


  • get sick a lot in old age.

Turkish Angora

Rating: 4.9

Turkish Angora

The rating is continued by the Turkish Angora, which has dog skills. This is a very loyal and kind cat who gladly brings things that have been abandoned. She perceives this gesture as a fun game. A distinctive feature of the appearance is the almond-shaped eyes, which often come in different shades.

Representatives of this breed are very sociable. They are hardy and patient. They are easy to learn and are considered long-lived. With proper care, the Angora cat can live up to 20 years. A kitten without documents costs from 500 rubles.


  • unique appearance;
  • endurance;
  • affordable price;
  • live long.


  • they do not tolerate loneliness and all the time require attention.


Rating: 4.8


The adorable Munchkin breed is renowned for its quick wits, curiosity and playfulness. Short-footed cats are distinguished by a variety of colors. They have a shiny silky coat and feel great in the company of people and other animals. With babies, cats are patient and allow themselves to be squeezed.

It is necessary to comb out the munchkin 1-2 times a week so that mats do not form. Kittens without pedigree cost 2-5 thousand rubles. Animals under the age of 1 year with all documents will cost about 5-15 thousand rubles.


  • funny look;
  • very smart cat;
  • good character;
  • easy care.


  • regular grooming is necessary.

Russian blue

Rating: 4.7

Russian blue

Russian blue obeys only one master. She behaves very carefully with strangers. Kittens of this breed look just amazing. From the first days these cute creatures begin to understand the words of the owner. Representatives of this species are both long-haired and short-haired. The latter are more popular.

Russian blue is not imposed on a person. She easily tolerates loneliness and is especially smart. The cat understands prohibitions well and reacts to orders. It is frustrating that the fur of animals is prone to drilling, and the pets themselves can get sick with leukemia, rhinotracheitis, obesity. Nurseries ask for a kitten from 8 to 25 thousand rubles.


  • understand the owner's commands;
  • does not get bored alone;
  • smart.


  • there are many negative reviews about the harmful nature of the cat;
  • susceptible to allergies and diseases.

The smartest breeds of hairless cats

Bald cats look very unusual. They appeared due to the lack of a gene that is responsible for hair growth. Over 10 breeds are classified as hairless species. They are chosen not only for their hypoallergenicity, but also for their developed brain.

Canadian sphinx

Rating: 5.0

Canadian sphinx

Sphynxes are distinguished by their excellent memory and the ability to jump to impressive heights. They are easy to train. This breed has many advantages that make it especially attractive for keeping in an apartment. We are talking about an agreeable character, easy learning and high intelligence.

Canadian Sphynxes are attached to their master and are friends with children. They are not capricious and do not require any specific living conditions. The disadvantages of the breed include high prices, a tendency to respiratory pathologies and annoyance. Sphinxes do not leave a person, which can be annoying. Cost – from 15 thousand rubles.


  • excellent memory;
  • easy to train;
  • easy care;
  • docile disposition.


  • prone to respiratory diseases;
  • obsession.

Ukrainian levkoy

Rating: 4.9

Ukrainian levkoy

Next in the ranking is the breed, which is famous for its soft and docile disposition. It fully matches their delicate and velvety cover. Ukrainian Levkoy has a lot of advantages. Pet owners note the cleanliness and dedication of animals, a savvy mind, intelligent behavior.

These tetrapods quickly find common language with other animals. Kittens are litter trained in a short period. And they go to the toilet very carefully. They are easy to train and instantly remember simple tricks. You can buy a kitten without documents for 5000 rubles.


  • pleasant to the touch cover;
  • cleanliness;
  • savvy;
  • good memory.


  • afraid of cold weather;
  • few people are recognized except the owner.


Rating: 4.8


The Minskin breed appeared due to the crossing of two varieties of cats that have already been presented in this rating. We are talking about the munchkin and the sphinx. Typical features include a bald body with furry islands and short legs.

The Minskins are friendly and get along well with children. They love affection and will always reciprocate. Buying a kitten in Russia can be a real problem. Breeders do not strive to breed the breed in our country because of the low profitability. The price for a kitten is quite high.


  • get along with children;
  • original appearance;
  • friendliness.


  • high cost;
  • difficult to find on sale.


Rating: 4.7


Rounding out the rating is a hairless breed, which is distinguished by well-developed muscles and an elegant physique. They are playful and sociable pets that quickly become attached to humans. They often suffer from hereditary diseases and allergic reactions. Direct sunlight is harmful to Peterbald.

The breed is easy to train. The cat from the first time remembers the location of the toilet and is clean. Peterbald requires certain financial costs for care and food. The price for a kitten varies depending on the class. It starts from 5000 rudders.


  • elegant look;
  • remembers information quickly;
  • cleanliness.


  • often get sick;
  • financially costly care.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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