Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
- How to choose a perch spinner
- Rating of the best lures for perch
- Mepps Aglia
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Smith pure
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Mepps Comet
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Blue Fox Super Vibrax
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Rapala Minnow Spoon RMS05
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Kuusamo Rasanen
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Myran agat
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Pontoon 21 ball concept
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Lukris sella
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Panter martin originale
- Advantages
- disadvantages
How to choose a perch spinner
The perch is an unpretentious and rather nimble predator that attacks everything that, in its opinion, swims or moves incorrectly. However, to catch it, you should adhere to a number of requirements for the selection of a thematic spinner. As a recommendation for choosing, we suggest that you pay attention to the following parameters:
- Overall dimensions. The simplest and at the same time fundamental criterion influencing the size of the captured trophy. For small perch, spinners up to 4 centimeters long are ideal. In turn, large perches are actively interested in lures ranging in size from 5 to 9 centimeters.
- Spoon weight. Regarding this parameter, one can give only one unequivocal recommendation: it is worth giving preference to spoons, the weight of which lies in the range from 3 to 10 grams. The finer points of selection by weight criterion entirely depend on the depth of fishing, the desired casting distance and the presence of a current.
Petal geometry (in the case of a spinner). There are three main types of spinner petals:
- round shape, optimal for use in stagnant reservoirs;
- narrow elongated, providing the lure with stability in a fast current;
- oval (drop-shaped), considered universal and intended for dexterity both in the current and in stagnant water.
When buying a spinner, be sure to consider its geometric features.
Coloring. The issue of coloring oscillating and spinning lures is secondary, however, it requires no less attention at the stage after choosing a specific model. In cloudy weather, preference should be given to brighter colors that instantly catch the attention of predators. In light weather and when fishing in shallow water, it is better to limit yourself to natural colors or 'parrots' of soft bright colors, so as not to frighten off the prey.
Rating of the best lures for perch
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Rating of the best lures for perch | 1 | Mepps Aglia | 110 RUB |
2 | Smith pure | RUB 479 | |
3 | Mepps Comet | 115 RUB | |
4 | Blue Fox Super Vibrax | 231 r | |
5 | Rapala Minnow Spoon RMS05 | 395 RUB | |
6 | Kuusamo Rasanen | RUB 400 | |
7 | Myran agat | 173 r | |
8 | Pontoon 21 ball concept | 310 RUB | |
9 | Lukris sella | 188 r | |
10 | Panter martin originale | RUB 150 |
Mepps Aglia
Rating: 4.9
A lure created specifically to go through the difficult path of becoming a beginner professional together with the user. Extremely simple and smart, it is the benchmark among all lures for perch fishing. It contains as many as five rulers, the difference between which is expressed in dimensions and weight. Classic spinners under the bar 1,2 and 3 (whose weight is 3.5, 4.5 and 6.5 grams, respectively) are used exclusively for catching small and large perches, avid to deliberately active rotation of the petal and the appearance of an intricate typesetting core. Models 4 and 5 with a weight of 9 and 13 grams are more suitable for pike, but they do not shy away from putting on a hook a large 'humpback' that suddenly crept into the possession of a toothy predator.
The French, in their usual manner, once again made the most efficient and cheapest bait in the collection, expanding the buying audience to unimaginable limits. Agila has already brought considerable profit to the manufacturer, but it certainly is not going to stop there.
prevalence among Russian fishermen;
the possibility of catching roach, chub, ide (in addition to perch and pike);
good flight performance due to the type of load;
stable operation of a classic petal in low current and in stagnant water;
very low price;
- not found.
Smith pure
Rating: 4.8
The outstanding series of oscillating lures from the Japanese company Smith belongs to the category of near-elite models, distinguished by excellent catchability in the environment of domestic reservoirs. It includes four model lines, different in size and, in general, similar in purpose. The smallest Pure spoons have a mass of 2 grams, as well as its accompanying small length (2.7 centimeters). Their purpose was and remains to catch small nimble perch, very greedy for active play and bright design.
In turn, the largest representative of the series for catching perches is the 5-gram Pure 5 lure, designed for pulling large 'humpbacks' from the water. According to users, equipping these lures with a single hook instead of a tee was the right decision – the models do not lose at all in productivity, even despite the reduced grip.
harmonious appearance in all the variety of colors;
popularity and approval among professionals;
high performance when fishing for perch;
wide range (up to a weight of 18 grams);
- high price.
Mepps Comet
Rating: 4.8
The French series of Comet lures is one of the most common among Russian fishing enthusiasts. The reason for this is simple: the petal geometry is universal, due to which it provides fishing at low speeds and the ability to work in a fast current. The series is subdivided into three different weights, the smallest of which is the Comet PTS 2 (4.5 grams). Its more analogues – PTS 3 and 4 – have the same structure, but work not only for perch, but also for pike.
The spinner relies heavily on two aspects of the petal's play as an alluring effect: high-frequency rotation and a mesmerizing visual effect created by a riot of bright dots against a silver or gold background. The superiority of the series over its competitors is completed by the extremely low price for the finished product, to have in the collection of lures that even experienced fishing masters do not shy away from.
effective method of luring;
very low price;
starts even on slow wiring;
the ability to work on the current and in stagnant water;
- not found.
Blue Fox Super Vibrax
Rating: 4.7
A bright representative of the Blue Fox company was also awarded a place in the rating – the Super Vibrax spinning spoon, which has absorbed all the best from the classic models. Differing from the canons in its pointed petal shape, this lure provides a stable rotation even at low retrieval speeds. On its axis there is a bullet-like weight, as usual bright and performing the function of an additional element of attraction. In addition, he is also largely responsible for the total weight of the spoon, which, depending on the version, is subdivided into 11 and 8 grams (for 4- and 3-cm models, respectively).
Professional anglers are satisfied with the fishing abilities of the Blue Fox Super Vibrax, noting the accompanying low price and abundance of color options in the selection. In terms of skill level, this spoon is perfect for both experienced users and beginners, since it does the main work itself.
acceptable cost;
the presence of an edge that completely hides the tee;
the possibility of long-distance casting;
stable work at low speeds of wiring;
good variety in working colors;
- recently, there has been a decline in supplies to retail stores.
Rapala Minnow Spoon RMS05
Rating: 4.7
The Rapala Minnow Spoon RMS05 curved non-catch lure is the key to stable fishing even in low-activity waters. With a length of 5 centimeters, it possesses an excellent 'hypnotizing' game, which manifests itself at any speed of uniform guidance, as well as in pauses in its stepwise variations (twitching, jig).
As practice shows, the favorite place of any predator is impassable snags and thickets of grass, hiding it from an unsuspecting little prey. For fishing in such places, the RMS05 non-hook is sharpened, the appearance of which catches the fish by surprise and forces them to immediately attack the 'troublemaker'. Due to the rather high current cost and the accompanying specifics, beginners rarely resort to buying this model. Most often, experienced anglers turn to her in order to experiment with fishing in overgrown water.
high efficiency of use in hard-to-reach places for tees;
good catchability of the river predator (perch, pike, pike perch);
a species as close as possible to a real fry (as much as possible in a spoon);
an abundance of color options;
- quite high price.
Kuusamo Rasanen
Rating: 4.6
The first oscillating lure among the abundance of spinners, sharpened for catching standard pike and large river perch. It attracts attention mainly due to the unusual appearance. Still: not in every spoon you can find a bright red pebble embedded directly into the metal. Such a decision causes excitement not only among consumers, but also among the fish themselves, which are certainly carried away by the play of light on the red 'dot'. With a length of 4 centimeters, Kuusamo Rasanen weighs 6 grams, which provides good flight data, a path and with a slight deviation in accuracy.
The warm attitude of anglers to this line is dictated by the versatility and variability of lures. So, in addition to options with standard tees, Kuusamo Rasanen can boast of the presence of non-couplings of the same overall dimensions, as well as models with a more specific color. In relation to the competitors already considered, the price of this line does not differ in the most favorable direction. However, for oscillating lures this is the standard state of affairs – they are often the ones that cost more than the spinning models.
excellent effect when fishing for pike and large perch;
an abundance of options for spinners within one series (from tees to non-hooks);
texture, providing for the presence of a scaly relief;
the presence of a stone attracting fish in the body of the spoon;
- not found.
Myran agat
Rating: 4.6
The catchy lure Myran Agat has gained wide popularity in the circles of domestic anglers for its expressive behavior in the water and extremely low cost for all available equipment. Its strength lies in its absolute difference from others – the concept of a petal and axial weight is significantly different from what we saw earlier. The teardrop shape allows the blade to perform high-frequency movements, finely adjusting to the type of wiring. At the same time, jamming and confused rhythm is unusual for her: the spoon works perfectly downstream. The central part is made in the form of a float and encloses the center of mass exactly in the middle. Thus, a 3-gram spoon gets, albeit somewhat oiled, but very acceptable conditions for long-distance casting.
The cost characteristics of Myran Agat did not undergo any changes, even due to serious fluctuations in the exchange rate, and therefore it advantageously 'broke away' from more promoted competitors. More than one professional fisherman recommends trying it on a pond, complaining about the high efficiency of catching perch and river trout.
great both when playing on the current and in still water;
low price that compares favorably with competitors' offers;
high efficiency of trout and perch fishing;
the presence of a front sight on the tee;
- scarcity of color options.
Pontoon 21 ball concept
Rating: 4.5
The main feature of the next contender in the rating is an even more intricate design, which affects not only the appearance, but also the behavior of the bait in the water. The Pontoon 21 Ball Concept is a spinner with a stacked core, each bead on which shifts the center of gravity closer to the tee (or bottom). This measure was taken in order to improve the flight characteristics of models with different standard sizes, and thereby achieve greater efficiency.
The line contains as many as seven series of spinning spoons, the standard size of which starts from 1 gram and discretely, in 0.5 gram increments, reaches 4. Of course, such a run does not give high variability: older models can barely catch large predators . But there is more than enough potential when fishing for small fish – perch are caught on the spoon very, very often.
reversible petal color;
high-intensity play with various lead variations;
the presence of a red fly for additional attraction of predatory fish;
type-setting weight shifting the center of gravity to the lowest point;
- in the fast flow there is a breakdown of the game.
Lukris sella
Rating: 4.5
Unlike Panter martin originale , Lukris Sella is a much more interesting line with a specific rotating design, but less variability in terms of colors. There are only two of these in this bait: solid gold and silver. The small petal is made in a classic style, with a slight curvature along the entire contour. According to users, the lightness allows the petal to 'wind up' immediately after immersion in water, changing the intensity with different wiring options. For additional stimulation of the nimble predator to attack, a red bead is placed on the spinner axis (immediately under the lead-case) as a target to outline the attacking position.
In addition to colors, Lukris Sella is also limited by the available sizes. For the use of anglers are offered models weighing 5 and 9 grams, the dimensions of which are equally well suited for fishing small and large perch. In terms of cost, they completely suit ordinary consumers, and in view of good catches on any terrain, the price looks negligible at all.
starts up instantly upon contact with water;
optimal cost level;
the presence of additional luring elements in the structure;
all variations are great for catching small predatory fish;
- limited size and color variations.
Panter martin originale
Rating: 4.5
The small lure Panter Martin Originale has long ranged the rapids of the rating of the most catchy lures for perch and other small river predator. Despite its simple design, this model is a great temptation for fish, conquering the latter with stable play with uniform and stepped guidance. The spinner's petal has four types of color: bronze, silver and gold, as well as black, intended for fishing in clean (not overgrown) water. The axial part has a voluminous structure and, depending on the version, gives the spoon from 1 to 9 grams of weight.
The demand for Panter Martin Originale in the consumer segment leaves much to be desired. However, those few who still bought a spoon, note its adaptability to difficult fishing conditions and high efficiency as a reconnaissance bait. Together with the low cost, the line is quite worthy of the title of one of the best for perch fishing.
good efficiency of catching perch and other small predators;
stable work with any type of wiring;
excellent condition as a scouting spoon;
low price;
slightly faded appearance;
low prevalence among domestic fishermen.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.